Become an Android Developer from Scratch
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Do you want to build applications for the most popular operating system in the world?
Do you want the opportunity to put your apps on over 1 billion devices?
"Become An Android Developer From Scratch” is designed to be the best first step to launching your career as an Android Developer. Whether you've never programmed before or are coming to mobile development for the first time, if you're truly inspired to learn Android Development, this is where you need to start.
This course has been in development for over two years, continuously perfected through research and testing in training bootcamps throughout the US. It represents a collaboration between a professional educator with over 20 years of experience in helping people learn and a professional mobile developer who has helped companies like Sony, Verizon, and nVidia build stunning mobile applications.
Starting with how the Java programming language works and progressing all the way to advanced Android concepts, you will get expertly produced instruction, visually descriptive explanations of deep concepts, screencasts that talk you through not just the “how” but also the “why,” and code challenges to test yourself and mark your progress.
Here’s what students are saying:
“Very clean and well done. Covers everything that you need to know for getting started whether you know how to code starting out or not. If you are at a loss trying to start making android apps this is the course for you.”
“I like this course, this would transform any normal person to a full fledged android developer.”
“This one is, by far, the most comprehensive, easy-to-follow, and genuinely well put together one of the bunch.”
“Inspirational! – got me over the hump (complete android beginner)”
Why it’s working…
One of the things we're most excited to offer with this course is access to the inner workings of the mind of a professional mobile developer. Throughout the course you will be able to listen in as our Learning Scientist teases apart all the thoughts that run through a professional mobile developer’s mind as he’s writing the code you will learn to create. It’s like sitting down in a movie with the writer, director, and lead actor. But in this case, it’s all in support of your transformation from novice to professional.
You will build several applications throughout the course, and the starting point for each project (as well as solutions to each challenge) will be available for download. You will also get all the visuals and info-graphics used throughout the course for reference and study.
"Become An Android Developer From Scratch" will give you a new, richer perspective on how mobile devices work. After you’ve completed this rigorous, challenging, and super fun course, you will be able to create your own apps, deploy to the Google Play store, and even interview for a job anywhere in the world.
The real value…
The most important thing you will get from completing this course is the confidence to say “I’m an Android Developer!” You’ll be able to interact with other students and professionals in the Android community with pride and self-assuredness. You’ll also become an independent learner, able to discern where to go for information and how to continue advancing your skills.
No course is going to make you into an expert. It’s up to you to challenge yourself and find your path to making the apps you dream about. Become an Android Developer from Scratch is the best place to begin. Are you ready to get started?
5Say Goodbye to "Hello World"Video lesson
6From Applications to codeVideo lesson
7Files, Packages, Classes, MethodsVideo lesson
8Syntax SymbolsVideo lesson
9Method SignaturesVideo lesson
10Data Types, VariablesVideo lesson
11What does a "code detective" do?Quiz
12Visualizing JavaText lesson
13Memory LockersVideo lesson
14Introduction to Computer MemoryVideo lesson
15Computer Memory: PrimitivesVideo lesson
16Computer Memory: References And NullVideo lesson
17Android Studio: Out Of The BoxVideo lesson
18Android Studio: First LookVideo lesson
19APP DEMO: Bartalk and Android Studio Setup InstructionsText lesson
20APP DEMO: Delta BookshelfText lesson
28Operators and Assignments: bitwise and unaryVideo lesson
29The "return" statementVideo lesson
30The if StatementVideo lesson
31else/elseifVideo lesson
32The "for" loopVideo lesson
33Nested for loopsVideo lesson
34The "while" loopVideo lesson
35The "break" and "continue" statementsVideo lesson
36The "switch" statementVideo lesson
37Compiling and DebuggingVideo lesson
38What's first, next, now, later: Interpreting control flow statementsVideo lesson
39Stack Versus HeapVideo lesson
40Control Flow Visual AidsText lesson
41CHALLENGE: Pangrams!Text lesson
42CODE ALONG: Pangrams!Video lesson
43Encapsulation and ThisnessVideo lesson
44Scope and Accessibility KeywordsVideo lesson
45Setters, Getters and AutogenerationVideo lesson
46Inheritance, Polymorphism, "@Overide" and "super"Video lesson
47The "static" and "final" keywordsVideo lesson
48Using Enhanced for loops (for each loops) In CollectionsVideo lesson
49Objects Visual AidsText lesson
50CHALLENGE: Make A Comedian RobotText lesson
51CODE ALONG: Make A Comedian RobotVideo lesson
52All These Powerful Tools!Video lesson
53Abstract ClassesVideo lesson
54InterfacesVideo lesson
55Callbacks With InterfacesVideo lesson
56TypecastingVideo lesson
57GenericsVideo lesson
58CHALLENGE: Making the SwitchText lesson
59CODE ALONG: Making the SwitchVideo lesson
60APP CHALLENGE: Update the Pet Adoption AppText lesson
61CODE ALONG: Update the Pet Adoption AppVideo lesson
62The Super 6: Mobile Design PrinciplesVideo lesson
63XML BasicsVideo lesson
64Introduction to LayoutsVideo lesson
65Linear LayoutsVideo lesson
66Relative LayoutsVideo lesson
67Margins and PaddingVideo lesson
68Gravity and Layout GravityVideo lesson
69Adding ImagesVideo lesson
70Event Listeners Using Anonymous ClassesVideo lesson
71CHALLENGE: Change the ButtonText lesson
72CHALLENGE: Make a Full Android UIText lesson
73CODE ALONG: Make a Full Android UIVideo lesson
74Activities and Intent BasicsVideo lesson
75The Activity LifecycleVideo lesson
76APP DEMO: Activity Lifecycle WatcherText lesson
77CHALLENGE: Switching ActivitiesText lesson
78CODE ALONG: Switching ActivitiesVideo lesson
79Passing Data With IntentsVideo lesson
80CHALLENGE: Data MoverText lesson
81CODE ALONG: Data MoverVideo lesson
82Intent Filters and Implicit IntentsVideo lesson
83CHALLENGE: Harnessing The Android App EcosystemText lesson
84CODE ALONG: Harnessing The Android App EcosystemVideo lesson

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