C++ Crash Course: Quick and Practical Learning
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Embark on a transformative journey through the expansive world of C++ with our meticulously designed course, “C++ Crash Course: Quick and Practical Learning.”
In this comprehensive learning experience, we guide you through the essentials of programming, offering insights into the history and significance of C++, providing a hands-on exploration of Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and guiding you through the installation and configuration process. Our course begins with the fundamentals, introducing you to variables, data types, and operators, and take you to the more advanced concepts.
Dive deep into the intricacies of control structures, including conditional statements like if-else and switch-case, and explore the realm of loops with for, while, and do-while constructs. Moving forward, we explore the dynamic aspects of C++, covering topics such as arrays, strings, and pointers, unraveling their nuances through hands-on exercises.
Transitioning seamlessly, our course delves into the realm of functions and modular programming, providing a comprehensive understanding of function definition, invocation, and the significance of parameters and return values. You’ll explore the intricacies of call by value and call by reference.
As we delve into the heart of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), you’ll grasp the concepts of classes and objects, encapsulation, abstraction, access specifiers, static variables, and functions. Witness the power of constructors and destructors, learn about scope resolution operators, and explore the dynamics of inheritance, including multiple inheritance scenarios.
Building on this foundation, our course navigates through the nuanced landscape of polymorphism, both static and dynamic. Explore overloading functions with different signatures, witness operator overloading, and unravel the mysteries of dynamic polymorphism through method overriding, virtual functions, and abstract classes.
The journey continues with an exploration of data structures and containers, including arrays, vectors, lists, maps, and sets. Uncover the efficiency of Standard Template Library (STL) algorithms and iterators, gaining insights into sorting, searching, and traversing containers with ease.
The final leg of our course ventures into the intricacies of file handling and exception handling. Grasp the essentials of stream-based file operations, understand file streams (ifstream, ofstream), and navigate the realm of exception handling, where you’ll learn to handle exceptions using try and catch blocks.
The grand finale of our course unveils the fascinating world of templates and generic programming. Explore the flexibility and power of function templates, class templates, and template specialization, gaining a nuanced understanding of their application in real-world scenarios.
By the course’s conclusion, you’ll not only possess a comprehensive understanding of C++ but also the practical skills to tackle real-world programming challenges. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned coder, “C++ Crash Course: Quick and Practical Learning” promises to be a transformative journey, equipping you with the tools and knowledge to excel in the dynamic field of programming.
Join us on this enriching adventure and let the world of C++ unfold before you!
14IF, Else if, Else statementsVideo lesson
15Switch Case StatementsVideo lesson
16For LoopVideo lesson
17While LoopVideo lesson
18Do While LoopVideo lesson
19Demo: Table of NVideo lesson
20Demo: n raised to the power pVideo lesson
21Break StatementVideo lesson
22Continue StatementVideo lesson
23Nested LoopVideo lesson
24Demo: Patterns Printing - 1Video lesson
25Demo: Patterns Printing - 2Video lesson
27Introduction of ArraysVideo lesson
28Foreach LoopVideo lesson
29Demo: Sum of elements of an arrayVideo lesson
30Demo: Find the maximum element from an arrayVideo lesson
31Demo: Find the element in an arrayVideo lesson
322 D ArrayVideo lesson
33Demo: Add two matricesVideo lesson
34StringsVideo lesson
39Functions IntroductionVideo lesson
40Function with parameters and return valueVideo lesson
41Parameter Vs ArgumentVideo lesson
42Function with default parametersVideo lesson
43Call by ValueVideo lesson
44Call by ReferenceVideo lesson
45Local and Global VariablesVideo lesson
47Class and Objects IntroductionVideo lesson
48Demo: Create a Class and its ObjectsVideo lesson
49Access SpecifiersVideo lesson
50Abstraction and EncapsulationVideo lesson
51Static VariableVideo lesson
52Static FunctionsVideo lesson
53Friend Functions and ClassesVideo lesson
54ConstructorsVideo lesson
55Constructor OverloadingVideo lesson
56DestructorVideo lesson
57Lifecycle of an objectVideo lesson
58Scope Resolution OperatorVideo lesson
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