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If you don’t have a computer programming knowledge previously then don’t worry about i covering C++ programming from Basics. Just take this course and you can start learning.
Topics cover in this course *
Introduction to C++
Compiler Installation
Comments in C++
User input
Data Types
Reserved Words
Arithmetic & Logical Operators
Conditional Statements
Switch Statements
Object Oriented Programming
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9Arithmetic OperatorsVideo lesson
Arithmetic operators are used for perform arithmetc operation in this tutorials we will complete study about arithimetic operators after that you will be able to perform basic arithmetic operations
Arithmetic Operators
Additon + Add values
Multiplication * Multiply values
Division / Divide two values
Subtraction - Subtract two values
Modulus % Divide two numbers and return remainder
10Increment & Decrement in C++Video lesson
Increment & Decrement Operators
· Incremet Opertor ++ When we use ++ with any number its increases the value for example of the value is 3 but when we user ++3 it will increase 3 to 4.
· Decremen++ operator When we use -- with any number its decreases the value for example of the value is 3 but when we user –3 it will increase 3 to 2.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
Using namespace std;
Int main () {
Int a = 3
Note we are print a after increment or decrement because it print out new value on the screen after increment or decrement
11LogicsVideo lesson
Logical Operators & Conditionals Statements
Logical operators are mostly used with conditionals to create different types of logical conditions so that's i making video for logical operators and conditional statements.
Logical Operators
= This is an equal operators we used in maths but talk about computer programming this used as assignment operators means its used to assign values to variables. this is also Assignment operators.
== Double Equal operators when we want to equal two values in a computer programming we use this operator this equals to values a = 2; and b = 2; it means 2 == 2.
!= Exclamatory sign and = equals sign when we both signs at a time this called no t equal to operators means this is used to not equal to two values for examples vale of a = 3 and value of b = 4 so there we can use this a !=
&& Double & operator its display the answer if you value of both variables i true for example value of a = 2 value b= 2; then this will true for a == b && a ==c; this will print out true or yes
|| Or Operator This is called or operators it print out result if two values are given if there is only a single vale us correct this will print out result.
<= Less than or equal to operator this weill print out value is equal to or less than.
>= Less than or equal to operator this weill print out value is equal to or greater than.
Conditional Statements
If condtion is print out result if given condition is true
Else if print condition is print out result if if condition is false
Else condition is print out result if both conditions are false
12Conditional StatementsVideo lesson
Comparison of two values
In this tutorial i am uploading excersie with a comparison operators mean we will comparison two values.
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