2024 Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners
- Description
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Welcome to KGP Talkie’s Natural Language Processing (NLP) course. It is designed to give you a complete understanding of Text Processing and Mining with the use of State-of-the-Art NLP algorithms in Python.
We will learn Spacy in detail and we will also explore the uses of NLP in real life. This course covers the basics of NLP to advance topics like word2vec, GloVe, Deep Learning for NLP like CNN, ANN, and LSTM. I will also show you how you can optimize your ML code by using various tools of sklean in python. At the end part of this course, you will learn how to generate poetry by using LSTM. Multi-Label and Multi-class classification is explained. At least 12 NLP Projects are covered in this course. You will learn various ways of solving edge-cutting NLP problems.
You should have an introductory knowledge of Python and Machine Learning before enrolling in this course.
In this course, we will start from level 0 to the advanced level.
We will start with basics like what is machine learning and how it works. Thereafter I will take you to Python, Numpy, and Pandas crash course. If you have prior experience you can skip these sections. The real game of NLP will start with Spacy Introduction where I will take you through various steps of NLP preprocessing. We will be using Spacy and NLTK mostly for the text data preprocessing.
In the next section, we will learn about working with files to store and load text data. This section is the foundation of another section on Complete Text Preprocessing. I will show you many ways of text preprocessing using Spacy and Regular Expressions. Finally, I will show you how you can create your own python package on preprocessing. It will help us to improve our code-writing skills. We will be able to reuse our code systemwide without writing codes for preprocessing every time. This section is the most important section.
Then, we will start the Machine learning theory section and a walkthrough of the Scikit-Learn Python package where we will learn how to write clean ML code. Thereafter, we will develop our first text classifier for SPAM and HAM message classification. I will also show you various types of word embeddings used in NLP like Bag of Words, Term Frequency, IDF, and TF-IDF. I will show you how you can estimate these features from scratch as well as with the help of the Scikit-Learn package.
Thereafter we will learn about the machine learning model deployment. We will also learn various other essential tools like word2vec, GloVe, Deep Learning, CNN, LSTM, RNN, etc.
Covered Keywords
Natural Language Processing, Python, Beginners, NLP, Text Processing, Text Analysis, Machine Learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Understanding, Text Mining, Text Classification, Sentiment Analysis, Named Entity, Speech Recognition, Language Modeling, Text Generation, Text Summarization, Text Clustering, Text Similarity, Text Preprocessing, Regular Expressions, NLTK, spaCy, Gensim, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Keras, Numpy, Pandas, Jupyter Notebook, Data Visualization.
At the end of this lesson, you will learn everything which you need to solve your own NLP problem.
1Machine Learning IntuitionVideo lesson
What is machine learning in python?
What is Natural Language Processing (NLP) in python
How to use machine learning in NLP
What is NLP in Python roadmap?
2Course OverviewVideo lesson
Overview of NLP Course
Text Preprocessing in Python Intro
Machine Learning introduction.
3DO NOT SKIP IT | Resources Folder!Text lesson
4Install Anaconda and Python 3 on Windows 10Video lesson
Anaconda is used to manage python packages. Anaconda brings most of the machine learning python packages in ready to use mode.
5Install Anaconda and Python 3 on Ubuntu MachineVideo lesson
Anaconda is used to manage python packages. Anaconda brings most of the machine learning python packages in ready to use mode.
6Install Anaconda and Python 3 on Mac MachineVideo lesson
7Install Git Bash and Commander TerminalVideo lesson
Install git bash and commander terminal for better use of terminal on a windows machine.
8Jupyter Notebook ShortcutsVideo lesson
9IntroductionVideo lesson
Python introduction overview.
10Data TypesVideo lesson
Various types of data types in python. Mainly integer, float, and strings.
11Variable AssignmentVideo lesson
How to do a variable assignment in Python. Various use cases of variable assignment in Python.
12String AssignmentVideo lesson
How to do strings assignments to a variable in Python.
13ListVideo lesson
Overview of list data types in Python.
14SetVideo lesson
Overview of set data types in Python.
15TupleVideo lesson
Overview of Tuple data types in Python.
16DictionaryVideo lesson
Overview of Dictionary Datatypes in Python.
17Boolean and Comparison OperatorVideo lesson
Overview of boolean and comparison operator in python like and, or, not etc.
18Logical OperatorVideo lesson
What is a Logical operator in Python and how we can use it?
19If, Else, ElifVideo lesson
Conditional statements in Python.
20Loops in PythonVideo lesson
Overview of for loops in Python.
21Methods and Lambda FunctionVideo lesson
Lambda methods in Python and Its use in machine learning.
22IntroductionVideo lesson
23ArrayVideo lesson
24NaN and INFVideo lesson
25Statistical OperationsVideo lesson
26Shape, Reshape, Ravel, FlattenVideo lesson
27Sequence, Repetitions, and Random NumbersVideo lesson
28Where(), ArgMax(), ArgMin()Video lesson
29File Read and WriteVideo lesson
30Concatenate and SortingVideo lesson
31Working with DatesVideo lesson
40Introduction to NLPVideo lesson
41Spacy 3 IntroductionVideo lesson
42Spacy 3 TokenizationVideo lesson
43POS Tagging in Spacy 3Video lesson
44Visualizing Dependency Parsing with DisplacyVideo lesson
45Sentence Boundary DetectionVideo lesson
46Stop Words in Spacy 3Video lesson
47Lemmatization in Spacy 3Video lesson
48Stemming in NLTK - Lemmatization vs Stemming in NLPVideo lesson
49Word Frequency CounterVideo lesson
50Rule Based Matching in Spacy Part 1Video lesson
51Rule Based Token Matching Examples Part 2Video lesson
52Rule Based Phrase Matching in SpacyVideo lesson
53Rule Based Entity Matching in SpacyVideo lesson
54NER (Named Entity Recognition) in Spacy 3 Part 1Video lesson
55NER (Named Entity Recognition) in Spacy 3 Part 2Video lesson
56Word to Vector (word2vec) and Sentence Similarity in SpacyVideo lesson
57Regular Expression Part 1Video lesson
58Regular Expression Part 2Video lesson
59String FormattingVideo lesson
60Working with open() Files in write() Mode Part 1Video lesson
61Working with open() Files in write() Mode Part 2Video lesson
62Working with open() Files in write() Mode Part 3Video lesson
63Read and Evaluate the FilesVideo lesson
64Reading and Writing .CSV and .TSV Files with PandasVideo lesson
65Reading and Writing .XLSX Files with PandasVideo lesson
66Reading and Writing .JSON FilesVideo lesson
67Reading Files from URL LinksVideo lesson
68Extract Text Data From PDFVideo lesson
69Record the Audio and Convert to TextVideo lesson
70Convert Audio in Text DataVideo lesson
71Text to Speech GenerationVideo lesson
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