The Complete Brain Training Course - Neuroplasticity -
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The Complete Brain Training Course – Neuroplasticity –
Brain Training for the Modern Smart Phone Era! You Can Train Your Brain to Think More Clearly and Creatively
Brain training is essential if you want do you live up to your full potential as a human being. Your brain is your most important organ, therefore it is essential that you train it for peak performance.
Like it or not, every single day your brain is being trained. Unfortunately, it’s being trained to be reactive, to shorten his attention span, and to give you hits of dopamine when new Facebook likes come in and text messages appear on your phone.
Your brain is being shaped and conditioned by every single thing you read, watch, view, listen to and experience. If you are not actively controlling what gets inside your brain, you are giving power to other people and forces who may not have your best interests at heart.
Personal development expert TJ Walker will teach you how to shape and condition and, yes, train your brain to think clearly, efficiently, creatively, and in your own best interest. Using his unique and proprietary SelfieSpeak Programming (SSP) method, Walker will guide you through a step-by-step process for conditioning your brain for maximum performance.
Do you ever feel like your brain is rotting? Or that you’re just not learning or absorbing as much as you used to or that you should? Then, this brain training course is for you.
Our brains are remarkably malleable. Neuroplasticity is just a fancy way of saying that your brain is like plastic; it can be molded and bent in any shape or form. The key is to figure out a system to actively shape your own brain so that it molds itself into a form that optimizes learning, creativity, insight, analysis, rationality, and enlightened feeling and emotion.
Your brain can grow and improve at any age! It is never too late to stimulate your brain and strengthen it and improve it! If you are ready to reach your full potential as a human being, then you must train your brain to perform at optimum levels.
If you own a cell phone and have a willingness to learn, you can begin to train your brain right now To learn faster and more efficiently, and more creatively than ever before. Enroll in this brain training course today.
Here is what Udemy students say about this course:
“The course helps me a lot,to train my brain and work more positively. And I will say the course is impressive and great.” Saif Ali
”Awesome course, Serious best Personal Development course” Gaurav Kumar
“Loved this course, and intend to repeat it. Everything about it resonated with me, (except the part about sleeping less). I’m not fully convinced about that, having got up at 4.30 am for many years, and now finding myself less efficient, on more sleep. Overall, this course has helped me to to see, why one has to embrace wholeheartedly, the practices that need to be done, to achieve success, and to maintain it.” Miliza Scarano
1The Complete Brain Training Course - Neuroplasticity - Promo VideoVideo lesson
2Quick Win! Train Your Brain to Remember Everyone's NameVideo lesson
3This Brain Training Course Is For You If...Video lesson
4Instant Answers to Your Neuroplasticity QuestionsText lesson
5Don't Forget - This Course Is Being Taught By a Real PersonVideo lesson
6Meet Your Brain's Worst Enemy and Your Brain's Greatest AllyVideo lesson
7Your Brain Wants and Needs More SleepVideo lesson
8Your Brain Needs Downtime Beyond SleepVideo lesson
9Exercise Your Whole Body To get Your Brain In ShapeVideo lesson
10Brain Training Won't Help Read MindsVideo lesson
11Train Your Brain the Way Big Corporations Train Your BrainVideo lesson
12De-Stress Your Life To Build More Brain PowerVideo lesson
13Quiz 1Quiz
14You Are Training Your Brain Every Second of the Day to Focus On Your InterestsVideo lesson
15Throw Away the Concept of MultiTasking to Increase Your Focus 100xVideo lesson
16It Has Never Been Easier AND Harder to Focus on What Is ImportantVideo lesson
17The Secret of the Stars - Daily MeditationVideo lesson
18Mastery Your Daily Focus By Planning Each Day In AdvanceVideo lesson
19This Is How You Will Get the Most Out of This CourseVideo lesson
20Deep Focus Creates Deep Mastery and Then Higher SuccessVideo lesson
21The Less You Do, the More You SucceedVideo lesson
22Focus Mastery Starts with Mastering Strong Daily habitsVideo lesson
23Life Is the Sum of your Daily habitsVideo lesson
24Breakthroughs Come From Daily Mundane WorkVideo lesson
25The SelfieSpeak Audio SolutionVideo lesson
26Creating Your own Audios Is Always BetterVideo lesson
27Practice Your Neuroplasticity Homework Using the TJ Walker AI CloneText lesson
28Your Daily Habits SelfieSpeak AudioVideo lesson
29Quiz 2Quiz
30Consume Content On Purpose, Don't Let Content Consume YouVideo lesson
31The Source of Your PollutionVideo lesson
32A News Junkie is still a JunkieVideo lesson
33Your Perfect Media DietVideo lesson
34Best Email PracticesVideo lesson
35Cell Phone HygieneVideo lesson
36Block, Tackle, Turn OffVideo lesson
37Schedule Your Cell Phone Time for maximum Productivity and HappinessVideo lesson
38SelfieSpeak Audio to Gain Control of Your Cell PhoneVideo lesson
39Quiz 3Quiz
40Don't Let THINGS Consume Your LifeVideo lesson
41The Overabundance of Stuff is Crowing Out ThoughtVideo lesson
42Kondo Is One Important Piece of the PuzzleVideo lesson
43Easiest solution Don't buy junk in the First PlaceVideo lesson
44Exceptions to the No clutter rule - Probably Not YouVideo lesson
45Throw Stuff Away To Clear Your thoughtsVideo lesson
46Get Ready for Your Selfie speak audioVideo lesson
47Rehearse Your Neuroplasticity Homework and Get Instant FeedbackText lesson
48You Control Your PossessionsVideo lesson
49Mastering Focus On What Goes In Your MouthVideo lesson
50The Third Big OverabundanceVideo lesson
51It Is OK to Be Hungry OccasionallyVideo lesson
52Everything You Need to know About EatingVideo lesson
53Don_t Worry about How You Look to Others But How Your Body Feels to YouVideo lesson
54Most of Us Have to fight the Battle of the BulgeVideo lesson
55Stop looking for the magic Bullet, Pill or PotionVideo lesson
56There are No Obese 95 year oldsVideo lesson
57Gimmicks Don_t Work in the Long RunVideo lesson
58It's hard to Create or Transform If You Are Stuffing Your Face all Day LongVideo lesson
59There is No Sugar-Coating it, Everything Is covered with Sugar These DaysVideo lesson
60You Need a Way to Eat in the Real WorldVideo lesson
61Yes Fad Diets Will Work In the Short-termVideo lesson
62Eating with Mindfulness Is the AnswerVideo lesson
63Water Is the Go-To BeverageVideo lesson
64Eat Until Full and Stuffed, Or SatisfiedVideo lesson
65Get Ready for Your Own SelfieSpeak Audio for Your Own Food ConsumptionVideo lesson
66Eat to Live SelfieSpeak AudioVideo lesson
67Quiz 3Quiz
68Pain-Free Focus MasteryVideo lesson
69Pain Free CreationVideo lesson
70Proactive Eating HabitsVideo lesson
71Recharging the Batteries for Maximum PerformanceVideo lesson
72There Is Always Time for ExerciseVideo lesson
73Ready to Smile at Your PremierVideo lesson
74Don't Drown in the Sea of Bad Health AdviceVideo lesson
75Prepare for Your Health SelfieSpeak ProgrammingVideo lesson
76Your SelfieSpeak Health ProgrammingVideo lesson
77Focus Mastery Will Lead You To Becoming a CreatorVideo lesson
78Identifying Your Creative DreamsVideo lesson
79Don't Be a Positive Thinker All the TimeVideo lesson
80Don't Just Follow Your PassionVideo lesson
81This is CreativityVideo lesson
82If You Learn to Type, You Can Learn to CreateVideo lesson
83Developing the Creative OutlookVideo lesson
84Turning Thoughts Into CreationsVideo lesson
85Your Creations Are a Net Positive to the WorldVideo lesson
86You Can Be Creative or Conventional In Every Single FieldVideo lesson
87Who Are Your Top 5 Creators of All TimeVideo lesson
88Creativity Is An Outlook That Will Cover Every Inch of Your LifeVideo lesson
89Quiz - 4Quiz

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