Python : Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional)
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Python is a dynamic modern object -oriented programming language and can be used to do a lot of things both big and small. Python is what is referred to as a high level language. That means it is a language that is closer to humans than computer.It is also known as a general purpose programming language due to it’s flexibility. Python is an interpreted language that does not need to be complied like for example java programming language. It is interpreted and run on the fly the same time.
Python has been used in a lot of places like in creating games, for statistical data and visualization,speech and face recognition.
Some of the biggest websites on this planet earth use python in one way or another. Examples include:
Survey Monkey
Yahoo Maps
Topics covered include:
Interacting with Python in various ways
Python Operators
Python Data Types
Data type casting
Python String Methods and Formatting
Python Data Structures
Python Functions
Python DocStrings
Python Decorators
Python Control Flow Statements
Python Modules and Packages
Working with external files in Python
Working with dates and times
Working with calendars
Handling exception errors
Version control system with Git and Github
Web scrapping with Python
Python and Machine Learning
Web development with Django
Creating a database driven application
Python Object Oriented Programming
Projects we will create:
Create a web based todo app and deploy to cloud
Database CRUD app with SQL Server and Python
MP3 Player
Lottery Number Simulator
Loan calulator
Create a basic calculator
Create a digital clock
Create a number guessing game
Create a random number generator
Create a countdown timer
Create a lottery number simulator
9Installing Python on WindowsVideo lesson
10Installing Python3 on MacsVideo lesson
11Installing Pycharm on WindowsVideo lesson
12Changing Pycharm ThemeVideo lesson
13Pycharm windows configuration: Part 1Video lesson
14Pycharm windows configuration: Part 2Video lesson
15Installing Pycharm on MacsVideo lesson
16Pycharm mac configurationVideo lesson
17Installing Atom Text EditorVideo lesson
18Interacting using Python ShellVideo lesson
19Interacting using Python FileVideo lesson
20Python ExpressionsVideo lesson
21Python Code CommentsVideo lesson
22Python Code IndentationVideo lesson
23Python VariablesVideo lesson
24Creating VariablesVideo lesson
25Getting Input from UsersVideo lesson
26Introduction to Python OperatorsVideo lesson
27Python Arithmetic OperatorsVideo lesson
28Python Assignment OperatorsVideo lesson
29Python Comparison OperatorsVideo lesson
30Python Logical OperatorsVideo lesson
31Python Identity OperatorsVideo lesson
32Python Membership OperatorsVideo lesson
33Binary NumbersVideo lesson
34Python Bitwise Operators: Part 1Video lesson
35Python Bitwise Operators: Part 2Video lesson
36Python Operator PrecedenceVideo lesson
45What are data structuresVideo lesson
46Python ListVideo lesson
47Creating a Python ListVideo lesson
48Accessing elements in a listVideo lesson
49Python List Methods: Part 1Video lesson
50Python List Methods: Part 2Video lesson
51Python Tuple : Part 1Video lesson
52Python Tuple : Part 2Video lesson
53Python SETVideo lesson
54Python SET MethodsVideo lesson
55Python DictionaryVideo lesson
56Python Dictionary MethodsVideo lesson
57Creating a directory for Python FilesVideo lesson
58Introduction to control flowVideo lesson
59if statementsVideo lesson
60Else statementsVideo lesson
61ELif statementsVideo lesson
62While LoopsVideo lesson
63For LoopsVideo lesson
64Nested For LoopsVideo lesson
65Break StatementVideo lesson
66Continue StatementVideo lesson
67For Loop and break statementVideo lesson
68For Loop and continue statementVideo lesson
69For Loop and else statementVideo lesson
70For Loop and Range StatementVideo lesson
71What are Python FunctionsVideo lesson
72Python Return Keyword ValueVideo lesson
73Default Parameter ValueVideo lesson
74Keyword ArgumentsVideo lesson
75Functions returning other functionsVideo lesson
76Assigning Functions To VariablesVideo lesson
77Global and Local Variable ScopesVideo lesson
78Nesting FunctionsVideo lesson
79Nesting Functions Accessing Variable ScopeVideo lesson
80Function Pass KeywordVideo lesson
81Passing functions as argumentsVideo lesson
82VarArgs ParameterVideo lesson
83Anonymous FunctionsVideo lesson
84Python DocStringsVideo lesson
85Python DecoratorsVideo lesson
86Python Function Vs Python MethodVideo lesson
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