2024 Complete Python Bootcamp from Zero to Hero in Python
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After this course, you will be able to start coding with Python.
After this course, you will be able to implement the basic tasks using Python’s standard library.
After this course, Build a complete understanding of Python from the ground up!
After this course, You will be able to create your own useful programs for real-world problems.
After this course, Automate tasks on your computer by writing simple Python programs.
After this course, You will be able to enhance your coding skills in Python.
After this course, You will be able to define and use functions.
After this course, You will be able to Understand What modules are, when you should use them, and how to create your own.
After this course, You will be able to Understand What are some Important built-in Python functions that you’ll use often.
After this course, You will be able to Understand How to work with various data types including strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, Booleans, and more.
After this course, You will be able to Understand variables and when to use them.
After this course, You will be able to perform mathematical operations using Python.
After this course, You will be able to capture input from a user.
After this course, You will be able to write multiple Ways to control the flow of your programs.
After this course, You will be able to understand the Exception Handling in python.
1Online IDE for running Python programsVideo lesson
2Hello World program and IndentationVideo lesson
3Arithmetic Operators in PythonVideo lesson
4Computing average of two given numbersVideo lesson
5Computing area and Circumference of circleVideo lesson
6Shortcut operatorsVideo lesson
7Relational OperatorsVideo lesson
8logical operatorsVideo lesson
9Bit-wise OperatorsVideo lesson
10Computing area of triangle using Heron's FormulaVideo lesson
11Python program to convert the temperature in degree centigrade to FahrenheitText lesson
12Python code to find the circumference and area of a circle with a given radiusText lesson
13Python program to find the area of a triangle whose sides are givenText lesson
14If Statement in PythonVideo lesson
15Examples of If StatementVideo lesson
16If Else statement in PythonVideo lesson
17Examples programs in If-Else statementVideo lesson
18Nested If Statement in PythonVideo lesson
19Example of Nested If statementVideo lesson
20Elif StatementVideo lesson
21Example for Elif StatementVideo lesson
22Write a Python program to check whether the given number is even or notText lesson
23Python program to check whether the given integer is a multiple of both 5 & 7Text lesson
24Write a Python program to find the roots of a quadratic equationText lesson
25While Loop in PythonVideo lesson
26Sum of N Numbers Using While LoopVideo lesson
27Count digits in a given numberVideo lesson
28For Loop in PythonVideo lesson
29Display numbers from 1 to 10 Using for loopVideo lesson
30Factorial Using For loopVideo lesson
31Break & Continue StatementVideo lesson
32Displaying Cube of a number up to a given numberVideo lesson
33Sum of Digits in a Given number Using While LoopVideo lesson
34Display Multiplication TableVideo lesson
35Write a Python program to find out the average of a set of integersText lesson
36Write a Python program to generate the prime numbers from 1 to NText lesson
37Write a Python program to display the given integer in reverse.Text lesson
38Functions - BasicsVideo lesson
39Function Calling examplesVideo lesson
40Using loops & functions togetherVideo lesson
41Function to compute Sum of two given numbersVideo lesson
42Function to compute maximum among two given numbersVideo lesson
43Function to find factorial of a given numberVideo lesson
44Function to test a given number in the Specified range or notVideo lesson
45Example for Using List inside a FunctionVideo lesson
46RecursionVideo lesson
47Example of recursion using McCarthy's 91 functionVideo lesson
48Nested Functions in PythonVideo lesson
49Examples of nested FunctionsVideo lesson
50Lambda Functions in PythonVideo lesson
51Examples of Lambda FunctionsVideo lesson
52Default arguments in PythonVideo lesson
53Keyword and Variable Length arguments in PythonVideo lesson
54Global Variables in PythonVideo lesson
55Python program to print the numbers from a given number n till 0 using recursionText lesson
56Python program to find the factorial of a number using recursionText lesson
57Python program to find the Nth term in a Fibonacci series using recursionText lesson
58Module - BasicsVideo lesson
59Working with Math ModuleVideo lesson
60Creating own module in PythonVideo lesson
61Example application : OTP BasicsVideo lesson
62Using modules in OTP Generation applicationVideo lesson
63Finding mean median and mode using moduleVideo lesson
64Problem Statement: Math Module OperationsText lesson
65ListsVideo lesson
66Creating and accessing lists in pythonVideo lesson
67Some built-in functions to work with ListsVideo lesson
68Example programs to illustrate Lists in PythonVideo lesson
69TuplesVideo lesson
70SetsVideo lesson
71DictionariesVideo lesson
72Write a Python program to display the sum of n numbers using a listText lesson
73Write a Python program to implement linear search on a List of elementsText lesson
74Write a Python program to find the odd numbers in a ListText lesson
75Write a Python program to print all the items in a dictionaryText lesson
76List Indexing & SlicingVideo lesson
77Accessing Elements & Searching element in a ListVideo lesson
78Working with Operators on listsVideo lesson
79List methodsVideo lesson
80Append() method in ListsVideo lesson
81Clear() method in ListsVideo lesson
82Count() method in ListsVideo lesson
83Extend() method in ListsVideo lesson
84index() method in ListsVideo lesson
85insert() method in listsVideo lesson
86pop() method in ListsVideo lesson
87remove() method in ListsVideo lesson
88reverse() method in ListsVideo lesson
89sort() method in ListsVideo lesson
90Finding Maximum & minimum element in a ListVideo lesson
91List ComprehensionVideo lesson
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