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Argo Workflows: The Complete Practical Guide : Unlock DevOps

Argo Workflow Creation, CI/CD Integration, Cloud Integration, Optimization, Scalability and Real-World Deployment
MUTHUKUMAR Subramanian
1,427 students enrolled
English [Auto]
Understand the core concepts of Argo Workflows, including its architecture, terminologies, and the advantages it offers for workflow automation and management.
Achieve proficiency in installing Argo Workflows, covering setup prerequisites, standard vs. quick-start installations, and installation verification.
Acquire foundational knowledge in Kubernetes essentials for deploying and managing Argo Workflows effectively within cloud environments.
Learn to adeptly create, manage, and debug Argo Workflow tasks, including Container, Script, Resource, and Suspend templates, with practical examples.
Implement and optimize advanced workflow patterns, mastering dynamic parameters, complex outputs, retries, priorities, and failure handling strategies.
Explore workflow optimization techniques, mastering the use of loops, timeout controls, backfill patterns, and other efficiency-enhancing practices.
Master the creation and management of Argo Workflow templates, including parameterized and cluster-wide workflows, and scheduling with Argo Cron.
Configure and leverage MinIO for artifacts storage, efficiently managing inputs and outputs across workflows, and integrating key artifacts.

Dive into the world of Argo Workflows with our comprehensive guide designed to unlock the power of DevOps. Argo Workflows, an open-source container-native workflow engine for orchestrating parallel jobs on Kubernetes, has revolutionized the way developers automate and execute workflows. This course, “Argo Workflows: The Complete Practical Guide: Unlock DevOps,” is meticulously structured to offer you a thorough understanding and hands-on experience with Argo Workflows.

Embark on Your Argo Journey Commence with a solid foundation as you explore the introductory principles of Argo Workflows, understanding its benefits and how it can be a game-changer in your DevOps practices. Whether you’re a beginner in the world of Kubernetes and container orchestration or an experienced professional, this course tailors to all learning curves.

Installation and Configuration Made Simple Progress through a step-by-step installation process of Argo Workflows, including CLI tools, and gain insights into Argo Workflow’s detailed architecture. Learn the intricacies of the installation scope and verification to ensure a seamless setup.

Master Core Workflow Components Delve deep into core workflow components with our “Hello World” workflow management tutorial. Grasp the terminologies, command line interface demonstrations, and learn about various task types, including Container and Script templates.

Design Effective Workflow Tasks Unleash the full potential of workflow tasks design, from resource templates to the intricacies of suspend templates and conditional DAGs. Each tutorial is a step toward mastering workflow task design, ensuring you have the skillset to design effective and efficient Argo Workflows.

Workflow Data Flow and Templates Uncovered Demystify workflow parameters, both global and local, and learn to manage dynamic inputs and complex outputs. Explore a variety of workflow templates, understand how to parameterize workflows, and manage cron workflows with ease.

Gain Control with Workflow Features Understand how to manage workflow input parameters, artifacts, and storage with MinIO. Navigate through advanced installation procedures including cluster installs and RBAC configurations.

Explore Workflow Patterns and Advanced Features Discover and implement various workflow patterns and control features like withItems and recursion control. Learn about Argo Workflow’s advanced features such as event sources, sensors, and event binding to elevate your workflows.

Real-World Example Walkthroughs Apply your knowledge with a series of practical, real-world examples. From argument artifacts to complex conditions, and from CI pipeline to pod garbage collection, you’ll be able to apply what you’ve learned in scenarios that mimic true-to-life challenges.

Conclusive Mastery Wrap up with a clear understanding of your learning achievements and a conclusive overview. Understand the importance of environment setup, including AWS EC2, CentOS VirtualBox, and Minikube setups.

Kubernetes and Argo Rollout Essentials The course also introduces you to Kubernetes, guiding you through container basics, architecture, pods, and services. You’ll learn about Argo Rollouts and how it complements Argo Workflows for progressive delivery strategies like blue-green and canary deployments.

Argo CD: From Installation to Application Deployment Expand your expertise with Argo CD, understanding its core features and architecture. Experience setting up Argo CD on Minikube and deploying sample applications via the web UI, mastering the continuous delivery on Kubernetes.

Why Choose This Course?

  • Learn with comprehensive step-by-step tutorials and real-world examples.

  • Understand how to configure, manage, and optimize Argo Workflows for efficient DevOps practices.

  • Gain practical experience with Argo Workflows, Argo Rollouts, and Argo CD.

  • Master workflow design and execution with hands-on lessons in complex deployment patterns.

  • Get familiar with Kubernetes and how it integrates with Argo Workflows.

  • Obtain skills that are highly sought after in the tech industry for DevOps roles.

  • Complete the course with a verifiable certificate of completion, boosting your professional profile.

This course ensures that by the end, you will have the skills and confidence to implement Argo Workflows in your DevOps cycle, making you an asset to any team focused on efficient and scalable application deployment. Enroll now in “Argo Workflows: The Complete Practical Guide: Unlock DevOps” and transform the way you manage and deploy applications in a Kubernetes environment.


Core Workflow Components

Workflow Tasks Design

Workflow Data Flow

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10 hours on-demand video
2 articles
Certificate of Completion

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