Self Discipline will Change Your life for GOOD

- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
This course is transformational.
It will change your life for good, help equip you with life long skills and bring personal growth to you, your family, work colleagues, community, school, college to everyone around you.
Your mind will be elevated and you will notice changes in your own life.
This course was designed from personal experience and experiences.
It covers:
– Helps set your mind free, inspires hope, expectation, develops a sound mind and mental focus
– This course will show you the importance and how to set priorities
– You will learn how to create frameworks, structure and routine that help you in life
– You will learn what practices promote accountability and the various insights you learn about yourself
– How to launch, reinvent, start again from setbacks or when going through tough times
– How to develop good personal growth and discipline promoting habits
– Downloadable personal development aids including: 50 Affirmations, Journal template and SWOT Analysis template
– Real world examples and illustrations
It is a course which was developed to help people and from personal experience.
I have designed and included some aids to help you get the best out of this course
– 50 Affirmations
– Journal
– SWOT Analysis
This course is for everyone, whoever, where ever they are in life, whatever they are going through in life.
My heartfelt hope is that you get the utmost benefit from this course and all the advantages of living a life with all the practices mentioned in the course yield results in your life.
2Why Discipline?Video lesson
3IntroductionVideo lesson
The introduction takes a look at why discipline? It aims to introduce it as the good practice it is.
One with abundant rewards and very little downsides.
It aims to create comfort around the topic before we delve into the benefits.
It draws on the need for discipline while extoling it's virtues.
19Extra Section - Good Discipline Habits promoting aidsVideo lesson
This section holds the below detailed resources or aids to help with instituting Discipline within your life.
Living a more productive, more fulfilling and desirable life.
2050 Discipline AffirmationsVideo lesson
Affirmations are specially designed positive statements, spoken repeatedly to influence your mindset and empower the affirmer towards their desired life.
Affirmations help improve mental strength, introduce new positive ideas, reinforce existing positive ideas, all in the hope of creating positive outcomes.
They also help focus the mind on positive thoughts and desired outcomes.
Affirmations increase Your chances of getting the outcomes You truly desire and sometimes NEED to reflect in Your world or the world around you.
Please note, Affirmations are used as a part of a wider approach in striving towards a desirable life. It is also a process and requires dedication, discipline, adaptability and flexibility.
Not all affirmations are suitable for everyone.
They are fundamentally circumstance driven and need to be adapted to address the specific areas one is looking to improve for the associated outcomes.
This approach should improve the quality of life, for yourself and those around you. Affirmations should serve as prompts, reminders or leads but can also be used verbatim.
I would encourage you to also develop your own Affirmations and make them more personal.
Who are they for? They are for everyone and anyone. Whatever the situation or circumstance, there are suitable affirmations. The beauty is that they can be constructed/designed by anyone who needs them, including You.
Why? As the world seems to be a complicated space, being able to inject some form of influence into life
How can they be used? You can be as specific as you want to be. People use them to strengthen their mental health, improve their behaviour, improve relationships with others, improve their health, inner growth, renew commitments, earn more money, expand their minds and in so many other ways. Some people use them to moderate their language. They are very helpful towards leading a life of discipline.
Do they work? Affirmations help get people in the right mindset, one which they have designed, to work towards better lives. They are seen as a much needed channel for individuals to attempt to influence their own lives in the direction they want.
21A journal - Monthly viewVideo lesson
This journal can be downloaded for your use.
It covers 1 months worth of weeks and the following areas:
1. Health
2. Finances
3. Relationships/Interactions
In the early pages we have made provision for your name, goals and objectives, a little user guide, month, monthly overview, notes and thoughts for the week.
It is a very useful, helpful journal that will promote a better life - planning, mental focus, protection, predictable outcomes etc. All major benefits of living a productive life of discipline.
It's explained in the short lecture above for your use.
22Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (SWOT) TemplateVideo lesson
S.W.O.T analysis is a quick form of analysis initially used in making business decisions, but can be applied to anything really.
S.W.O.T stands for:
S - Strengths
W - Weaknesses
O - Opportunities
T- Threats
It's explained in the short lecture above with illustrative examples for your use.

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