Real Estate Agent Training in Persuasion and Influence
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Learn 56 state-of-the-art elite persuasion and influence techniques from my 5 years of influence and performance coaching of top real estate brokers and agents in all different types of situations. I’m a 2x MIT-backed entrepreneur turned persuasion psychology coach who has worked with (and made better negotiators of) different profiles, and this course is for you if you’re seeking real estate agent training in terms of selling and closing more.
Who This Course is For
– Real estate agents trying to close more buyers or sellers;
– Real estate agents trying to convince existing clients of something (how to accept a buyer offer that is below a seller’s desired price, for example;
– Real estate brokers that want to teach these concepts to their own team of agents;
This course is going to help you optimize your influence capability throughout all the five stages of influence:
– Pre-Framing (establishing your positioning, reputation and authority before the person even comes to you);
– Priming (qualifying and filtering your targets so they become more influenceable);
– Contact (truly connecting and understanding the other side);
– Disarmament (provoking, weakening an destroying objections the other side may have);
– Constriction (providing final incentives to close the person);
Throughout my experience in persuasion psychology coaching and training for influencing, I’ve compiled a framework with my most elite persuasion and influence techniques to use for sales, and I’ll share all of them with you on this course. Besides just pure influence and technique, there are multiple bonuses included to help consolidate these influence lessons.
The technique in this real estate agent training use similar psychological principles leveraged by persuasion scientists and master salesmen. You will see many techniques similar to Robert Cialdini’s, Chris Voss’s and/or Grant Cardone’s, for example, but these will be the deeper, more general psychological persuasion elements (don’t be scared by the “general” – we will apply them and explore very specific applications of these, for example for closing a prospect on the phone, or getting someone to accept an exclusivity deal). Field-tested and proven in the most extreme situations.
Not only will you know about each one of the 56 techniques presented, I will walk you through specific applications of these, as a real estate broker or agent, and even how to counternegotiate when others use them against you.
What This Course IS
– An advanced, deep compendium of elite influence techniques that can be applied in multiple contexts, explained in-depth and with examples;
– An encapsulated, flexible reference course. Although the techniques gel well together and make up a bigger picture, you can watch any module – or even any specific technique – without knowledge of the others, and it will stand on its own. You can consider it a buffet of techniques. You can go through the whole thing start to finish, or pick and choose here and there. It’s all up to you.
What This Course IS NOT
– A technical sales course. I will NOT tell you about the types of money management fees, HR structures, or others. This course is about person-to-person persuasion principles. Sure, applied in technical situations, but still about the persuasion principles themselves;
– IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: I have multiple courses on influencing for different verticals. Make sure that you purchase the right one for your specific vertical! If necessary, visit my profile (or check the section at the bottom) to make sure that you are selecting the most correct course;
– Make sure to make use of the “preview” feature to watch a couple of videos and tell whether this is really what you’re looking for;
– Instead of being persuaded by how I’m selling the course, ask yourself what your influence goals are, and only then check if this course really is what you want or not (although you always have the possibility of a refund under Udemy’s terms, I don’t want you to potentially waste your money on something that won’t be a fit);
Do you want to up your persuasion and influence skills? Does this seem like a good course to assist you? I’d be delighted to have you. Let’s meet on the inside.
There are currently 4 different variations of this course, focusing on persuasion psychology, persuasion skills, negotiation skills and influencing in general. These are 1 base version + 3 specific ones, all based on my Kingmaker Influence framework:
– The Ultimate Persuasion and Influence course is the base version, with a description of the core techniques and no specific use cases;
– The Persuasion in Hedge Funds/Private Equity/Investment Banking course contains all base version materials, plus the two use cases of Asset Management and Executive/Board Relations;
– The Persuasive Business Communication Skills course contains all the base version materials, plus the two use cases of Executive/Board Relations and Talent Management;
– The Real Estate Agent Training in Persuasion and Influence course contains all the base version materials, plus the use case for Real Estate Agents;
11IntroductionVideo lesson
12Exclusivity: IntroVideo lesson
13Exclusivity: Limited AccessVideo lesson
14Exclusivity: Limited Access REAVideo lesson
15Exclusivity: SpecializationVideo lesson
16Exclusivity: Specialization REAVideo lesson
17Exclusivity: SecrecyVideo lesson
18Exclusivity: Secrecy REAVideo lesson
19Authority: IntroVideo lesson
20Authority: DiagnosticVideo lesson
21Authority: Diagnostic REAVideo lesson
22Authority: Non-AttachmentVideo lesson
23Authority: Non-Attachment REAVideo lesson
24Authority: Adversary TransparencyVideo lesson
25Authority: Adversary Transparency REAVideo lesson
26Authority: Displayed AuthorityVideo lesson
27Authority: Displayed Authority REAVideo lesson
28Authority: Social ProofVideo lesson
29Authority: Social Proof REAVideo lesson
30Characterization: IntroVideo lesson
31Characterization: ElicitingVideo lesson
32Characterization: Eliciting REAVideo lesson
33Characterization: EmbodimentVideo lesson
34Characterization: Embodiment REAVideo lesson
35Characterization: PolarizationVideo lesson
36Characterization: Polarization REAVideo lesson
37ParadigmVideo lesson
38OutroVideo lesson
39IntroVideo lesson
40MoneyVideo lesson
41Money REAVideo lesson
42Effort: IntroVideo lesson
43Effort: RigidityVideo lesson
44Effort: Rigidity REAVideo lesson
45Effort: The Home AdvantageVideo lesson
46Effort: The Home Advantage REAVideo lesson
47Effort: InitiativeVideo lesson
48Effort: Initiative REAVideo lesson
49Effort: Obstacles/TestingVideo lesson
50Effort: Obstacles/Testing REAVideo lesson
51Effort: IndoctrinationVideo lesson
52Effort: Indoctrination REAVideo lesson
53Effort: Escalation of CommitmentVideo lesson
54Effort: Escalation of Commitment REAVideo lesson
55Effort: Code of ConductVideo lesson
56Effort: Code of Conduct REAVideo lesson
57DesireVideo lesson
58Desire REAVideo lesson
59CharacteristicsVideo lesson
60Characteristics REAVideo lesson
61PhysiologyVideo lesson
62Physiology REAVideo lesson
63OutroVideo lesson
64IntroVideo lesson
65Empathy: IntroVideo lesson
66Empathy: Statements of EmpathyVideo lesson
67Empathy: Statements of Empathy REAVideo lesson
68Empathy: D.I.S.C. Personality TypesVideo lesson
69Empathy: D.I.S.C. Personality Types REAVideo lesson
70Empathy: Confirmatory MirroringVideo lesson
71Empathy: Confirmatory Mirroring REAVideo lesson
72Empathy: Past ImplementationVideo lesson
73Empathy: Past Implementation REAVideo lesson
74Identity LabelingVideo lesson
75Identity Labeling REAVideo lesson
76Reciprocity: IntroVideo lesson
77Reciprocity: GivingVideo lesson
78Reciprocity: Giving REAVideo lesson
79Reciprocity: Personal TouchVideo lesson
80Reciprocity: Personal Touch REAVideo lesson
81Reciprocity: Return TimingVideo lesson
82OutroVideo lesson
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