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AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams

Become an AWS Certified Solutions Architect | 6 Real Practice Tests | 390 Q&As | Detailed Explanations & Reference Links
Usman Aslam
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Would you like to Pass Your AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam on First Attempt and at the same time Get Great Scores? If so, these 6 New and Full Up-To-Date AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams are for you. We have covered all the topics and key concepts you need to know to ace your AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam. Our practice exams are Designed to Give You the Knowledge, Confidence, and Exam Skills you need to get great scores in the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam. These 6 practice tests reflect the difficulty of the AWS exam questions and are very similar to the real AWS exam. Every question includes Detailed Explanations as to why the answers are correct or incorrect which helps you to understand the concepts. With all answers, we also provide Reference Links to the official AWS documentation for deeper dive. Our practice exams Simulate the Real Exam Experience.

We Regularly Update our Question Bank based on the feedback from the students. This is to ensure that our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams are always Up-To-Date with the Latest Changes from AWS. That’s why our students love our high-quality AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam questions because they simulate the type of questions you will come across during the real AWS exam. We have designed these exams to Prepare You Thoroughly for the Real AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam so that you walk into the test center with confidence and ace your AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam in your first attempt.


  • 6 PRACTICE TESTS 100% CONFORM WITH CLF-C01 EXAM BLUEPRINT: These practice exams contain 390 unique, high-quality questions for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam.

  • SIMULATE ACTUAL EXAM: All of our practice tests are timed. Just like the real exam, you get 65 questions and 130 minutes with a passing score of 72%. This precisely mimics the real exam environment so these exams are designed to prepare and familiarize you with the actual AWS exam format.

  • 100% EXAM COVERAGE: Our practice questions are set up to cover all the topics you will be tested on during your exam. The questions are prepared to keep in mind the exam blueprint provided by Amazon Web Services for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam.

  • DETAILED EXPLANATIONS WITH DEEP DIVE REFERENCE LINK: After completing the test, you will review and check the answers. To help you understand the concepts, you will receive a detailed explanation for all the answers and references to related AWS documentation for deeper dive. These detailed explanations and reference links reinforce the key concepts you will come across during your actual AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam. Our detailed explanations will also help you while preparing for your AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam.

  • RETAKE PRACTICE EXAMS INDEFINITELY: You will have lifetime access to our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams and can retake these exams as many times as you like. The exam will be regraded every time you retake the exam.

  • WEEKLY UPDATES OF QUESTION BANK: We regularly update our question bank based on the feedback from the students who have recently taken the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam. This is to ensure that our exams are always up-to-date with the latest changes from AWS. This is why our students ace this exam in their first attempt with an average exam score of over 85%.

  • INSTRUCTOR SUPPORT: Got questions? No worries as we have got your back. Our course for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams includes friendly and timely support from our team of expert trainers. Our support team will comprehensively respond to all of your questions or concerns.

  • LIFETIME ACCESS: You could come back anytime to retake these AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams as you have lifetime access.

  • TEST REPORT: You will be presented with the test report upon completion of our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams and you will get an opportunity to review your answers. This will help you to keep track of your progress and highlight the knowledge areas and the key concepts where you are strong or need improvements.

  • PROVIDE BETTER VALUE THAN OFFICIAL AWS PRACTICE TEST – AWS charges $20 for a practice test that only contains 20 to 40 questions. All of our practice tests contains 65 questions in each practice test and provide a significantly higher value than the official AWS practice exam.

  • GOOD MIX OF MULTI-CHOICE AND MULTI-SELECTION QUESTIONS – You will be presented with two types of questions during your AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam including multi-choice and multi-selection questions. We have carefully designed all of our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams to include a good mix of multi-choice and multi-selection questions. You will get one multi-selection question for every 3-4 multi-choice questions in every practice exam.

  • EMBEDDED REFERENCE LINKS: In addition to the reference links to AWS documentation, our detailed explanations for the answers also have additional links to the reference material embedded right in the answer so you can learn related topics and key concepts without any distractions.

  • MOBILE ACCESS: Our practice exams are mobile compatible so you can study on the go on your phone – anytime, anywhere. You just need to download the Udemy app and log in to your account to access these practice tests.

  • BEGINNER-FRIENDLY: No worries if you are new to Cloud Computing or Amazon Web Services. You will be able to pick up everything quickly as we explain all the terms and key concepts you need to know.

  • MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: 30-days unconditional money-back guarantee – no questions asked. So, get risk-free lifetime access to fast-track your AWS exam success!


Just like the real AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate certification exam, our six practice tests have a passing score of 72% but we highly recommend our students to repeat all of our practice exams until they consistently reach a score of over 90% in each practice test. Also, we recommend our students read the detailed explanation for all the answers regardless of whether their answers are right or wrong. Even though it is not necessary to pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate certification exam but we encourage our students to read through the reference material (each answer is provided with reference links to the related AWS documentation).


We designed our course to make sure that you’re able to Pass Your AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam in Your First Attempt with confidence. This means that each one of the 6 practice exams will test your ability in the following key concepts which are important for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate:

Domain 1: Design Resilient Architectures

1.1 Design a multi-tier architecture solution

1.2 Design highly available and/or fault-tolerant architectures

1.3 Design decoupling mechanisms using AWS services

1.4 Choose appropriate resilient storage

Domain 2: Design High-Performing Architectures

2.1 Identify elastic and scalable compute solutions for a workload

2.2 Select high-performing and scalable storage solutions for a workload

2.3 Select high-performing networking solutions for a workload

2.4 Choose high-performing database solutions for a workload

Domain 3: Design Secure Applications and Architectures

3.1 Design secure access to AWS resources

3.2 Design secure application tiers

3.3 Select appropriate data security options

Domain 4: Design Cost-Optimized Architectures

4.1 Identify cost-effective storage solutions

4.2 Identify cost-effective compute and database services

4.3 Design cost-optimized network architectures


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  More than 60% of questions in the actual AWS exam were from these practice tests which is unbelievable so buying this course was the best decision. I passed my exam with a flying 947 scores! Amazing set of practice dumps with really good questions and detailed explanations for both the correct and incorrect answers. The instructor has definitely gone above and beyond providing detailed explanations for all the answers, and the mix between single answer and multiple-response questions in all six practice tests is amazing. John Raymond

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  WOW, absolutely top-notch practice tests. I scored 953 in my AWS SAA-C02 exam and this would not have been possible without this course. To my surprise, a lot of questions in the exam were actually from these tests or very similar to the questions in these practice tests. The detailed explanations provided for all the questions is simply impressive. As the instructor suggested, I retook these tests until I scored over 90% scores in each and every one of these practice tests. I felt very confident walking into the exam test as I knew I was going to nail it LOL. Just listen to me, go through these practice tests over and over until you get 90% in every test, and you will easily ace the actual exam. I strongly recommend reading through the explanations provided for all the questions. Nina Ali

MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: 30-days unconditional money-back guarantee – no questions asked. So, get risk-free lifetime access to fast-track your AWS exam success!

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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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