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4.85 out of 5
53 reviews on Udemy

Screenwriting – Mental RX for Success

You CAN learn screenwriting IF you banish gremlins that SCARE you out of writing a screenplay. Script writing motivation
Word Dancer
2,650 students enrolled
English [Auto]
You'll feel like you CAN write a screenplay - your doubts and fears should NOT stop you!
You'll learn how to address common worries that beginning (or even more established!) screenwriters have.
You'll more confidently face the blank page.
You'll learn that you can't argue with your fears - they are winning if you argue with them! And what to do instead.
You'll feel that you ARE ENOUGH to start screenwriting.
You'll learn that you are NOT ALONE when feeling insecure about learning new skills.
Think of this as a warm chocolate brownie for your screenwriting soul:)

Knowing how to write a screenplay is only HALF the battle. And sometimes the easier battle. Feeling confident in your screenwriting abilities could be a much tougher challenge. You might feel…


IRRATIONAL (Am I crazy to think I can master script writing and break into Hollywood?)

INTIMIDATED (Am I cool enough to be around successful agents, producers, directors and actors in Hollywood?)

FEARFUL (Am I really good enough?)

DOUBTFUL (Can I do this if I have less experience in writing than other people?)

DISCOURAGED (Is there something wrong if I find this all difficult and overwhelming?)


I get it. We ALL feel those things. And the key to your success is how you HANDLE those fears.


I can help banish screenwriting “gremlins” so you can confidently write a script – put your dreams on the page.


You need to write.


You’re not only helping yourself, but you are encouraging others to pursue their dreams by leading the way. The world needs you! Be the inspiration:)


Click and join now!

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
4.9 out of 5
53 Ratings

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1 hours on-demand video
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