Python Excel - Read Write Copy Search Excel Files - OpenPyXL
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Learn Python Excel is openpyxl tutorial for beginners. It teaches you how to load workbook into memory and read and write Excel file. How to copy data from cell, row or column to a new sheet or new Excel file. You will also learn how to copy, cut and paste Excel files and how to delete them. How to create a folder, copy a folder or delete it.
You will also learn how to search for specific flagged data in Excel file and take some action based on that info.
This course provides easy, to the point techniques to deal with MS Excel files in Python. Basic at beginners level simple enough that anyone can grasp the idea, powerful enough that you can use in your daily office tasks.
1IntroductionVideo lesson
Learn Openpyxl - You will be able to read write and work with Excel files in Python
2Load Excel Workbook into memoryVideo lesson
You learn how to find current working directory and how to set path to your Excel file. You will be able to get sheet names in your Excel file
3Creating reference to sheet and getting info about itVideo lesson
After this lecture you will be able to
- Create a reference to specific sheet and access it.
- Check the title of sheet.
- Change title of sheet.
- Find max rows of data in your sheet.
- Find max columns in sheet.
4Creating and deleting sheet in workbookVideo lesson
After watching this video you will be able to
- Create a new sheet in Excel file at default index with Python
- Create specific name of sheet and at specific index
- Delete a sheet in Excel file with Python
5The Actual Thing: Read and Write data at cell levelVideo lesson
You will be able to
- Read data from cell by three methods. i.e Cell address, reference to cell and row and column number.
- Write data to any cell with three methods.
8Read and write ColumnVideo lesson
After this lecture you will be able to read and write column very easily
9Copying parts of sheet or whole sheet with 2D ListVideo lesson
You will be able to learn
- what is a 2 dimensional list
- How you can use it to copy a section of sheet or whole sheet to a new sheet in a new file.
10Insert Rows and Columns in Excel SheetVideo lesson
11Delete Rows and Columns in a SheetVideo lesson
12cell_range and how to use itVideo lesson
13iter_rows to iterate over rows - max_row & max_columnVideo lesson
14iter_cols to iterate over columnsVideo lesson
15append method to append a list or a dictionaryVideo lesson
16_move_cell to move a single cell in your sheetVideo lesson
17move_range method to move a range of cellsVideo lesson
21How to create a new folder at specific location in Python for your Excel FilesVideo lesson
You will learn to create Folders with Python for Excel files at specific locations.
22Copy Excel files and whole folder of Excel files with everything in it.Video lesson
You will learn to copy Excel file from specific location to a destination. Copying whole folder with files and folders in it to a different location.
23Moving Excel files - Cut & PasteVideo lesson
You will learn how to Cut Excel file from any source Location to a destination Location.
24Deleting Excel files and Folders. Sending to Recycle binVideo lesson
You will learn how to delete an Excel file, an empty folder and a folder with files and other folders in it. You will also learn how to delete a file or folder so that it goes into Recycle bin or Trash bin.
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