AWS devops: ElasticSearch at AWS with terraform and ansible
- Description
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What you’ll learn:
How to deploy HA Elasticsearch cluster using AWS Opensearch
How to deploy HA Elasticsearch cluster using AWS ECS
How to deploy HA Elasticsearch cluster using AWS EC2
Elasticsearch autoscaling
Elasticsearch cluster conceptions and performance
AWS IAM, VPC, ECS, Opensearch, security groups
Docker and Docker swarm
Active AWS account
Terraform/Ansible basics
AWS basic conceptions, e.g VPC, EC2, subnets, security groups…
Good knowledge at docker and at least basic knowledge at docker orchestration
Short description:
Current course is about how to deploy Elasticsearch cluster at AWS using Opensearch, ECS, EC2 with Terrafrom and Ansible. Within the course a lot of AWS and DevOps tips and trick would be discovered.
Teh first one is about how to deploy ES as an AWS service, which is called OpenSearch. Here I will tell you about interesting OpenSearch pitfalls that I discovered during my commercial practice. And believe me – you will not find that information at AWS documentation. You will get a ready terraform module for deploying the Opensearch cluster and we will analyze it step by step together.
In the 2d part I will show how to deploy an ES cluster at ECS (Elastic Container Service). And again we will use the terraform modules for that. I will show you why you can’t use Fargate in that case and how many problems should be resolved to deploy ES at ECS.
Next course section is about how to deploy ES at EC2 instances using docker swarm. I will prove to you that it is the easiest and at the same time the most cheap way to deploy ES at almost any cloud for most small and middle companies with a steady growth pattern. You will get ready terraform modules that will allow you to prepare AWS infrastructure and ansible modules for deploying HA ES cluster upon it.
The 4th part is devoted to autoscaling possibilities of ES cluster using different deployment approaches. We will talk about what we really can autoscale, when we can use it and what big limitations we have in case of working with ES.
5th module is devoted to the theory. If you are already familiar with ES cluster conceptions and everything that is related to shards and ES performance – then you can skip it. But if not – that is the place where you have to start from.
Who this course is for:
Software engineers
DevOps engineers
Everybody who likes ElasticSearch/OpenSearch and want to get more knowledge around it
3Terraform repository code structure and environment configurationVideo lesson
At that lecture we are going to investigate the devops repo structure that would be extensively used at almost all further lessons.
4Pre-init terraform moduleVideo lesson
At that lecture we are going to run a pre init terraform module. that will allow us to create an s3 bucket for keeping terraform state and dynamoDB for keeping locks.
5Network architecture schemeVideo lesson
AWS network architecture scheme
6Part 1: Network terraform module - vpc, subnets, cidrVideo lesson
Network terraform module - vpc, subnets, cidr
7Part 2: Network terraform module - routing tables and security groupsVideo lesson
Network terraform module - AWS routing tables and security groups
8Part 3: Network terraform module implementationVideo lesson
Network terraform module implementation
9Terraform bastion moduleVideo lesson
Terraform bastion module
10What is OpenSearch?Video lesson
We will try to answer the next questions:
Can we easily use Opensearch instead of ElasticSearch?
Is it the same or different products?
Why does OpenSearch appear at all?
11Part 1: Terraform OpenSearch module - security and permissionsVideo lesson
Terraform OpenSearch module for deploying HA OpenSearch cluster - security and permissions
12Part 2: Terraform OpenSearch module - cluster configurationVideo lesson
Terraform OpenSearch module for deploying HA OpenSearch cluster - cluster configuration
13Part 3: Terraform OpenSearch module - network, logs and storageVideo lesson
Terraform OpenSearch module for deploying HA OpenSearch cluster - network, logs, storage
14Part 4: Terraform OpenSearch module - CW alarms, variablesVideo lesson
Terraform OpenSearch module for deploying HA OpenSearch cluster - cloudwatch alarms and variables
16Apply terraform OpenSearch module, domain endpoint and opensearch dashboardVideo lesson
Deploy opensearch cluster, use opensearch dashboard
17OpenSearch monitoringVideo lesson
OpenSearch monitoring possibilities
18Short summary and essential notices that appeared from real commercial practiceVideo lesson
Short summary and essential notices that appeared from real commercial practice
20OpenSearch ML reranking with AWS Personalize ServiceText lesson
21What is ECS and why not Fargate but EC2Video lesson
What is ECS, what are ECS types and why we cant use ECS Fargate launch type for deploying Elasticsearch cluster
22ECS base components and architecture schemeVideo lesson
ECS base components and architecture scheme
23Elasticsearch Docker file and AWS ECRVideo lesson
Elasticsearch Docker file and AWS ECR
24ECS IAM profile terraform moduleVideo lesson
ECS IAM profile module
25ECS EC2 terraform moduleVideo lesson
ECS EC2 terraform module
26ECS cluster terraform moduleVideo lesson
ECS cluster terraform module
27Elasticsearch at AWS ECS - short summaryVideo lesson
Elasticsearch at AWS ECS - short summary
28What is docker swarm and why it is not deadVideo lesson
What is docker swarm and why it is not dead
29Docker swarm architectureVideo lesson
Docker swarm architecture
30EC2 terraform moduleVideo lesson
31Ansible inventory, docker and docker swarm ansible rolesVideo lesson
Ansible inventory, docker and docker swarm ansible roles
32Ansible Elasticsearch roleVideo lesson
Ansible Elasticsearch role
33Elasticsearch and docker swarm - short summaryVideo lesson
Elasticsearch and docker swarm - short summary
36Inside a clusterVideo lesson
You will learn how to create high available ElasticSearch cluster at production
37ElasticSearch - shards and performanceVideo lesson
You will learn what is ElasticSearch shards, how to calculate the number of shards for cluster and what are the main performance issues.
38Indexing secretesVideo lesson
You will learn how to index millions of documents in the most efficient way with zero time downtime
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