Python Programming™ - Basics, Multithreading, OOP and NumPy
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Join us and become a Python Programmer, learn one of most requested skills of 2021!
This course is about the fundamental basics of Python programming language. Whether you have never programmed before, already know basic syntax, or want to learn about the advanced features of Python, this course is for you! You can learn about the hardest topics in programming: memory management, multithreading and object-oriented programming. So these are the topics you will learn about:
1.) Basics of Python
installing Python and the integrated development environment (IDE)
basic operations
conditional statements
2.) Functions
what are functions in Python
positional and keyword arguments
return and yield
3.) Data Structures
how to measure the performance of data structures?
data structures introduction
dictionaries and sets
4.) Object-Oriented Programing (OOP)
what is the advantages and disadvantages of OOP?
classes and objects
5.) Memory Management
stack memory and heap memory
memory management in Python
6.) Handling Files (I/O)
read files and write files
7.) Exceptions
exceptions and errors
how to deal with exception
try-except-finally blocks
8.) Multithreading and Concurrent Programming
what are threads and processes?
deadlocks and livelocks
inter-thread communication
9.) Parallel Programming
multithreading and parallel programming
what is the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)?
10.) Lambda Expressions
what is functional programming?
why to learn lambda expressions?
anonymous functions
11.) NumPy
real array data structures in Python
lists and arrays comparison
NumPy fundamentals
You will get lifetime access to 110+ lectures plus slides and source codes for the lectures!
This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you’ll get your money back.
So what are you waiting for? Learn Python in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!
5First steps in PythonVideo lesson
6What are the basic data types?Video lesson
7BooleansVideo lesson
8StringsVideo lesson
9String slicingVideo lesson
10Type castingVideo lesson
11OperatorsVideo lesson
12Conditional statementsVideo lesson
13How to use multiple conditions?Video lesson
14Exercise: conditional statementsText lesson
15Solution: conditional statementsText lesson
16Logical operatorsVideo lesson
17Loops - for loopVideo lesson
18Loops - while loopVideo lesson
19Exercise: calculating the averageText lesson
20Solution: calculating the averageText lesson
21What are nested loops?Video lesson
22EnumerateVideo lesson
23Break and continueVideo lesson
24Calculating Fibonacci-numbersVideo lesson
25Exercise: Fibonacci-numbersText lesson
26Solution: Fibonacci-numbersText lesson
27Python Basics QuizQuiz
28What are functions?Video lesson
29Defining functionsVideo lesson
30Positional arguments and keyword argumentsVideo lesson
31Returning valuesVideo lesson
32Returning multiple valuesVideo lesson
33Exercise: functionsText lesson
34Solution: functionsText lesson
35Yield operatorVideo lesson
36Local and global variablesVideo lesson
37What are the most relevant built-in functions?Video lesson
38What is recursion?Video lesson
39Exercise: recursionText lesson
40Solution: recursionText lesson
41Local vs global variablesVideo lesson
42The __main__ functionVideo lesson
43Functions QuizQuiz
44How to measure the running time of algorithms?Video lesson
45Data structures introductionVideo lesson
46What are array data structures IVideo lesson
47What are array data structures IIVideo lesson
48Lists in PythonVideo lesson
49Lists in Python - advanced operationsVideo lesson
50Lists in Python - list comprehensionVideo lesson
51(!!!) Python lists and arraysText lesson
52Exercise: list comprehensionText lesson
53Solution: list comprehensionText lesson
54Measuring running time of listsText lesson
55What are tuples?Video lesson
56Mutability and immutabilityVideo lesson
57What are linked list data structures?Video lesson
58Doubly linked list implementation in PythonVideo lesson
59Hashing and O(1) running time complexityVideo lesson
60Dictionaries in PythonVideo lesson
61Sets in PythonVideo lesson
62Exercise: constructing dictionariesText lesson
63Solution: constructing dictionariesText lesson
64SortingVideo lesson
65Data Structures QuizQuiz
66What is object oriented programming (OOP)?Video lesson
67Class and objects basicsVideo lesson
68Using the constructorVideo lesson
69Class variables and instance variablesVideo lesson
70Exercise: constructing classesText lesson
71Solution: constructing classesText lesson
72Private variables and name manglingVideo lesson
73What is inheritance in OOP?Video lesson
74The super keywordVideo lesson
75Function (method) overrideVideo lesson
76What is polymorphism?Video lesson
77Polymorphism and abstraction exampleVideo lesson
78Exercise: abstractionText lesson
79Solution: abstractionText lesson
80ModulesVideo lesson
81The __str__ functionVideo lesson
82Comparing objects - overriding functionsVideo lesson
83Object Oriented Programming QuizQuiz
84What are stack and heap memory?Video lesson
85Stack memory and heap memory simulationVideo lesson
86Garbage collection and reference countingVideo lesson
87Revisiting the types of variablesVideo lesson
88The == and the is operatorsVideo lesson
89Call by reference and valueVideo lesson
90Memory Management QuizQuiz
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