50Days of DSA JavaScript Data Structures Algorithms LEETCODE
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About the Course:
Welcome to the Data Structures and Algorithms Coding Interview Bootcamp with Javascript!
The primary goal of this course is to prepare you for coding interviews at top tech companies. By tackling one problem at a time and understanding its solution, you’ll accumulate a variety of tools and techniques for conquering any coding interview.
Daily Data Structures and Algorithms Coding Challenges:
The course is structured around daily coding challenges. Consistent practice will equip you with the skills required to ace coding interviews. For the next 50 days commit to yourself to practice atleast 2 coding interview questions everyday. You don’t need any setup for this as the daily coding problem challenges can be solved in the coding environment provided by Udemy. The course will automatically track your progress and you just need to spend your time making actual progress everyday.
Topics Covered:
We start from the basics with Big O analysis, then move on to very important algorithmic techniques such as Recursion, Backtracking and Dynamic Programming Patters. After this we move to cover common data structures, and discuss real problems asked in interviews at tech giants such as Google, Meta, Amazon, Netflix, Apple, and Microsoft.
For each question, we will:
Discuss the optimal approach
Explain time and space complexity
Code the solution in Javascript (you can follow along in your preferred language)
Additional Resources :
The course includes downloadable resources, motivational trackers, and cheat sheets.
Course Outline:
Day 1: Arrays, Big O, Sorted Squared Array, Monotonic Array
Day 2:Recursion,k-th symbol in Grammar,Josephus problem
Day 3:Recursion, Tower of Hanoi, Power Sum
Day 4:Backtracking, Permutations, Permutations 2
Day 5:Backtracking, Subsets, Subsets 2
Day 6:Backtracking, Combinations, Combinations Sum 1
Day 7:Backtracking,Combinations Sum 2,Combinations Sum 3
Day 8:Backtracking,Sudoku Solver, N Queens
Day 9:Dynamic Programming, Fibonacci, Climbing Stairs
Day 10:Dynamic Programming, Min Cost Climbing Stairs, Tribonacci
Day 11:Dynamic Programming, 01 Knapsack, Unbounded Knapsack
Day 12:Dynamic Programming, Target Sum, Partition Equal Subset Sum
Day 13:Dynamic Programming, LCS, Edit Distance
Day 14:Dynamic Programming, LIS, Max Length of Pair Chain, Russian Doll Envelopes
Day 15:Dynamic Programming, Palindromic Substrings, Longest Palindromic Substring, Longest Palindromic Subsequence
Day 16:Dynamic Programming, Palindrome Partitioning, Palindrome Partitioning 2
Day 17:Dynamic Programming, Word Break, Matrix Chain Multiplication
Day 18:Dynamic Programming, Kadane’s algorithm – Max Subarray, Maximum Product Subarray
Day 19:Greedy Algorithms – Fractional Knpasack, Non overlapping Intervals
Day 20:Greedy Algorithms – Jump Game 1, Minimum # of arrows to burst baloons
Day 21:Greedy Algorithms – Two City Scheduling, Boats to Save people
Day 22:Greedy Algorithms – Task Scheduler, Largest Number
Day 23:Greedy Algorithms – Gas Stations, Jump Game 2
Day 24: Arrays, Rotate Array, Container with Most Water
Day 25: Hash Tables, Two Sum, Isomorphic Strings
Day 26: Strings, Non-Repeating Character, Palindrome
Day 27: Strings, Longest Unique Substring, Group Anagrams
Day 28: Searching, Binary Search, Search in Rotated Sorted Array
Day 29: Searching, Find First and Last Position, Search in 2D Array
Day 30: Sorting, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort
Day 31: Sorting, Selection Sort, Merge Sort
Day 32: Sorting, Quick Sort, Radix Sort
Day 33: Singly Linked Lists, Construct SLL, Delete Duplicates
Day 34: Singly Linked Lists, Reverse SLL, Cycle Detection
Day 35: Singly Linked Lists, Find Duplicate, Add 2 Numbers
Day 36: Doubly Linked Lists, DLL Remove Insert, DLL Remove All
Day 37: Stacks, Construct Stack, Reverse Polish Notation
Day 38: Queues, Construct Queue, Implement Queue with Stack
Day 39: Binary Trees, Construct BST, Traversal Techniques
Day 40: Pre order and In order Traversal of Binary Tree – Iterative
Day 41: Post Order Traversal Iterative, Path Sum 2
Day 42: Construct Binary Tree from Pre and In order Traversal ^ In and Post order Traversal
Day 43: Binary Trees, Level Order Traversal, Left/Right View
Day 44: Level order Trav 2, ZigZag Traversal
Day 45: Vertical order Traversal, Sum root to leaf numbers
Day 46: Binary Trees, Invert Tree, Diameter of Tree
Day 47: Binary Trees, Convert Sorted Array to BST, Validate BST
Day 48: Lowest common Ancestor of BST, Unique BST 2
Day 49: Lowest common Ancestor of Binary Tree, Unique BST 1
Day 50: Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree, N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal
Day 51: Heaps, Max Heap, Min Priority Queue
Day 52: Graphs, BFS, DFS
Day 53: Graphs, Number of Connected Components, Topological Sort
Day 54: Number of Provinces, Find if path exists in Graph
Day 55: Number of Islands, Numbers with same consecutive differences
My confidence in your satisfaction with this course is so high that we offer a complete money-back guarantee for 30 days! Thus, it’s a totally risk-free opportunity. Register today, facing ZERO risk and standing to gain EVERYTHING.
So what are you waiting for? Join the best Javascript Data Structures & Algorithms Bootcamp on Udemy.
I’m eager to see you in the course.
Let’s kick things off! 🙂
1What you're going to get from this courseVideo lesson
2Welcome! How to make best use of this course (Please Watch)Video lesson
3Best Study Technique to prepare for Coding InterviewsText lesson
4Day 1 GoalsText lesson
5Introduction to Data StructuresVideo lesson
6Introduction to Big O, Time ComplexityVideo lesson
7Asymptotic Analysis and Big OVideo lesson
8Big O Space ComplexityVideo lesson
9Big O LogarithmVideo lesson
10Arrays: Data Structures Crash CourseVideo lesson
11Quiz: ArraysQuiz
13How to log output to debug code in Udemy EditorText lesson
14CODING INTERVIEW Q1 (Easy): Sorted Squared ArrayVideo lesson
15CODING INTERVIEW Q1 (Easy): Sorted Squared ArrayQuiz
16Method 1, Big O AnalysisVideo lesson
17JS Code - Method 1Video lesson
18Method 2Video lesson
19JavaScript Code - Method 2Video lesson
20CODING INTERVIEW Q2 (Easy): Monotonic ArrayVideo lesson
21Coding Exercise: Monotonic ArrayQuiz
22Method and Big O analysisVideo lesson
23JavaScript Code - Monotonic ArrayVideo lesson
24Day 2 GoalsText lesson
25Recursion BasicsVideo lesson
26Recursive Leap of FaithVideo lesson
27Visualising RecursionVideo lesson
28Recursion vs IterationVideo lesson
29Ways to write Base conditionVideo lesson
30Recurrence relationVideo lesson
31How to Solve Recursion QuestionsVideo lesson
32Recursion Approaches - 0 to N and N to 0Video lesson
33Recursion is everywhereVideo lesson
34Complexity Analysis of Recursive SolutionsVideo lesson
35Quiz: RecursionQuiz
36CODING INTERVIEW QUESTION (Medium): k-th symbol in GrammarVideo lesson
37Coding Exercise (k-th symbol in Grammar)Quiz
38Approach(k-th symbol in Grammar)Video lesson
39Pseudocode (k-th symbol in Grammar)Video lesson
40Complexity Analysis(k-th symbol in Grammar)Video lesson
41JavaScript Solution (k-th symbol in Grammar)Video lesson
42CODING INTERVIEW QUESTION (Medium): Josephus problemVideo lesson
43Coding Exercise: Josephus problemQuiz
44Approach 1Video lesson
45PseudocodeVideo lesson
46Complexity AnalysisVideo lesson
47JavaScript Solution 1: Josephus problem Method 1Video lesson
48Approach 2Video lesson
49PseudocodeVideo lesson
50Complexity AnalysisVideo lesson
51JavaScript Solution 2 : Josephus problem Method 2Video lesson
52Approach 3Video lesson
53Complexity AnalysisVideo lesson
54JavaScript Solution 3 : Josephus problem Method 3Video lesson
55Day 3 GoalsText lesson
56CODING INTERVIEW QUESTION (Medium): Tower of HanoiVideo lesson
57Coding Exercise(Tower of Hanoi)Quiz
58Identifying that wew can use RecursionVideo lesson
59ApproachVideo lesson
60Recursion TreeVideo lesson
61JavaScript Solution : Tower of HanoiVideo lesson
62Complexity Analysis : Tower of HanoiVideo lesson
63CODING INTERVIEW QUESTION(Medium): Power SumVideo lesson
64Coding Exercise: Power SumQuiz
65Method and Big O AnalysisVideo lesson
66JavaScript Solution: Power SumVideo lesson
67Day 4 GoalsText lesson
68What is BacktrackingVideo lesson
69How is it different from Recursion ?Video lesson
70How does Backtracking work ?Video lesson
71Pass by reference / change inplaceVideo lesson
72Blueprint to solve questions using BacktrackingVideo lesson
73Identify when to use BacktrackingVideo lesson
74Quiz: BacktrackingQuiz
75CODING INTERVIEW QUESTION (Medium): PermutationsVideo lesson
76Coding Exercise ( Permutations)Quiz
77ApproachVideo lesson
78PseudocodeVideo lesson
79JavaScript Solution : PermutationsVideo lesson
80Complexity AnalysisVideo lesson
81CODING INTERVIEW QUESTION(Medium): Permutations 2Video lesson
82Coding Exercise: Permutations 2Quiz
83ApproachVideo lesson
84PseudocodeVideo lesson
85JavaScript Code: Permutations 2Video lesson
86Complexity Analysis : Permutations 2Video lesson

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