The Complete SQL Bootcamp: Go from Zero to Hero
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Learn how to use SQL quickly and effectively with this course!
You’ll learn how to read and write complex queries to a database using one of the most in demand skills – PostgreSQL. These skills are also applicable to any other major SQL database, such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Redshift, Oracle, and much more.
Learning SQL is one of the fastest ways to improve your career prospects as it is one of the most in demand tech skills! In this course you’ll learn quickly and receive challenges and tests along the way to improve your understanding!
In this course you will learn everything you need to become a SQL Pro! Including:
Get started with PostgreSQL and PgAdmin , two of the world’s most popular SQL tools
Learn he basics of SQL syntax
Analyzing data using aggregate functions with GROUP BY commands
Running advanced queries with string operations and comparison operations
Learn to use logical operators to add logic flow to your SQL queries
Learn common SQL JOIN commands
Learn to create tables and databases with constraints on data entries
Learn to use Python to further advanced your SQL skills
and much, much more!
This is course that put’s you in control, having you set up and restore databases right at the start of the course, instead of watching someone else code. Every section comes with fresh challenge questions and tasks, modeled after real world tasks and situations.
I’ve spent years as an instructor both online and in-person at Fortune 500 companies, and this course is built to combine the best of both worlds, allowing you to learn at your own pace through an interactive environment. You will start with the basics and soon find yourself working with advanced commands, dealing with timestamp data and variable character information like a seasoned professional.
SQL is one of the most in demand skills for business analysts, data scientists, and anyone who finds themselves working with data! Upgrade your skill set quickly and add SQL to your resume by joining today!
I’ll see you inside the course!
Check out the free preview videos for more information!
1Welcome MessageText lesson
2IntroductionVideo lesson
3Course Curriculum OverviewVideo lesson
4Overview of DatabasesVideo lesson
5Course FAQsText lesson
6Windows Installation - PostGreSQL and PgAdmin with Database SetupVideo lesson
7MacOS Installation - PostgreSQL and PgAdmin with First QueryVideo lesson
8pgAdmin OverviewVideo lesson
9Overview of Challenges!Video lesson
10SQL Cheat SheetText lesson
A cheat sheet for you!
11SQL Statement FundamentalsVideo lesson
12SELECT StatementVideo lesson
13Challenge: SELECTVideo lesson
15Challenge: SELECT DISTINCTVideo lesson
16COUNTVideo lesson
17SELECT WHERE - Part OneVideo lesson
18SELECT WHERE - Part TwoVideo lesson
19Challenge: SELECT WHEREVideo lesson
20ORDER BYVideo lesson
21LIMITVideo lesson
22Challenge: ORDER BYVideo lesson
23BETWEENVideo lesson
24INVideo lesson
25LIKE and ILIKEVideo lesson
26General Challenge 1Video lesson
46Overview of Advanced SQL CommandsVideo lesson
47Timestamps and Extract - Part OneVideo lesson
48Timestamps and Extract - Part TwoVideo lesson
49Quick Note on TO_CHARText lesson
50Timestamps and Extract - Challenge TasksVideo lesson
51Mathematical Functions and OperatorsVideo lesson
52String Functions and OperatorsVideo lesson
53SubQueryVideo lesson
54Self-JoinVideo lesson
59Introduction to SectionVideo lesson
60Data TypesVideo lesson
61Primary Keys and Foreign KeysVideo lesson
62ConstraintsVideo lesson
63CREATE TableVideo lesson
64INSERTVideo lesson
65UPDATEVideo lesson
66DELETEVideo lesson
67ALTER TableVideo lesson
68DROP TableVideo lesson
69CHECK ConstraintVideo lesson
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