2024 Python for Linear Regression in Machine Learning
- Description
- Curriculum
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Unlock the power of machine learning with our comprehensive Python course on linear regression. Learn how to use Python to analyze data and build predictive models. This course is perfect for beginners with little or no programming experience and experienced Python developers looking to expand their skill set.
You’ll start with the basics of Python and work your way up to advanced techniques like linear regression, which is a powerful tool for predicting future outcomes based on historical data. Along the way, you’ll gain hands-on experience with popular Python libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib. We will also cover the important aspect of model optimization, interpretability, and feature selection. You will learn how to optimize your model to improve its performance and how to interpret the model results and understand the underlying relationships in your data. We will also discuss feature selection techniques that are used to identify the most essential features that drive the predictions.
By the end of the course, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to use Python to build linear regression models and make accurate predictions. You’ll also be able to apply your new skills to a wide range of machine learning and data science projects. So, if you’re ready to take your Python skills to the next level and start using machine learning to analyze and predict real-world outcomes, this is the course for you!
What is covered in this course?
This course teaches you, step-by-step coding for Linear Regression in Python. The Linear Regression model is one of the widely used in machine learning and it is one the simplest ones, yet there is so much depth that we are going to explore in 14+ hours of videos.
Below are the course contents of this course:
Section 1- Introduction
This section gets you to get started with the setup. Download resources files for code along.
Section 2- Python Crash Course
This section introduces you to the basics of Python programming.
Section 3- Numpy Introduction
This section is optional, you may skip it but I would recommend you to watch it if you are not comfortable with NumPy.
Section 4- Pandas Introduction
This section introduces you to the basic concepts of Pandas. It will help you later in the course to catch up on the coding.
Section 5- Matplotlib Introduction
Do not skip this section. We will be using matplotlib plots extensively in the coming sections. It builds a foundation for a strong visualization of linear regression results.
Section 6- Linear Regression Introduction
We will kick-start our Linear Regression learning. You will learn the basics of linear regression. You will see some examples so that you can understand how Linear Regression works and how to analyze the results.
Section 7- Data Preprocessing for Linear Regression
This section is the most important section. DO NOT SKIP IT. It builds the foundation of data preprocessing for linear regression and other linear machine learning models. You will be learning, what are the techniques which we can use to improve the performance of the model. You will also learn how to check if your data is satisfying the coding of Linear Model Assumptions.
Section 8- Machine Learning Models Interpretability and Explainer
This section teaches you how to open-up any machine learning models. Now you don’t need to treat machine learning models as black-box, you will get to learn how to open this box and how to analyze each and every component of machine learning models.
Section 9- Linear Regression Model Optimization
This section extensively uses the knowledge of previous sections so don’t skip those. You will learn various techniques to improve model performance. We will show you how to do outliers removal and feature transformations.
Section 10- Feature Selection for Linear Regression
This section teaches you some of the best techniques of feature selection. Feature selection reduces the model complexity and chances of model overfitting. Sometimes the model also gets trained faster but mostly depends on how many features are selected and the types of machine learning models.
Section 11- Ridge & Lasso Regression, ElasticNet, and Nonlinear Regression
This section covers, various types of regression techniques. You will be seeing how to achieve the best accuracy by using the above techniques.
By the end of this course, your confidence will boost in creating and analyzing the Linear Regression model in Python. You’ll have a thorough understanding of how to use regression modeling to create predictive models and solve real-world business problems.
1IntroductionVideo lesson
I will cover regression from ground level to the advanced level.
2Resources Folder | DO NOT SKIP!Text lesson
3Install Anaconda and Python 3 on Windows 10Video lesson
4Install Anaconda and Python 3 on Ubuntu MachineVideo lesson
5Jupyter Notebook ShortcutsText lesson
6IntroductionVideo lesson
7Data TypesVideo lesson
8Variable AssignmentVideo lesson
9String AssignmentVideo lesson
10ListVideo lesson
11SetVideo lesson
12TupleVideo lesson
13DictionaryVideo lesson
14Boolean and Comparison OperatorVideo lesson
15Logical OperatorVideo lesson
16If, Else, ElifVideo lesson
17Loops in PythonVideo lesson
18Methods and Lambda FunctionVideo lesson
19IntroductionVideo lesson
20ArrayVideo lesson
21NaN and INFVideo lesson
22Statistical OperationsVideo lesson
23Shape, Reshape, Ravel, FlattenVideo lesson
24Sequence, Repetitions, and Random NumbersVideo lesson
25Where(), ArgMax(), ArgMin()Video lesson
26File Read and WriteVideo lesson
27Concatenate and SortingVideo lesson
28Working with DatesVideo lesson
37IntroductionVideo lesson
38Line PlotVideo lesson
39Label for X-Axis and Y-AxisVideo lesson
40Scatter Plot, Bar Plot, and Hist PlotVideo lesson
41Box PlotVideo lesson
42SubplotVideo lesson
43xlim, ylim, xticks, and yticksVideo lesson
44Pie PlotVideo lesson
45Pie Plot Text ColorVideo lesson
46Nested Pie PlotVideo lesson
47Labeling a Pie PlotVideo lesson
48Bar Chart on Polar AxisVideo lesson
49Line Plot on a Polar AxisVideo lesson
50Scatter Plot on a Polar AxisVideo lesson
51Integral in Calculus Plot as Area Under the CurveVideo lesson
52Linear Regression IntroductionVideo lesson
53Regression ExamplesVideo lesson
54Types of Linear RegressionVideo lesson
55Assessing the performance of the modelVideo lesson
56Bias-Variance tradeoffVideo lesson
57What is sklearn and train-test-splitVideo lesson
58Python Package Upgrade and ImportVideo lesson
59Load Boston Housing DatasetVideo lesson
60Dataset AnalysisVideo lesson
61Exploratory Data Analysis- Pair PlotVideo lesson
62Exploratory Data Analysis- Hist PlotVideo lesson
63Exploratory Data Analysis- HeatmapVideo lesson
64Train Test Split and Model TrainingVideo lesson
65How to Evaluate the Regression Model PerformanceVideo lesson
66Plot True House Price vs Predicted PriceVideo lesson
67Plotting Learning Curves Part 1Video lesson
68Plotting Learning Curves Part 2Video lesson
69Machine Learning Model Interpretability- Residuals PlotVideo lesson
70Machine Learning Model Interpretability- Prediction Error PlotVideo lesson
71Linear Model Assumption for Linear RegressionVideo lesson
72Definitions of Linear Model AssumptionsVideo lesson
73Load Boston DatasetVideo lesson
74Create Reference DataVideo lesson
75Check Linear Assumption for Boston Dataset Part 1Video lesson
76Check Linear Assumption for Boston Dataset Part 2Video lesson
77Log Transformation of VariablesVideo lesson
78Types of Variable TransformationsVideo lesson
79Reciprocal TransformationVideo lesson
80sqrt and exp TransformationVideo lesson
81Box-Cox TransformationVideo lesson
82Yeo-Johnson TransformationVideo lesson
83Check Variables Normality with HistogramVideo lesson
84Check Variables Normality with Q-Q PlotVideo lesson
85Variable Transformation for NormalityVideo lesson
86Check Variables HomocedasticityVideo lesson
87Variable Transformation for Homoscedasticity Part 1Video lesson
88Variable Transformation for Homoscedasticity Part 2Video lesson
89How to Check MulticolinearityVideo lesson
90Normalization and Standardization IntroductionVideo lesson
91Normalization and Standardization CodingVideo lesson
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