x86 Assembly Language Programming Masters Course
- Description
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This course is intended to teach you x86 assembly programming. This course teaches you how processors work and how machine code is possible. We start the course using an emulator for the legacy Intel 8086 processor.
Since we start the course with an emulator it allows me to pause the machine at any moment in time and show you exactly what is going on.
After you learn all about the legacy 8086 processor and how to program assembly for it we then move to the modern processors of today and start writing assembly for those. You are taught how to write 32 bit programs for Windows machine’s and most importantly how to communicate with C programs using assembly language.
This course recommends that you have some prior experience in the C programming language or at the very least some programming experience in another language. The reason for this is because part two of the course when I teach modern assembly I reference the C programming language quite a lot since we write assembly that can talk with C.
2What Is Assembly Language?Video lesson
3Installing The EmulatorVideo lesson
4Hello WorldVideo lesson
5Transistors And Logic Gates Understanding The ProcessorVideo lesson
6Registers In The 8086Video lesson
7SegmentationVideo lesson
8The Stack, Subroutines And Endianness ExplainedVideo lesson
9Moving Data To And From MemoryVideo lesson
10Interrupts And How They WorkVideo lesson
11Talking With Hardware With In And Out InstructionsVideo lesson
12Mathematics Adding, Substraction, Division And MultiplicationVideo lesson
13Condition InstructionsVideo lesson
14Reading bytes with the lodsb instructionVideo lesson
15Storing bytes with the stosb instructionVideo lesson
16Revising Our Hello World ProgramVideo lesson
17Helpful Resources For The 8086 ProcessorVideo lesson
18Legacy 8086 Processor Development TestQuiz
You are tested here on everything you learned in the "Legacy 8086 Processor Development" section
19Installing x86 Assembler DependenciesVideo lesson
20x86 Hello WorldVideo lesson
21Using Assembly With CVideo lesson
22Local Variables In AssemblyVideo lesson
23Returning Structures In AssemblyVideo lesson
24Pointers In AssemblyVideo lesson
25Passing Structures To AssemblyVideo lesson
26Receive Input From The KeyboardVideo lesson

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