Advanced Fluid Mechanics & Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Dive deep into the intricate world of Fluid Mechanics and experience the awe-inspiring symphony of fluidic behavior that powers our natural and engineered systems. From the foundational concepts of Newton’s laws applied to fluids to the complex calculations needed for engineering problem-solving, this course offers a comprehensive understanding of fluid motion and its critical role in both natural phenomena and man-made inventions. Grasp the nuances of continuity equations, momentum conservation, and the beauty of Navier-Stokes’ equations, as they govern fluid flow.
Embark on a journey through the intricacies of turbomachines, exploring their classifications, working principles, and applications. Delve into the dynamics of boundary layers, from their genesis to their effect on the bodies in flow. Engage in the fascinating realm of external flow, uncovering the principles behind drag, lift, and the magnificent designs of airfoils. Finally, stands at the forefront of technological advancement with an introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), exploring the realm of numerical simulations that push the boundaries of engineering capabilities.
This course isn’t just about learning theories but bridging the chasm between theory and real-world application. By the end, you will not only understand the mathematics behind fluid motion but will gain a profound appreciation for its relevance in shaping the world around us. Whether you aspire to design advanced aerostructures, engineer efficient transportation systems, or merely satiate an academic curiosity, this course is a key milestone in your journey of discovery and innovation.
Reference books for this course:
Fluid Mechanics by Yunus A. Cengel, John M. Cimbala
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 6th Edition By Munson
Lecture-1 Introduction to Fluid
The subject of Fluid Mechanics
Laws in the scientific study
Engineering approach of problem-solving
Fluid definition
Newton’s law of viscosity
Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluid
Problems based on Newton’s law of Viscosity
Lecture-2 Continuity Equation
Principle of conservation of mass
Differential and Integral approach
Eulerian and LaGrange’s approach
Inventory Equation
Derivation of Continuity equation-Differential approach
Conservation and Non-Conservation Forms of Continuity
Material derivative
Scalar and Vector field
Acceleration field
Lecture-3 Momentum Equation
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Body force
Surface force
Momentum Equation in differential form
Stokes postulate
Navier-Stokes Equation
Lecture-4 Application of Navier Stokes equation
N-S equation as governing equation of fluid flow
Application of the N-S equation for a steady and laminar fluid flow between two fixed infinitely long plates.
Velocity profile
Volume flow rate calculation from the velocity profile
Local velocity, average velocity, maximum velocity
Calculating Reynolds Number from the Velocity profile
Lecture-5 Application of Navier Stokes equation – Couette flow
The physical meaning of the N-S equation
Fully developed flow
Application of N-S equation for a steady and laminar fluid flow between one fixed and one moving plate-Couette Flow
Applications of Couette flow
Lecture-6 Reynolds Transport Theorem Derivation
Control Mass (A System) and Control Volume
Lagrangian and Eulerian Approach
Extensive and Intensive property
Derivation of Reynolds Transport Theorem (RTT)
Interpretation of net flux term of RTT
Lecture-7 Reynolds Transport Theorem – Continuity Equation
Reynolds Transport Theorem (RTT)
Deriving Continuity Equation using RTT
Mass flow rate, volume flow rate, and Average speed
Differential and Integral Form of Continuity Equation
Lecture-8 RTT-Continuity Equation Numericals
Continuity Equation in Integral Form
Solving numerical problems using Continuity Equation
Lecture-9 RTT- Linear Momentum Equation
Reynolds Transport Theorem (RTT)
Deriving Momentum Equation using RTT
Resultant Forces acting on a CV
Momentum accumulation in a CV
Momentum flow through a CV
Lecture-10 RTT- Angular Momentum Equation
Reynolds Transport Theorem (RTT)
Deriving Angular Momentum Equation using RTT
Problem-based on Linear and Angular Momentum
RTT for Moving and Deforming CV
Lecture-11 Kinematics of Flow-Flow Types
Fluid Flow Visualization- Classics
Software for flow visualization (2dflowvis)
Lecture-12 Kinematics of Flow- Irrotational Flow
The motion of fluid Element
Transformation of a fluid element
Angular velocity vector
Vorticity Vector
Irrotational flow field
Lecture-13 Kinematics of Flow- Stream function
Visualizing velocity field-Java Applet
Visualizing velocity field- Maple
Stream function
Change in the value of the stream function
Problem with the stream function
Stream function in polar coordinates
Lecture-14 Kinematics of Flow- Circulation
Relationship between Circulation and Vorticity
Stoke’s theorem
Problem on Circulation
The physical meaning of Divergence of a vector
Circulation and Divergence in Java Applet
Lecture-15 Potential Flow- Velocity potential function
Velocity Potential function, φ
Potential flow
Relationship between ψ and φ
Flow net
Velocity potential function in cylindrical coordinates
Velocity Potential function in Java Applet
Lecture-16 Potential Flow- Basic potential flows
Uniform flow
Source and Sink flow
Vortex flow
Stream function and Velocity potential function for basic flows
Lecture-17 Potential Flow- Superposition of potential flows-I
Superposition of basic potential flows
Half body
Lecture-18 Potential Flow- Superposition of Potential flow-II
Flow around a cylinder
Flow around a cylinder-Velocity and pressure distribution
Flow around a cylinder-Drag and Lift
Rankine body
Problem with Rankine Body
Lecture-19 Potential Flow- Superposition of Potential flow-III
Superposition of basic potential flows
Flow around a cylinder with circulation
Magnus Effect
Problem- Flow around a cylinder with circulation
Lecture-20 Turbo-machine- Fluid Machines
Fluid machines classification
Positive Displacement machines
Comparison of PDPs and Roto-dynamic pumps
Turbo-machine Classifications
Scope of Turbo-machines
Lecture-21 Turbo-machine- Euler’s Equation
One-dimensional flow through an impeller
Velocity triangle
Euler’s equation of turbo-machine
Lecture-22 Turbo-machine- Blade Angles
Velocity triangle
Velocity triangle at inlet-assumptions
Effect of blade angle on the head
Typical Characteristic curve of a centrifugal pump
Effect of blade angle on Characteristic curve
Lecture-23 Turbo-machine- Performance-I
Problem-Centrifugal blower
Static, Friction, and System head
Pump Losses
Pump Efficiency
Pump Performance Characteristic curves
Lecture-24 Turbo-machine- Performance-II
Pump System Curve
Pumps in Series and Parallel
Pump Affinity laws
Pump specific speed
Lecture-25 Turbo-machine- Turbine
Schematics of hydraulic turbines
Velocity triangles of Turbine
Impulse Turbine
Reaction Turbine
Degree of Reaction
Lecture-26 Turbo-machine- Turbine Performance
Pump and Turbine Efficiencies
General Energy Equation
Affinity laws for Turbine
Turbine specific speed
Lecture-27 Boundary layer- Concept
Classification of flows
One-dimensional and multi-dimensional flow
Steady and Unsteady flow
Uniform and Non-Uniform flow
Inviscid and Viscous flow
Attached and Flow Separation
Laminar and Turbulent flow
Prandtl-Boundary layer concept
Growth of boundary layer thickness
Lecture-28 Boundary Layer- Order Analysis over Flat Plate
Order of Magnitude or Scale Analysis
Order of Magnitude Analysis over a flat plate
Boundary layer thickness as a function of Reynold’s Number
Wall shear stress using Scale Analysis
Skin friction coefficient using Scale Analysis
Lecture-29 Boundary layer- Blasius solution
Laminar boundary layer on a flat plate
Blasius solution
Wall shear stress using Blasius solution
Friction coefficient using Blasius solution
Problem- Using Blasius’s solution
Lecture-30 Boundary layer- turbulent flow over a flat plate
Turbulent flow
Governing Equations in Turbulent Flow
Boundary layer in turbulent flow
The velocity profile in laminar and turbulent flow
Velocity distribution in the turbulent boundary layer
Law of wall
Lecture-31 Boundary layer- Displacement and Momentum thickness
Disturbance or Boundary layer thickness
Displacement thickness
Displacement thickness using Blasius solution
Momentum thickness
Momentum thickness using Blasius Solution
The relative amount of displacement and momentum thickness for laminar flow over a flat plate
Lecture-32 Boundary layer- Approximate solution
Control Volume analysis for Boundary layer
Von Karman Solution
Von Karman Integral equation
An approximate solution to Laminar boundary layer over a flat plate
Lecture-33 Boundary layer- Skin Friction Coefficient
Friction Coefficient for laminar boundary layer
Local and Average skin friction coefficient
Friction Coefficient for Turbulent boundary layer
Friction Coefficient for Mixed boundary layer
Problem- Mixed boundary layer over a flat plate
Lecture 34 Introduction to EES-Parametric and plotting
Lecture-35 External flow- Introduction
External flow- Application
Forces and Moments on arbitrary shape body
External Flow over a flat plate and cylinder
External flow- Low and High Reynolds’s Number flows
Introduction to Open channel flow
External flow characteristics
Lecture-36 External Flow-Drag and Lift
The resultant force on a body
Drag and lift Forces
Drag Coefficient
Problem-Drag coefficient
Pressure and Shear stress distribution
Lecture-37 External flow- Drag Coefficient-1
Drag and Lift Forces-Alternate Method
The drag coefficient for slender bodies
Problem-Drag coefficient
Factors affecting drag coefficient
Lecture-38 External flow- Drag Coefficient-2
The drag coefficient for common geometries
Drag reduction in nature
Drag reduction in other applications
Experimental measurement of drag coefficient
Lecture-39 External flow- Drag in Vehicles
Drag Coefficient of cars-History
Drag and Rolling Resistance on a Vehicle
Power required to drive a vehicle
Problem-Power-Drag and Rolling Resistance
Drag Reduction in Vehicles
Lecture-40 External Flow-Introduction to Airfoil
What is Airfoil?
Airfoil types
Airfoil Nomenclature
Aircraft terminologies
Airfoil-Potential flow theory
Minimum Flight Velocity
Lecture-41 External Flow-Airfoil Performance
Lift and Drag on Airfoil
Airfoil-Boundary layer theory
Airfoil-Flow separation
Effect of angle of attack
Performance of different Aerofoil
Airfoil with flap
Airfoil at different Mach Number
Lecture-42 CFD- Introduction
What is CFD?
CFD Scope and Applications
Role of CFD in Engineering
How CFD works
Practical Steps of Solving Problems in CFD
Lecture-43 CFD- Finite Difference Method
Numerical Techniques
Finite difference Method
Forward, Backward and Central Difference
Mixed Derivatives
Problem- Finite Difference Method
Solving problems in CFD using ANSYS-CFX
Lecture 44 CFD-Geometry and Mesh
Lecture 45 CFD-Pre-Solver Solution Post Process (CFX)
Unlock the secrets of the fluid world and propel your understanding to new heights. Enroll today and embark on an unparalleled journey into the heart of Fluid Mechanics!
4Lecture-4 Navier Stokes equationVideo lesson
N-S equation as governing equation of fluid flow
Application of N-S equation for a steady and laminar fluid flow between two fixed infinitely long plates.
Velocity profile
Volume flow rate calculation from velocity profile
Local velocity, average velocity, maximum velocity
Calculating Reynolds Number from Velocity profile
5Lecture-5 Application of Navier Stokes equation - Couette flowVideo lesson
Physical meaning of N-S equation
Fully developed flow
Application of N-S equation for a steady and laminar fluid flow between one fixed and one moving plate-Couette Flow
Applications of Couette flow
6Lecture-6 Reynolds Transport Theorem DerivationVideo lesson
Control Mass (A System) and Control Volume
Lagrangian and Eulerian Approach
Extensive and Intensive property
Derivation of Reynolds Transport Theorem (RTT)
Interpretation of net flux term of RTT
7Lecture-7 Reynolds Transport Theorem - Continuity EquationVideo lesson
Reynolds Transport Theorem (RTT)
Deriving Continuity Equation using RTT
Mass flow rate, Volume flow rate, and Average speed
Differential and Integral form of Continuity Equation
8Lecture-8 RTT-Continuity Equation NumericalsVideo lesson
Continuity Equation in Integral form
Solving numerical problems using Continuity Equation
9Lecture-9 RTT- Linear Momentum EquationVideo lesson
Reynolds Transport Theorem (RTT)
Deriving Momentum Equation using RTT
Resultant Forces acting on a CV
Momentum accumulation in a CV
Momentum flow through a CV
10Lecture-10 RTT- Angular Momentum EquationVideo lesson
Reynolds Transport Theorem (RTT)
Deriving Angular Momentum Equation using RTT
Problem based on Linear and Angular Momentum
RTT for Moving and Deforming CV
11Lecture-11 Kinematics of Flow- Flow typesVideo lesson
Fluid Flow Visualization- Classics
Software for flow visualization (2dflowvis)
12Lecture-12 Kinematics of Flow- Irrotational FlowVideo lesson
Motion of fluid Element
Transformation of fluid element
Angular velocity vector
Vorticity Vector
Irrotational flow field
13Lecture-13 Kinematics of Flow- Stream functionVideo lesson
Visualizing velocity field-Java Applet
Visualizing velocity field- Maple
Stream function
Change in the value of stream function
Problem on stream function
Stream function in polar coordinates
14Lecture-14 Kinematics of Flow- CirculationVideo lesson
Relationship between Circulation and Vorticity
Stoke’s theorem
Problem on Circulation
Physical meaning of Divergence of a vector
Circulation and Divergence in Java Applet
15Lecture-15 Potential Flow- Velocity potential functionVideo lesson
Velocity Potential function, φ
Potential flow
Relationship between ψ and φ
Flow net
Velocity potential function in cylindrical coordinates
Velocity Potential function in Java Applet
16Lecture-16 Potential Flow- Basic potential flowsVideo lesson
Uniform flow
Source and Sink flow
Vortex flow
Stream function and Velocity potential function for basic flows
17Lecture-17 Potential Flow- Superposition of potential flows-IVideo lesson
Superposition of basic potential flows
Half body
18Lecture-18 Potential Flow- Superposition of potential flow-IIVideo lesson
Flow around a cylinder
Flow around a cylinder-Velocity and pressure distribution
Flow around a cylinder-Drag and Lift
Rankine body
Problem on Rankine Body
19Lecture-19 Potential Flow- Superposition of potential flow-IIIVideo lesson
Superposition of basic potential flows
Flow around a cylinder with circulation
Magnus Effect
Problem- Flow around a cylinder with circulation
20Lecture-20 Turbo-machine- Fluid MachinesVideo lesson
Fluid machines classification
Positive Displacement machines
Comparison of PDPs and Roto-dynamic pumps
Turbo-machine Classifications
Scope of Turbo-machines
21Lecture-21 Turbo-machine- Euler’s EquationVideo lesson
One dimensional flow through an impeller
Velocity triangle
Euler’s equation of turbo-machine
22Lecture-22 Turbo-machine- Blade AnglesVideo lesson
Velocity triangle
Velocity triangle at inlet-assumptions
Effect of blade angle on head
Typical Characteristic curve of a centrifugal pump
Effect of blade angle on Characteristic curve
23Lecture-23 Turbo-machine- Performance-IVideo lesson
Problem-Centrifugal blower
Static, Friction and System head
Pump Losses
Pump Efficiency
Pump Performance Characteristic curves
24Lecture-24 Turbo-machine- Performance-IIVideo lesson
Pump System Curve
Pumps in Series and Parallel
Pump Affinity laws
Pump specific speed
25Lecture-25 Turbo-machine- TurbineVideo lesson
Schematics of hydraulic turbines
Velocity triangles of Turbine
Impulse Turbine
Reaction Turbine
Degree of Reaction
26Lecture-26 Turbo-machine- Turbine PerformanceVideo lesson
Pump and Turbine Efficiencies
General Energy Equation
Affinity laws for Turbine
Turbine specific speed
27Lecture-27 Boundary layer- ConceptVideo lesson
Classification of flows
One dimensional and multi dimensional flow
Steady and Unsteady flow
Uniform and Non-Uniform flow
Inviscid and Viscous flow
Attached and Flow separation
Laminar and Turbulent flow
Prandtl-Boundary layer concept
Growth of boundary layer thickness
28Lecture-28 Boundary layer- Order Analysis over Flat plateVideo lesson
Order of Magnitude or Scale Analysis
Order of Magnitude Analysis over flat plate
Boundary layer thickness as a function of Reynold’s Number
Wall shear stress using Scale Analysis
Skin friction coefficient using Scale Analysis
29Lecture-29 Boundary layer- Blasius solutionVideo lesson
Laminar boundary layer on a flat plate
Blasius solution
Wall shear stress using Blasius solution
Friction coefficient using Blasius solution
Problem- Using Blasius solution
30Lecture-30 Boundary layer- Turbulent flow over flat plateVideo lesson
Turbulent flow
Governing Equations in Turbulent flow
Boundary layer in Turbulent flow
Velocity profile in laminar and turbulent flow
Velocity distribution in turbulent boundary layer
Law of wall
31Lecture-31 Boundary layer- Displacement and Momentum thicknessVideo lesson
Disturbance or Boundary layer thickness
Displacement thickness
Displacement thickness using Blasius solution
Momentum thickness
Momentum thickness using Blasius Solution
Relative amount of displacement and momentum thickness for laminar flow over flat plate
32Lecture-32 Boundary layer- Approximate solutionVideo lesson
Control Volume analysis for Boundary layer
Von Karman Solution
Von Karman Integral equation
Approximate solution to Laminar boundary layer over flat plate
33Lecture-33 Boundary layer- Skin Friction CoefficientVideo lesson
Friction Coefficient for laminar boundary layer
Local and Average skin friction coefficient
Friction Coefficient for Turbulent boundary layer
Friction Coefficient for Mixed boundary layer
Problem- Mixed boundary layer over flat plate
35Lecture-35 External flow- IntroductionVideo lesson
External flow- Application
Forces and Moments on arbitrary shape body
External Flow over a flat plate and cylinder
External flow- Low and High Reynolds's Number flows
Introduction to Open channel flow
External flow characteristics
36Lecture-36 External flow-Drag and LiftVideo lesson
Resultant force on a body
Drag and lift Forces
Drag Coefficient
Problem-Drag coefficient
Pressure and Shear stress distribution
37Lecture-37 External flow- Drag Coefficient-1Video lesson
Drag and lift Forces-Alternate Method
Drag coefficient for slender bodies
Problem-Drag coefficient
Factors affecting drag coefficient
38Lecture-38 External flow- Drag Coefficient-2Video lesson
Drag coefficient for common geometries
Drag reduction in nature
Drag reduction in other applications
Experimental measurement of drag coefficient
39Lecture-39 External flow- Drag in VehiclesVideo lesson
Drag Coefficient of cars-History
Drag and Rolling resistance on a Vehicle
Power required to drive a vehicle
Problem-Power-Drag and Rolling Resistance
Drag reduction in Vehicles
40Lecture-40 External flow-Introduction to AirfoilVideo lesson
What is Airfoil?
Airfoil types
Airfoil Nomenclature
Aircraft terminologies
Airfoil-Potential flow theory
Minimum Flight Velocity
41Lecture-41 External flow-Airfoil PerformanceVideo lesson
Lift and Drag on Airfoil
Airfoil-Boundary layer theory
Airfoil-Flow separation
Effect of angle of attack
Performance of different Aerofoil
Airfoil with flap
Airfoil at different Mach Number

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