Build a news portal with Laravel and Bootstrap 2021
- Description
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In this course, we are going to build a new portal application. The front/client side of the application is going to have the latest breaking news section, the news display section, the latest news section as well as other sections. The footer has the listing of the latest posts, as well as the categories display with the number of posts, count per category. The normal user won’t be able to access the admin panel. The writer will be able to access the admin panel but will not be able to access some features like seeing or editing other people’s posts. The admin will have full CRUD rights on all the sections of the admin panel. You will learn a lot in the course of going through this course with me. In the second video after the introduction, I show the application features in detail.
Application Features
Settings – Admin Can change the client-side display features from the admin dashboard
Admin can create categories
Admin can perform CRUD(Create, Read, Update and Delete) on categories
Admin can perform CRUD(Create, Read, Update and Delete) on news posts
Admin can perform CRUD(Create, Read, Update and Delete) on video posts
A writer can perform CRUD on His/Her own posts.
A writer can perform CRUD(Create, Read, Update and Delete) on the video posts that they made.
Admin can access all the items on the admin panel.
A writer can only access the Videos and Posts he/she posted and perform CRUD on them.
The normal User cannot access the admin panel.
The Laravel Features Covered
Laravel application structure
Models, Migrations, Controllers, Routes, Authentication, Middlewares, views, etc
3RD party Packages used
Laravel Data Tables
Toastr notification packages for flash notifications
How you will benefit by purchasing this course:
You get the application source code.
If you follow the whole course by following and doing what I do, you will develop enough logic to get you started with developing advanced applications
You get all the front-end and backend open source themes
Support in case of any challenges.
The course will be updated after each major laravel release.
401 Create a news portal with Laravel - Laravel Application StructureVideo lesson
501 Create a news website with Laravel - Laravel Application StructureVideo lesson
603 Create a news website with Laravel - Frontend layout and theme integrationVideo lesson
704 Create a news website with Laravel - Integrating admin dahsboard themeVideo lesson
805 Create a news website with laravel - Creating Models and MigrationsVideo lesson
96 Create a news website with laravel - Model relationshipsVideo lesson
1007 Create a news website with laravel - setting up fillable properties on modelsVideo lesson
1108 Create a news website with laravel - Settings CRUD 1Video lesson
1209 Create a news website with laravel - Settings CRUD2Video lesson
1310 Create a news website with laravel - Update the settings on the client-sideVideo lesson
1411 Create a news website with laravel - Solving a bugVideo lesson
1512 Create a news website with Laravel - Image upload functionalityVideo lesson
1613 Create a news website with Laravel - Image upload method.Video lesson
1714 Create a news website with Laravel - Testing the image upload functionalityVideo lesson
1815 Create a news website with Laravel - Categories CRUD 1Video lesson
1916 Create a news website with Laravel - Category CRUD 2Video lesson
2017 Create news website with Laravel - Category create methodVideo lesson
2118 Create a news website with Laravel - Displaying categories on admin panel.Video lesson
2219 Create a news website with laravel and bootstrap - Update functionalityVideo lesson
2320 Create a news portal with laravel and bootstrap - Categories update error solVideo lesson
3127 Removing unused links from master admin layoutVideo lesson
3228 Displaying dynamic data on the frontendVideo lesson
3329 Displaying latest posts and breaking newsVideo lesson
3430 CK-Editor Integration Part 1Video lesson
3531 Implementing single-post view functionalityVideo lesson
3632 Single post Dynamic contentVideo lesson
3733 Frontend single category setupVideo lesson
3834 Category posts dynamic dataVideo lesson
3935 Setting up dynamic menu and breaking news item.Video lesson
4036 Setting dynamic content on the client footerVideo lesson
4439 Creating new pages routes and controller methodsVideo lesson
4540 Writing become a writercontroller methodsVideo lesson
4641 Become writer customation and functionalityVideo lesson
4742 Toastr notification integrationVideo lesson
4843 Restricting the user from submitting the request twice and working on advertiVideo lesson
4944 Working on events client-sideVideo lesson
5045 Events CRUD admin sideVideo lesson
5147 Events CRUD admin side part 2Video lesson
5248 Adding Events to sidebar menuVideo lesson
5349 Testing events CRUD funcionalityVideo lesson
5450 Become writer and advertise section admin tablesVideo lesson
5551 Fixing error and additional functionality on writer requests and advertise reVideo lesson
5652 Advertise and Writer edit and ban functionalityVideo lesson
5753 Working on about us pageVideo lesson
5853 Updating settings adding about settingsVideo lesson
5954 Solving the about section update bugVideo lesson
6055 Video sections CRUD Part 1Video lesson
6156 Videos CRUD part 2 - Routes and controller methodsVideo lesson
6257 Testing the video CRUD functionalityVideo lesson
6358 Solving a bugVideo lesson
6461 Adding Category column to videos tableVideo lesson
6562 Client video section - Displaying dynamic dataVideo lesson
6664 Adding Post image upload functionalityVideo lesson
6765 Testing posts image upload functionalityVideo lesson
6866 using automatic posts thumbnailVideo lesson
6967 Solving previous error and working on admin dashboard home pageVideo lesson
7068 Displaying the latest post on admin home pageVideo lesson
7169 Working on displaying all the users on admin dashboard part1Video lesson
7270 Working on the user profileVideo lesson
7371 Updating the Users table adding more fieldsVideo lesson
7472 Conditional rendering of user profile photoVideo lesson
7573 Updating the user image functionalityVideo lesson
7674 Update the users details functionalityVideo lesson
7775 Restrictring the user profile edit to the owner of the accountVideo lesson
7876 User permissions and accessVideo lesson
7977 Setting up admin middlewareVideo lesson
8078 Setting up admin middleware part2Video lesson
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