Build Tinder Clone Dating App With Laravel Livewire Mastery
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Welcome to the ultimate journey in web development: “Build Tinder Clone Dating App with Laravel Livewire Mastery.” Are you ready to dive into the captivating world of modern web technologies and unleash your creativity? In this comprehensive course, we’ll guide you through every step of crafting a stunning Tinder-like dating app using Laravel and Livewire.
Embark on a hands-on adventure where we’ll begin by designing a landing page that mirrors the sleek appearance of Tinder. From there, we’ll delve into installing favicons and crafting dynamic user experiences with Tailwind CSS. You’ll master real-time communication features and minimalist design principles, creating an app that stands out in the crowded dating market.
We’ll push the boundaries with advanced techniques like integrating websockets for a seamless Single Page Application experience. Explore personalized email notifications, and innovative features like Rewind, Swipe Right, Left, and Up functionalities.
With our expert guidance, you’ll not only build a fully functional dating app but also enhance your Alpine js skills by designing engaging swipe components. Dive deep into creating a beautiful chat interface, mastering the intricacies of messaging, conversation, and match models.
Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a newcomer eager to make your mark, this course is designed to empower you. Join us and unlock the secrets to building immersive web applications that captivate users and leave a lasting impression. Enroll now and let’s embark on this exciting journey together!
1IntroductionVideo lesson
Create new Folder on desktop fo Tinder clone
Goto Laravel website and install via composer
Launch Code editor and open the project folder
Start Php and Npm server
2Install LaravelVideo lesson
We'll start by installing laravel
3Install Breeze Auth with Livewire (Volt Class API) with AlpineVideo lesson
This step will install
Latest Livewire (Bundled with Alpine.js)
Set up Authentication pages and routes for getting started
4Design Navigation BladeVideo lesson
remove <livewire component> and add the @include('livewire layout navigation')
Add auth to relavant code in Navigation
Add @livewireStyles & @livewireScripts to welcome blade
Download/copy Svg Logo ( to be added in
Add Links
remove dropdowns
5Design Welcome PageVideo lesson
Dowload tinder_hero_image
Create assets folder in public and add the image
Add Background image to body for welcome.blade
Change font in tailwind config to 'nunito'
Add center hero
Add main section with testimonials
6Create FaviconVideo lesson
Download png
Let visit Favicon-io website and go to favicon-converter/ and upload the png
Follow the instructions
Copy link tags and add them to all layout files
Unzip & copy downloaded files to public folder
Update app name in env
NOTE! : Visit localhost on port 8000 in order to see favicon updated immediately
7Design app layoutVideo lesson
Add @livewireStyles and @livewireScripts to layouts app because auto inject will only work if a layout has a livewire component present
Download avatar blade component
Create resusable Tailwindcss component called 'bg-tinder'
@layer components {
.bg-tinder {
@apply bg-gradient-to-r from-pink-500 via-red-500 to-rose-500;
8Design Matches TabVideo lesson
9Design messages tabVideo lesson
11Install Hammer js for interactive touch gesturesVideo lesson
Install hammer js
import it in app js
import 'hammerjs';
12Create Swiper ComponentVideo lesson
Create component
php artisan make:livewire swiper. swiper
Add swipe component to home
Add x-data with initial properties
Add Swipe indicator buttons for LIKE or NOPE
Add information section down
13Add Profile Information & Actions to Swiper ComponentVideo lesson
Add profile information
Get icons from heroicons
Add Actions buttons
14Add hammer.js 'pan' eventVideo lesson
Add x-init=""
Initialize hammertime and listen to 'pan' event
15Add hammer.js 'panend' EventVideo lesson
Listen to on 'pan' event
Add more items
Remove background
16Add swipeRight, & swipeLeft, and Swipe up functions();Video lesson
Add swipeRight(), & swipeLeft(), and swipeUp() functions in x-data
Also listen to events fired
17Add Image Carousel to Swipe CardVideo lesson
Remove the backgroud image & add the image as seperate with inset
Add image slides in in php directive as array []
Add x-data and add image slides
Add draggable=true to all buttons to prevent them from triggering 'pan' on parent
Add draggable=true to actions in footer section
Add draggeble=true to View profile icon
Add white solid background to to inner element - this is to avoid content onverlap when swipe cards are loading :note remove unnecessary div
Add fake name and fake bio to swipe card
18Create Profile CardVideo lesson
Create profile section
Create x-data and add bool: profile as property
Copy Carousel component from swiper
Create Close profile button and add @click="profile=false"
Also add @click="profile=true" to swipe card
ADD draggable=true in PROFILE SECTION in order to prevent it from triggering 'pan' on parent
Add profile information section
19Add Swipe Actions to Profile CardVideo lesson
Add Actions section Note: copy from swiper card ( SwipeLeft ,superLike & SwipeRight)
20Update User Model and migrationVideo lesson
Add Fields
!Don't forget to make the fields nullable
relationship_goal as string
-create Enum class
-cast enum to user model
Remove protected $fillable = []; In UserModel
Add protected $guarded = [];
Update user factory
Add UserFactory to to Database Seeder
run command
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
Lastly Check Database
21Create Basics ModelVideo lesson
run command -> php artisan make:model Basic -mfs
Fill in basics table ( name and group)
Create BasicGroupEnum , (add a few enum values)
Why Enum class is better than hard coded enums in table
-More flexible
-Make it easy to add/remove enums values
Go to BasicSeeder seed values
Update DatabseSeeder Make sure the BasicSeeder comes first
run php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
Check database
22Create BasicUser model and Seed (pivot)Video lesson
//Pivot table
Run php artisan make:model BasicUser -mfs
Note! change table name to singular as in basic_user not basic_users
Dont forget to also update the name in the down() function
Add protected $guarded=[]; to Model
Fill table
Add relationships to Users and Basic Models
Add function boot() in User model
Run php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
Check database
23Create Languages ModelVideo lesson
Another swing at belongs to many relationships
run command -> php artisan make:model Language -mfs
Add field to table
Add protected Fillable to Language Model
Fill LanguageSeeder
Add LanguageSeeder to DatabaseSeeder
run php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
Check database
24Create LanguageUser Model and seed (Pivot)Video lesson
run php artisan make:model LanguageUser -mfs
Note! change table name to singular as in language_user not language_users
Dont forget to also update the name in the down() function
Fill table
Add protected $guarded=[]; to Model
Add relationships to Users and Language Models
Utilize the ->afterCreating callback in the UserFactory
run php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
Check database
26Create Swipe ModelVideo lesson
run php artisan make:model Swipe -mfs
Add fields
type : left, right, up(super like)
Create relationship in:
Swipe Model ( Add guarded, and methods)
User Model
-Add swipes() , hasSwiped(), and scopeWhereNotSwiped()
27Save SwipesVideo lesson
Firstly when retrieving users from database make sure the auth user is not retrieved
Create swipedRight function() in Swiper component
- Add Listener
- make sure user is authenticated
-add app:route to auth middleware
Pass the ID in the Swiper component when dispatching event
- Pass Id to all dispatched events In x-init
- Pass ID to the Event fire in x-data's functions
Add ->whereNotSwiped() Scope in render() to prevent users already swiped from showing up
Create protected function createSwipe()
- Check if user has already swiped
- Create Swipe record
Create Other Swipe records for
- Swipe Left
- Swipe Up
Lastly! Add wire:key="swipe-{{$user->id}}" in loop to avoid DOM Diff issue
28Create Match modelVideo lesson
run php artisan make:model SwipeMatch -mfs (The name "Match" is reserved by PHP. )
Add fields
-Make fields unique
Create Relationships and Methods in:
-SwipeMatch Model
- User Model
-Swipe Model
29Save New Match Between UsersVideo lesson
In Swiper Component
Check if there is a matching swipe
If true then create SwipeMatch
Refresh the database
- Note! remove all users from Database Seeder & create users manually
- Login with two users in try to create a Match
30Show match Found AlertVideo lesson
Get modal from Pines alpins js
Create design
-Add Header
- Show matches
- Add Actions
Edit Close button
32Create Conversation and Message modelVideo lesson
Conversation php artisan make:model Conversation -m
Message php artisan make:model Message -m
Fill up Conversation Migration & Model
Fill up Message Model and Migration
Add relationship to Swipe Match model
Migrate Database
33Create New Conversation When Match FoundVideo lesson
Create public variable $swipeMatchId
make $swipedUserId as public & assign $this->swipedUserId
assign $this->swipeMatchId after dispatch event
Add createConversation() and add trigger button
Also add $this->dispatch('close-match-model'); & listen to it in blade
Add reset properties after creating cConversation and in createSwipe() method
34Create New Conversation When Match Is ClickedVideo lesson
In tabs create a method createConversation(SwipeMatch $match)
identify receiver
Trigger method from blade
35Create Chat IndexVideo lesson
Create chat index - php artisan make:livewire chat. index
Add route to web routes
Create a chat layout and make left side always visible and main element hidden on md:screens
add home to chat layout
In Tabs , make tab index to 2 if route it chat
Update layout in ChatIndex component
36Load User ConversationsVideo lesson
Pass $conversations to tab blade file
Loop through conversations
Show name and latest message
Create conversations() relationship in User Model
37Create Chat componentVideo lesson
Create Chat Component - php artisan make:livewire chat. chat
Add component to routes
Use app layout
In tabs
Add redirect in chat list when conversation is clicked ( also add wire navigate)
Also Make default tab to messages when route is ('chat')
Design layout chat structure
38Design Chat HeaderVideo lesson
Get Icons from boostra icons
Add redirect to chat index when arrow is clicked
Add redirect to home when i icon is clicked
39Design Chat BodyVideo lesson
Add $belongsToAuth vairable
Add avatar and body
Loop through users
40Design Chat footerVideo lesson
41Design User Profile sectionVideo lesson
Copy profile section fro swipe cards
Action button at the bottom
Close profile button
x-show profile and attributes
classes: absolute, rounded-xl & border
Add random $user variable to $php
42Fetch User & Load Selected ConversationVideo lesson
Define public variables
In Mount()
- Set $receiver
- Set $conversation
- make sure user is authenticated
- Check if user belongs to conversation
Set $receiver name in header
In profile section replace $user with receiver (Also remove $user from @php)
Highlight selected conversation In tabs.blade (request()->chat== $conversation->id)
43Create Test User and Swipe FactoryVideo lesson
Update swipe factory
Update database seeder
-create test user- Add positive swiped for that user
Add redirect to conversation
-After conversation is created in Swiper Component (Navigate true)
-After conversation is createdOrUpdated in Tabs Component
44Send new messageVideo lesson
Create public $body in Chat Component
Add @submit. prevent="$wire. sendMessage()" to Form (Remove defer is previously added)
Create sendMessage method ()
check user is authenticated
create message and reset body property
Send message and check database
45Load all messagesVideo lesson
Create properties
public $loadedMessages;
public $paginate_var= 10;
Create Method to loadMessages()
Add the method in mount()
Loop through messages in blade
-Remove previous @for
- Set $belongsToAuth= $message->sender_id==auth()->id();
- Set $message->body
- Reduce the Gap between messages
Push the $createdMessage to $this->loadedMessages to provide realtime update
Dispatch event 'new-message-created' to Tabs - inorder to refresh component
listen to dispatched event in Tabs component
Lastly order conversations by ->latest('updated_at') in render() method in Tabs component
46Fix selected chat highlight issue on new-message-event is firedVideo lesson
create $selectedConversationId
add $this->selectedConversationId= request()->chat; in mount()
replace the request()->chat in blade with $selectedConversationId
47Scroll Chat to bottom on new message and on loadVideo lesson
Add to x-data ( in root element )
- height
Listing to @scroll-bottom. window="" ( in root element )
add id="conversation " to body section
Dispatch event in sendMessage() method after reset body
Scroll Conversation to bottom on page load in x-init
in the event hide scrollbar when scrolling down
48Load more messagesVideo lesson
Create loadMore() method
-increment paginate_var
- call the loadMessages() method
- dispatch update height event
listen to @scroll event on conversation element
- Check scroll top in console
- Fix the !body . time js error , this is caused because trim does not accept null value
- add body?. trim()? instead
- call loadmore if scrolled to top
listen to update event and update height accordingly to avoid displacement in blade
49Mark Message as readVideo lesson
Firstly when scrolling there is little flickering of messages , add wire:ignore to loop element and reduce flickering
In Chat component
- mark messages belonging to receiver as read
In tabs.blade create a $lastMessage variable and change style according to message read state
- use @class([ ])
Dont forget to user null safe operator '?'
Add arrow-uturn-left in chatlist to show that message belong to auth
Lastly if sidebar (tabs ) not scrollable add
- 'h-full' to root element & main element in tabs
50Show unread messages count in tabs and read status in chatVideo lesson
Create unReadMessagesCount() method in user model
Add it to Tabs In Messages Section
51What is Broadcasting?Video lesson
52Install Laravel EchoVideo lesson
Go to Broadcasting in laravel documentation
install pusher server via composer require pusher/pusher-php-server
For the keys we need to create pusher account
Install Laravel echo npm install --save-dev laravel-echo pusher-js
uncomment the Echo instancd in bootstrap js
Finally in the config/app. php
uncomment the line for AppProvidersBroadcastServiceProvider::class,
53Create Pusher AccountVideo lesson
Create pusher account or login
Create new instagram app in pusher
Copy keys and credentials to ENV file
!Dont forget to also copy the cluster
Test connection is established in the debug console in
54Create MessageSentNotification & Broadcast messageVideo lesson
Create new notification
php artisan make:notification MessageSentNotification
Implemement ShouldBroadcastNow
Pass parameters to constructor
Add Via ['broadcast']
Add toArray() variables
Open pusher website and check debug console
Broadcast message in after creating new message in Chat component
55Listen to MessageSentNotificationVideo lesson
Change broadcast Channel in User Model & add channel to channels. php
in the chat. blade add:
Echo. private(). notification()
call method : $wire listenBroadcastedMessage(notification);
Create new listenBroadcastedMessage() method in Chat component
Test between two users
56Refresh Chatlist (Tabs) on MessageSentNotification broadcastVideo lesson
In Tabs Add
- x-init=""
- copy the echo instance code from chat , and check only message type
- inside the if statement call the $wire $refresh()
-test between two users
Finally update match text to add a transparent background in order to make text standout

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