27hrs Data Structures +Algorithms StackQueueLinkedList C C++
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Did you anytime know how data is organized and depending on it how its efficiency on accessibility matters? If NO then Data Structures & Algorithms is good to start with.
This Course Covers in depth Data Structures that are Stack, Queues and Linked List in C and C++ conceptwise and practically.
It covers multiple programs with its execution for mentioned data structures and also for its application.
Coverage on important application of stack, Queue, linked list conceptwise and practically.
Explanation on Whiteboard and Laptop.
Have shared all the source code for associated data structures and their applications.
It is great Technology to Add Plus Point to Your Resume.
Learning Data Structures will pay you more in today’s IT Industry both value and money wise.
Why learn Data Structures & Algorithms ?
It is on demand Technology being continued till Now.
In addition to learn CPU architecture, memory space and various algorithms, you will be able to create efficient programs and will be in competitor list of good programmer in this IT Industry.
You will be able to crack any interview and will shine in this IT Industry as data structures is on-demand technology.
Why enrolling this Course will be the best decision for you?
You will get to know about mentioned Data Structures and will be able to sync it with real time examples
You will get rid to write multiple DSA Programs with execution of it on Windows and Linux too.
You will be able to develop skill power logical and verbal wise too.
It will lead to your growth and shine in career.
You will be able to crack any interview in today’s IT Industry.
This Course will cover all basic concepts of Data Strucres & Algorithms with not only covering “how to code” but also putting light on details “Why it is required and How important it is” so that your all concepts will be cleared from scratch and you can crack any interview giving technical answers covering all the points.
3Stack Introduction Part1Video lesson
What is Stack, importance of it, advantages and disadvantages, logical representation of it, how does it works and much more you will get to know about it in this lecture.
4Stack Introduction Part2Video lesson
What is Stack, importance of it, advantages and disadvantages, logical representation of it, how does it works and much more you will get to know about it in this lecture.
5Stack Using Array with Program Session3Video lesson
You will get to know about implementation of Stack using Array on Whiteboard.
6Stack Using LinkedList with Program Session4Video lesson
You will get to know about implementation of Stack using Linked List on Whiteboard
7Stack Application of Reversing String Part1Video lesson
How to perform reversing string using stack, know about it in this lecture.
8Stack Application of Reversing String Part2Video lesson
How to perform reversing string using stack, know about it in this lecture.
9Stack Application of Reversing String Part 3Video lesson
How to perform reversing string using stack, know about it in this lecture.
10Stack Application of Balanced Parenthesis Part1Video lesson
Whether given expression is having balanced parenthesis using Stack, get to know about it in this lecture. Note: These are all important application of Stack.
11Stack Application of Balanced Parenthesis Part2Video lesson
Whether given expression is having balanced parenthesis using Stack, get to know about it in this lecture. Note: These are all important application of Stack.
12Stack Application of Infix to Postfix Conversion Steps LeftToRightAssociativityVideo lesson
How to perform Infix to Postfix Conversion left to right associativity on Whiteboard using Stack. Note: This is much impotant application of Stack.
13Stack Application of Infix to Postfix Conversion Steps RightToLeftAssociativityVideo lesson
How to perform Infix to Postfix Conversion right to left associativity on Whiteboard using Stack. Note: This is much impotant application of Stack.
14Stack Application of Infix to Postfix Program Part1Video lesson
Program with explanation for Infix to Postfix Conversion using Stack on Whiteboard.
15Stack Application of Infix to Postfix Program Part2Video lesson
Program with explanation for Infix to Postfix Conversion using Stack on Whiteboard.
16Stack Application of Postfix Evaluation ConceptVideo lesson
Evaluation of Postfix Expression using Stack. This is an impotant part portion application of Stack.
17Stack Application of Postfix Evaluation CodingVideo lesson
Program for Evaluation of Postfix Expression using Stack on Whiteboard. This is an impotant part portion application of Stack.
18Stack Application of Infix to Prefix Conversion Rules with ExampleVideo lesson
Stack Application of Infix to Prefix Conversion Rules with Example on Whiteboard
19Stack Application of Infix to Prefix Conversion CodingVideo lesson
Program with explanation for Infix to Prefix Conversion using Stack on Whiteboard.
20Program & Execution of Stack Using Array on IDE in C & C++Video lesson
Program & Execution of implementing stack using array in C & C++ on IDE.
21Program & Execution of Stack Using LinkedLists on IDE in C & C++Video lesson
Program & Execution of implementing stack using Linked List on IDE.
22Program & Execution of Application of Stack for Balanced Parenthesis in C++Video lesson
Program & Execution of checking whether expression is having balanced parenthesis using Stack
23Program & Execution of Infix to Postfix & Evaluation of Postfix in C & C++ Part1Video lesson
Program & Execution of Infix to Postfix Conversion and evaluation of postfix expression on IDE
24Program & Execution of Infix to Postfix & Evaluation of Postfix in C & C++ Part2Video lesson
Program & Execution of Infix to Postfix Conversion and evaluation of postfix expression on IDE
25Program & Execution of Infix to Prefix & Evaluation of Prefix in C & C++Video lesson
Program & Execution of Infix to Prefix Conversion and evaluation of prefix expression on IDE
26Program & Execution of Queue Using Array in C & C++Video lesson
27Program & Execution of Queue Using Linked List in C & C++Video lesson
Program & Execution of Queue Using Linked List in C & C++ on IDE
28Program & Execution of Queue Using Circular Linked Lists in C & C++Video lesson
Program & Execution of Queue Using Circular Linked Lists in C & C++ on IDE
29Program & Execution of Circular Queue Using Array in C & C++ Part1Video lesson
Program & Execution of Circular Queue Using Array in C & C++ on IDE
30Program & Execution of Circular Queue Using Array in C & C++ Part2Video lesson
Program & Execution of Circular Queue Using Array in C & C++ on IDE
31Program & Execution of Deque Using Circular Array in C & C++Video lesson
Program & Execution of Deque Using Circular Array in C & C++ on IDE
32Program & Execution of Priority Queue using LinkedList in C & C++Video lesson
Program & Execution of Priority Queue using LinkedList in C & C++ on IDE
33Singly Linked List IntroductionVideo lesson
Introduction to SinglyLinkedList on Whiteboard
34Singly Linked List MainFunction Part1Video lesson
Program for Singly Linked List MainFunction on Whiteboard
35Singly Linked List Main Function Part2Video lesson
Program for Singly Linked List MainFunction on Whiteboard
36Singly Linked List Program for Adding At Beginning & adding at end of listVideo lesson
Singly Linked List Program for Adding At Beginning and adding at end of the list on Whiteboard
37Singly Linked List Program for Adding after nodeVideo lesson
Singly Linked List Program for Adding after node on Whiteboard
38Single Linked ListProgram for adding before Node Part1Video lesson
Single Linked ListProgram for adding before Node on Whiteboard
39Single Linked ListProgram for adding before Node Part2Video lesson
Single Linked ListProgram for adding before Node on Whiteboard
40Single Linked List Program for adding at PositionVideo lesson
Single Linked List Program for adding at Position on Whiteboard
41Single Linked List Program for creating Singly Linked ListVideo lesson
Single Linked List Program for creating Singly Linked List on Whiteboard
42Single Linked List Program for displaying and counting nodes in Linked listVideo lesson
Single Linked List Program for displaying and counting nodes in Linked list on Whiteboard
43Single Linked List Program for deleting nodes on ListVideo lesson
Single Linked List Program for deleting nodes on List on Whiteboard
44Single Linked List Program for searching nodes on ListVideo lesson
Single Linked List Program for searching nodes on List on Whiteboard
45Single Linked List Program for Reversing SinglyLinkedListVideo lesson
Single Linked List Program for Reversing SinglyLinkedList on Whiteboard
46Doubly Linked List IntroductionVideo lesson
Introduction to Doubly Linked List on Whiteboard
47Doubly Linked List Program to add when list is emptyVideo lesson
Doubly Linked List Program to add when list is empty on Whiteboard
48Doubly Linked List Program to Add at beginningVideo lesson
Doubly Linked List Program to Add at beginning on Whiteboard
49Doubly Linked List Program to Add at End on ListVideo lesson
Doubly Linked List Program to Add at End on List on Whiteboard
50Doubly Linked List Program to add After node on ListVideo lesson
Doubly Linked List Program to add After node on List on Whiteboard
51Doubly Linked List Program to Add before Node on ListVideo lesson
Doubly Linked List Program to Add before Node on List on Whiteboard
52Doubly Linked List Program to Create DoublyLinkedListVideo lesson
Doubly Linked List Program to Create DoublyLinkedList on Whiteboard
53Doubly Linked List Program to delete nodes on ListVideo lesson
Doubly Linked List Program to delete nodes on List on Whiteboard
54Doubly Linked List Program to Reverse ListVideo lesson
Doubly Linked List Program to Reverse List on Whiteboard
55Doubly Linked List Program to Display ListVideo lesson
Doubly Linked List Program to Display List on Whiteboard
56Circular Linked List IntroductionVideo lesson
Introduction to Circular Linked List
57Circular Linked List Main FunctionVideo lesson
Main function of Circular Linked List
58Circular Linked List Program to insert when list empty & to insert at beginningVideo lesson
Circular Linked List Program to insert node when list is empty as well as to insert node to insert at beginning of list
59Circluar Linked List Program to insert node at end of listVideo lesson
Circluar Linked List Program to insert node at end of list
60Circluar Linked List Program to insert node in between of the listVideo lesson
Circluar Linked List Program to insert node in between of the list
61Circluar Linked List Program to delete node in the listVideo lesson
Circluar Linked List Program to delete node in the list
62Program for Singly Linked ListVideo lesson
Here source code for Singly Linked List is attached. For understanding program, please refer earlier session wherein have explained each code line instruction on whiteboard.
63Program for Doubly Linked ListVideo lesson
Here source code for Doubly Linked List is attached. For understanding program, please refer earlier session wherein have explained each code line instruction on whiteboard.
65Application of Linked ListVideo lesson
It will list areas of application whereall Linked List can be used efficiently and there will be practical session on important application.
66Polynomial Manipulation using Linked List Part1 on WhiteboardVideo lesson
There will be series of lecture to cover important application of polynomial manipulation using linkedlist on Whiteboard
67Polynomial Manipulation using Linked List Part2 on WhiteboardVideo lesson
There will be series of lecture to cover important application of polynomial manipulation using linkedlist on Whiteboard
68Polynomial Manipulation using Linked List Part3 on WhiteboardVideo lesson
There will be series of lecture to cover important application of polynomial manipulation using linkedlist on Whiteboard
69Polynomial Manipulation using Linked List Part4 on WhiteboardVideo lesson
There will be series of lecture to cover important application of polynomial manipulation using linkedlist on Whiteboard
70Polynomial Manipulation using Linked List Part5 on WhiteboardVideo lesson
There will be series of lecture to cover important application of polynomial manipulation using linkedlist on Whiteboard
71Polynomial Manipulation using Linked List Part6 on WhiteboardVideo lesson
There will be series of lecture to cover important application of polynomial manipulation using linkedlist on Whiteboard
72Program & Execution of Polynomial Manipulation using LinkedList on Laptop on IDEVideo lesson
Program & Execution of Polynomial Manipulation using LinkedList on Laptop on IDE

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