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5700+ visualized English vocabulary

a 3048-paged downloadable eBook + personalized videos
Eric Zhang
32 students enrolled
English [CC]
Explore over 5700 common and academic English words, continually expanding, designed for success in IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, PTE, and GRE exams.
Decode vocabulary visually using 5700+ words & clear explanations. Excel in exams confidently.
Master vocabulary visually with speaker-led explanations & engaging visuals.
Prepare for exams (IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, PTE, GRE) with image-based vocab learning. Achieve success!

Welcome to “Visualize Vocabulary Mastery,” a course designed to enhance language learning through effective methods. This course aims to improve the way language learners understand and remember words by providing efficient and enjoyable learning experiences.

Navigating the vast sea of vocabulary can be challenging for learners. This course focuses on guiding learners through the derivation of meanings using visuals, simple language, and engaging narratives, aiming to facilitate understanding and retention.

Key Features of the Course:

· Comprehensive Coverage: Explore a wide range of common and academic English words, including those relevant to exams such as IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, PTE, and GRE.

· Visual Learning: Each word is accompanied by illustrations to facilitate understanding and memorization for learners of all levels.

· Suitable for Educators and Learners: This course provides effective tools for language learning, suitable for both educators and individual learners.

· Interactive Elements: Engage in simple dialogues and scenarios, adding an enjoyable element to the learning process.

· Complimentary E-Book: Enhance your learning experience with a complimentary 3048-paged e-book download containing additional learning materials.

What Sets This Course Apart:

This course encourages learners to derive meanings independently while providing official word meanings. It complements traditional dictionaries, offering a unique approach to language learning.

Embark on a journey where words come to life, understanding deepens, and learning becomes an art. Join “Visualize Vocabulary Mastery” today and discover the joy and wisdom in the world of words.

a&r, aargh, aback, abaft, abandon, abase, abashed

abate, abbreviation, abdicate, abet, abeyance, abhor

abide, abiding, abinitio, abiotic, ability, abject

abjure, ablation, ablaze, ablative, able, abduct

able-bodied, ableism, able seaman, abnegation, aboard

abode, abolish, abominable, abominate, aberrant, abort

abroad, abrogate, abrupt, abscond, absence, absolution

absolutism, absolve, absorb, abstain, abstemious, abstinence

abstract, abstracted, abstruse, absurd, abundance, abuse, abut

acapella, accede, accelerate, accentuate, accept


acclimatize, accolade, accommodate, accommodating, accommodation, accompaniment

accost, account, accountable, accountant, accoutrement, accredit

accursed,accuse,accustom,ACDC, ace, acerbic

acetate, ache, achieve, acid, acidify, acknowledge, acme, acolyte

acoustic, acquaint, acquiesce, acquire, acquisitive, acquit



addict, additional, additive, addled, address, adduce

adept, adequate, adhere, adherent, ad hoc, adieu, ad infinitum, adjacent

administration, admirable, admissible, admission, admit, admittance

admonish, ad nauseam, ado, adolescence, adopt, adore, adorn

adrift, adroit, adulation, adulterate, adulterous, adumbrate

advantage, advent, adventure, adversary, adverse, adversity

advertise, advice, advisable, aerodynamic, aero foil, aeronautics



Afrikaans, afterlife, aftermath, afterthought, against, agape

age,ageism,ageless,agency,agenda,agent provocateur


agoraphobia, agrarian, ague, ahoy, ail, aim, aimless, ain’t

air, airlift, airlock, airspace, airtight, airway, airworthy

airy, airy-fairy, alacrity, alarmist, albeit, alcoholism

alderman, alert, alfresco, algorithm, alias, alibi

alien, alienate, alight, align, alimony, alive, alkali


alliteration, allocate, allot, allow, allowance, alloy, allude, allure

alluvial, alma mater, almanac, almighty, alms, alms-house, aloft, alone

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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!

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13 hours on-demand video
Certificate of Completion

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