Python Prodigy: Unleashing Machine Learning in 2024
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Welcome to the transformative journey of “Mastering Machine Learning with Python 2024.” In this cutting-edge course, we dive into the dynamic landscape of machine learning, leveraging the power of Python to unravel the intricacies of data-driven intelligence. Whether you are a novice eager to explore the realms of machine learning or a seasoned professional looking to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving field, this course is tailored to cater to diverse learning goals.
Key Highlights:
Section 1: Machine Learning With Python 2024
In the introductory section, participants are introduced to the course, setting the stage for their journey into machine learning with Python in 2024. The initial lecture provides a comprehensive overview of the course objectives and content, allowing participants to understand what to expect. Following this, the subsequent lectures delve into the core concepts of machine learning, providing a foundational understanding. The inclusion of preview-enabled lectures adds an element of anticipation, offering participants a sneak peek into upcoming topics, keeping them engaged and motivated.
Section 2: Machine Learning with Python Case Study – Covid19 Mask Detector
This hands-on section immerses participants in a practical case study focused on building a Covid19 Mask Detector using machine learning with Python. Starting with the preparation of the system and working with image data, participants gradually progress through various stages, including deep learning with TensorFlow. The case study goes beyond theoretical discussions, guiding participants in creating a basic front-end design for the application, implementing a file upload interface, and deploying the solution on AWS. This section not only reinforces theoretical knowledge but also equips participants with practical skills applicable to real-world scenarios.
Section 3: Machine Learning Python Case Study – Diabetes Prediction
The third section centers around a case study targeting the prediction of diabetes in Pima Indians through machine learning with Python. Participants are guided through the step-by-step process, beginning with the installation of necessary tools and libraries like Anaconda. The case study emphasizes key steps in machine learning, such as data preprocessing, logistic regression, and model evaluation using ROC analysis. By focusing on a specific problem and dataset, participants gain valuable experience in applying machine learning techniques to address real-world challenges.
The course concludes with a summary that consolidates the key learnings from each section. Participants reflect on the theoretical foundations acquired and the practical skills developed throughout the course. This concluding section serves to reinforce the importance of combining theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience, ensuring participants leave the course with a well-rounded understanding of machine learning with Python.
1Introduction to CourseVideo lesson
2What is Machine LearningVideo lesson
3Life CycleVideo lesson
4Introduction to Numpy LibraryVideo lesson
5Creating Arrays from ScratchVideo lesson
6Creating Arrays from Scratch ContinuedVideo lesson
7Array Indexing and SlicingVideo lesson
8Numpy Array Functions and Shape ModificationVideo lesson
9Mathematical Operations on Numpy ArraysVideo lesson
10Introduction to Pandas LibraryVideo lesson
11Working with Pandas DataFramesVideo lesson
12Slicing and Indexing with PandasVideo lesson
13Create DataFrame and Explore DatasetVideo lesson
14Data Analysis with Pandas DataFrameVideo lesson
15Other Useful Methods in Pandas LibraryVideo lesson
16Introduction to MatplotlibVideo lesson
17Customizing Line PlotsVideo lesson
18Create Plot Using DataFrameVideo lesson
19Standard Scaler to Scale the DataVideo lesson
20Encoding Categorical DataVideo lesson
21Sklearn Pipeline and Column TransformerVideo lesson
22Evaluation Metrics in SklearnVideo lesson
23Linear RegressionVideo lesson
24Evaluation of Linear Regression ModelVideo lesson
25Polynomial RegressionVideo lesson
26Polynomial Regression ContinuedVideo lesson
27Sklearn Pipeline Polynomial RegressionVideo lesson
28Decision Tree ClassifierVideo lesson
29Decision Tree EvaluationVideo lesson
30Random ForestVideo lesson
31Support Vector MachinesVideo lesson
32Kmeans ClusteringVideo lesson
33KMeans Clustering - Hands OnVideo lesson
34Data Loading and AnalysisVideo lesson
35Dimensionality Reduction with PCAVideo lesson
36Hyper Parameter TuningVideo lesson
37SummaryVideo lesson
38Introduction to CourseVideo lesson
39Getting System ReadyVideo lesson
40Read and Write ImagesVideo lesson
41Resize and CropVideo lesson
42Working with ShapesVideo lesson
43Working with TextVideo lesson
44Pre-Requisite for Face DetectionVideo lesson
45Detect the FaceVideo lesson
46Introduction to Deep Learning with TensorflowVideo lesson
47Model BuildingVideo lesson
48Training the Mask DetectorVideo lesson
49Saving the Best ModelVideo lesson
50Basic Front End Design of AppVideo lesson
51File Upload Interface for AppVideo lesson
52App PrepVideo lesson
53App Build and TestingVideo lesson
54AWS DeploymentVideo lesson
55AWS Deployment ContinuedVideo lesson

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