The Complete Java Course: From Basics to Advanced
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In this comprehensive course we will dive deep into Java Programming and cover many topics starting from the basics to the advanced topics with Hands On projects and quizzes.
This comprehensive Java course is designed for programmers who want to learn Java programming language from scratch or for Java developers who want to improve in some specific areas or advance their skills and learn more advanced topics in Java. In this course, you’ll learn variety of topics including:
Java Basics
Conditionals and Control Flow
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Exception Handling
Collections Framework
Java Input/Output
Java New Features
Swing: Developing GUI Applications
JDBC: Working with Databases
Connecting JDBC to MySQL Database
Servlets: Java Web Development
JSP: Java Web Development
Throughout the course, you’ll work on Hands On projects like: Student Management system and an Online Chatting Application. These projects will help you apply what you’ve learned and build practical skills that you can use in real-world scenarios. By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid foundation in Java and be able to build Java applications confidently.
I am confident that you will like this course and that you will be a professional Java programmer, or a better Java programmer if you already have some Java knowledge, so join me in this course and master Java Programming!
8Hello World! - EclipseVideo lesson
9Hello World! - Command LineVideo lesson
10The Main Method and Java ClassesVideo lesson
11The Standard OutputVideo lesson
12Variables and Data TypesVideo lesson
13CommentsVideo lesson
14final KeywordVideo lesson
15Math OperationsVideo lesson
16Compairson OperatorsVideo lesson
17Compound Assignment OperatorsVideo lesson
18Increment and Decrement OperatorsVideo lesson
19Type CastingVideo lesson
20Wrapper ClassesVideo lesson
21Packages and How to Import ThemVideo lesson
22Getting Input from the ConsoleVideo lesson
23Code Example 1Video lesson
24Code Example 2Video lesson
25Quiz - Java BasicsQuiz
26Coding Exercise - Java BasicsQuiz
51Introduction to ArraysVideo lesson
52Iterating ArraysVideo lesson
53ArrayListsVideo lesson
54Sorting Arrays in JavaVideo lesson
55Binary SearchVideo lesson
56Code ExampleVideo lesson
57Passing Arrays to MethodsVideo lesson
58Returning Arrays from MethodsVideo lesson
59Multidimensional ArraysVideo lesson
60Copying ArraysVideo lesson
61Quiz - ArraysQuiz
62Coding Exercise - ArraysQuiz
63Introduction to StringsVideo lesson
64The String ClassVideo lesson
65The String PoolVideo lesson
66Comparing StringsVideo lesson
67Concatenating StringsVideo lesson
68SubstringVideo lesson
69Formatting StringsVideo lesson
70Other String MethodsVideo lesson
71StringBuilder ClassVideo lesson
72StringBuffer ClassVideo lesson
73StringBuilder Vs StringBufferVideo lesson
74Code Example 1Video lesson
75Code Example 2Video lesson
76Quiz - StringsQuiz
77Coding Exercise - StringsQuiz

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