Advanced Flutter: MVVM with Provider, Riverpod | BLoC
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Dive into the depths of Flutter’s MVVM architecture with different state managements in this comprehensive course designed for intermediate to advanced and expert developers. Learn how to build a dynamic movie app that interacts with a REST API, manages local favorites, and incorporates genre mapping for enhanced functionality with Dark and Light themes. This course will guide you through the journey of implementing MVVM with different state management strategies—setState, Provider, Riverpod, and BLoC—each covered in dedicated sections to provide you with a robust understanding of each approach.
Basic knowledge of programming
Basic familiarity with Flutter Widgets and Dart
Basic understanding of REST APIs is a plus, but we cover this in detail
Enthusiasm for learning state management in-depth
Macbook or Windows to develop
Any preferred IDE (such as Android Studio or IntelliJ IDEA), or a preferred text editor (like VS Code)—just not Microsoft Word!
Recording Equipment:
Video Editing Software: Camtasia 2023
Microphone: Blue Yeti X
This setup ensures that all course videos are clear and professionally produced.
What You Will Learn:
Implementing MVVM architecture in Flutter for scalable app development
Connecting to a REST API to fetch and display movie data
Local data management for user favorites
Advanced state management techniques with setState, Provider, Riverpod, and BLoC
Theme management in Flutter apps for dynamic light and dark modes
Course Structure:
Duration: Approximately 12 hours of content
MVVM Section, UI section, API section, and different sections for the state managements
Lecture length: each lecture is around 10 min
What to Expect After This Course:
Proficiency in using MVVM architecture for complex Flutter applications
Deep understanding of various state management techniques and when to use them
Skills to design and manage both themes and local databases in Flutter
Enhanced capability to handle real-world Flutter projects that require advanced state management and API integration
Limitations and Notes:
The course code works for all platforms supported by Flutter
The course project is designed for portrait mode responsiveness.
Complete source code for the movie app for each state management explained in the course (setState, Provider, Riverpod, BLoC)
Step-by-step guides on implementing each feature
Access to slides and additional reading materials
1IntroductionVideo lesson
2Course for the best priceVideo lesson
3GitHub & Discord & Youtube & FBVideo lesson
4What will you learn in this course?Video lesson
5Get the most of this course and how to use the attached resourcesVideo lesson
6App Demo + More About this courseVideo lesson
7Course and Udemy important hintsVideo lesson
8Source code on Github + Attached lecturesVideo lesson
12Add the required packages throughout the courseVideo lesson
13Create The App ThemeVideo lesson
14Start Creating the movies screen and the cached network imageVideo lesson
15Start implementing the movies widget.mp4Video lesson
16Implement the favorite btn widgetVideo lesson
17Create the geners list dynamic widgetVideo lesson
18Implement the favorites screenVideo lesson
19Implement the Movie Details ScreenVideo lesson
20Implement the Error Widget and the Splash ScreenVideo lesson
25Create an account on Movies DB and request an API KeyVideo lesson
26API Documentation OverviewVideo lesson
27Create the Movie ModelVideo lesson
28Explain why we need to use the genre api and do the mappingVideo lesson
29Create the API Constants ClassVideo lesson
30Create a secured envirement for the API KEYsVideo lesson
31Start integrating the API in our code and send requestsVideo lesson
32Override the toString Function in the MoviesModelVideo lesson
33Implement the Movie Genres Model and the API CallsVideo lesson
34Create the Repository classVideo lesson
35Advanced Local State Management vs Global State ManagementVideo lesson
36Fetch the movies with pagination using the setState state managementVideo lesson
37Display the correct movie details on the screenVideo lesson
38Add animation for the imageVideo lesson
39Fetch the genres in the splash screenVideo lesson
40Display the correct genres on the screen and do the mappingVideo lesson
41Test the retry button in the Error handlingVideo lesson
42Implement the favorite btn with the setState management and display why it isVideo lesson
43Fix the average number formattingVideo lesson
45Explain the Provider State Management in theoryVideo lesson
46Start implementing the Theme State management with providerVideo lesson
47More about the Consumer Widget in ProviderVideo lesson
48Load the last saved themeVideo lesson
49Implement the Movies ProviderVideo lesson
50Implement the splash screen using the provider state managementVideo lesson
51Recap how our App code is connected together using MVVMVideo lesson
52Test the error handling in the Splash ScreenVideo lesson
53Implement the pagination using the provider state managementVideo lesson
54Display the movies information on the screen using a new way from the ProviderVideo lesson
55Display the correct genres on the screenVideo lesson
56Implement the Favorites ProviderVideo lesson
57Allow the user to add and remove from his favoritesVideo lesson
58Load the favorite moviesVideo lesson
59Display the favorites in the Favorites ScreenVideo lesson
60Quiz - Provider State ManagementQuiz
Quiz Related to the Provider State Management
61Get Started with the Riverpod state managementVideo lesson
62Create the theme providerVideo lesson
63Finalize the theme provider using RiverpodVideo lesson
64Recap on how we implemented the theme provider using the riverpod and how thiVideo lesson
65Introduce the Consumer widget in RiverpodVideo lesson
66Start Implementing the movies stateVideo lesson
67Create the copyWith Function to be able to update the movies stateVideo lesson
68Create the movies providerVideo lesson
69Implement the Splash Screen using Future BuilderVideo lesson
70Implement the Splash Screen using async notifierVideo lesson
71Test the error handling in the Splash Screen - RiverpodVideo lesson
72Fix the setState() or markNeedsBuild() called during build.Video lesson
73autoDispose & ref.keepAlive()Video lesson
74Fetch movies and implement the pagination in the Movies ScreenVideo lesson
75Display the correct movie data on the screen using the RiverpodVideo lesson
76Fix the duplicated movies bugVideo lesson
77Implement the favorites state and providerVideo lesson
78Allow the user to add and remove from his favoritesVideo lesson
79Load the favorites on the App startVideo lesson
80Display the correct favs on the screenVideo lesson
81Explain Stream ProviderVideo lesson
82Explain the logging observer using the RiverpodVideo lesson
83Explain the ConsumerStfulWidget - dont skipVideo lesson
84Display the correct movie genres on the screenVideo lesson
85Riverpod QuizQuiz
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