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321 reviews

Awesome Electronics Course. Electronics from Soup to Nuts

Everything you need to know about Electronic Basics. The first Step into Understanding Electronics & There Components.
albert spinosa
3,218 Students enrolled
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This course starts off with a Brief History of Electronics. It then introduces the first time student to Current Flow, Voltage and Resistance. The course also offers an introduction of Ohm’s Law with several examples explained and the student are presented with Problems that they can solve, with the answers that follow.

The next section covers the Basics In AC and DC Voltage. AC and DC Current and Current Direction. Defines the term quantity Ampere also Covers Basic characteristics of Resistance and Explains the Color Code System and the Tolerance System for Fixed Resistors and other Passive Components that provide Resistance in an Electronic Circuit. This is first step for someone who is entering the field of electronics.

The Math section will cover many different Math Topics Related to the Decimal Numbering System. Al explains the mechanics involved in Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division with both positive and negative numbers’ Al explains fractions and decimal fractions along with Algebra basics. Section ends with an introduction to Trigonometry. All Concepts are backup with Problems so student can reinforce the material that was just explained.

The Next Section (Circuit Analysis) takes the Student thru Calculating Voltage, Current and Resistance on a Series, Parallel and Series Parallel Circuits! Al gives the student a step by step instruction on how to solve these circuit properties. After finishing this course the student should have a very good understanding of Voltage drops, Current Division and Power consumption in a Electronic Circuit.

Advance Circuit Analysis Covers Kirchhoff’s Circuit Laws and Network Theorems , Super Position, Thevenin Theorem and Norton Conversions. Al Gives a detailed explanation on each of these Circuit Analysis Techniques. This course is Broken into two Sections. Section one is Kirchhoff’s Circuit Laws and Section two, network theorems and how they are used to analysis a circuit. Each section is accompanied with problems that the student can perform to reinforce their learning experience.

Capacitance Basic Section, Al Explains what is a Coulomb, and how to determine the charge on a capacitor. How Capacitance reacts in a AC Circuit (Capacitance Reactance) and DC Circuits. What is an RC Time Constant’s? How waveforms are calculated in a RC Circuit. How capacitors add in series and Parallel Circuits.

Inductance Basic Section, Al Explains the principle of Inductance and Inductive Reactance. The Circuit Examples will show how Current and Voltage are affected in a Pure Inductive Circuit and how these properties change as Resistance is added to the mix, in addition to this frequency of the Ac source voltage will be discussed and will show how the phase angle between the Voltage and current will be affected.

Al Explains how Capacitive Reactance (XC) and Inductive Reactance(XL) and Resistance (R) behaves in Alternating Voltage Circuits. Series R L C Circuits & Parallel R L C Circuits are Explained. AL Explains how to find total Impedance ( Z) of the circuit and how the phase angle are calculated with both Current and Voltage. The student should have a understanding of ohms law and basic math skills to take full advantage of this.

The next section Resonance & Resonance Effect. Al Explains a Series Resonant circuit, calculation of the resonant frequency. The characteristics of XC and XL at Resonance. What is tuning. Al Explains the Resonance Frequency Equation for the correct solution . Al also Explains Calculations of Current in a Series Resonant Circuit. Voltage across Resonant Components.

RLC Section, Al Explains R C Low Pass & R L Low filters for Cut off frequency (fc) & phase Angle. Al Explains R C High pass & R L High pass filters for Cut off frequency (fc) & Phase Angle.

Semiconductor Basics Section. Al explains semiconductor Basics, Valance Electrons in Conductors. The difference between semiconductors & conductors. Describes the doping process in, semiconductor material. What is N & P type Material ? Majority & Minority Carries Explained .Diode Curves and Characteristics, of forward and reverse Current flow, by using the Characteristic Diode Curve. Physical Diode Packaging Explained. Electron flow thru Diodes Explained. Schematic Symbol of Diode, Cathode and Anode placement explained. Placement of Physical Diode Explained. How to test a diode, with an ohm meter. A simple diode application Explained. Half Wave rectification, how to calculate peak voltage and the Average DC voltage of a half wave rectification circuit. Basic capacitor filter action is also explained. Full wave rectification, full wave bridge rectification explained and the introduction of the transformers. The Average DC Value of a full wave Rectifier explained. Introduction the two types of junction transistors PNP and NPN . Details reverse and forward bias on the junction transistor(s). Introduction of the three elements of the transistor. Al Explains the Schematic Symbols of the transistor (NPN & PNP). Physical packaging of the transistors shown and explained. How to test a transistor with an ohm meter. Introduction alpha and Beta properties of the transistors along with Ie = Ib + Ic. Explanation of alpha and Beta properties of the transistors along with Ie = Ib + Ic. Introduces Load -line (s)with a common emitter circuit . Explanation of both DC and AC transistor parameter’s using the load line. How to find RL using the load line. Phase shift in a common emitter transistor. Explanation of the common Collector Circuit ( also called the emitter follower) Circuit action. Common Base configuration circuit action explained. Summary of the three transistor Configurations, Common Emitter, Common Collector and Common Base.

Understaning Resistance
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
321 reviews
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Video 37 hours
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