Python Bootcamp 2021 | Master Python From Zero To Hero
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
In this course you will have a deep understanding of python and other topics related to it. You will learn everything from scratch and implement it practically in the course. Here’s a list of topics you will be learning.
Initial Setup
Executing a python program
Simple python programming concepts
Data types
Collection Datatypes
Conditional Statement
looping Statement
Built In module
Advanced Python modules
Built in functions
Classes And Objects
Object Oriented Programming
File operations
Advanced Python operations
Graphical User Interface
Web scrapping
After learning all the above topics in python we will learn how to implement them in projects. We will use in the following projects
Alarm Clock / Reminder
Secured Password Protection
1IntroductionVideo lesson
An introduction to the course.
We will have a look at introduction to python and how to use it.
2Whole Course OverviewVideo lesson
We will see what will you get from this course.
3How To Use The Files AttachedVideo lesson
We will see how to use the file attached in this course.
4Section GoalsVideo lesson
Hi Guys,
In this module, we will learn how to install python and other necessary modules to work with python and run python programs.
5Installing PythonVideo lesson
Hello Guys,
In this video we will look at how to install python from internet and see how to access it.
6How To Use Pip?Video lesson
Hello Guys,
In this video we will see how to use pip to install modules in python and to perform operations in it.
7Installing Anaconda PromptVideo lesson
8Installing Jupyter NotebookVideo lesson
Hello Guys,
In this video we will see how to install Jupyter notebook and how to start it and perform python operations in it.
9Installing Sublime TextVideo lesson
Hello Guys,
In this video we will see how to install sublime text editor and to use it to run a python program.
10Section GoalsVideo lesson
Hello Guys,
In this video we will see how different ways of running a python program as follows:
Jupyter Notebook
Online Compiler
Command Prompt
11Executing Via Command PromptVideo lesson
Hello Guys,
In this part we will see how we can use command prompt and run a python program in it. We will use two types of operation.
Run a python program in CMD.
Run python in CMD and execute some programs in it.
12Commonly Used IDEsVideo lesson
This is a Lecture where we will see some of the commonly used IDEs (Theory only).
13Executing Via Jupyter NotebookVideo lesson
Hi Guys,
In this part we will install Jupyter notebook and run a simple python program in it.
14Executing Via Online CompilerVideo lesson
Hello Guys,
In this part we will see how we can use online compiler to run a python program and see how we can run without any offline compiler.
15Section GoalsVideo lesson
Hi Guys,
In this part we will run simple python codes and see it works.
16SyntaxVideo lesson
In this part we will look at the syntax of python programming and see how it differs from other programming language.
17VariablesVideo lesson
In this part we will see about the variable name and how we can use them in python programming and how to use them in programming. We will also look at :
legal variable names
illegal variable names
18CommentsVideo lesson
In this part we will see about how to use comments in python programming and what are the uses of using them.
19KeywordsVideo lesson
In this part we will see about the keywords in python and how to use them in python program.
20InputVideo lesson
In this part we will see how we can get inputs from users and use them in our program.
21Keywords PdfVideo lesson
In this part we will have a look at the keywords available in python and their functions.
22Section GoalsVideo lesson
In this part we will see about the different types of data types and where to use them accordingly.
23Numeric Data TypeVideo lesson
In this lecture we will see about numeric data types and how to use them in python program.
The different numeric data types are:
24Type ConversionVideo lesson
In this lecture we will convert from one type of numeric data type to other. This is called as type conversion.
25String Data TypeVideo lesson
In this part we will have an introduction to string and see how we can use string data type in our program.
26CastingVideo lesson
In this part we are going to have a look at casting in python and convert from one data type to another.
27Boolean Data TypeVideo lesson
In this part we are gonna to see about Boolean data type and how we can use them in python program.
28Boolean FunctionVideo lesson
In this lecture we will see about boolean function and how we can use them in python and get boolean values from it.
29String OperationsVideo lesson
In this lecture, we will have a look at the string Handling functions in python.
30Using Replace, Split in StringVideo lesson
In this lecture we will see how we can use replace, split and furthermore operations in python.
31String formattingVideo lesson
In this lecture we will see about string formatting and how we can use them in python.
32String Operations - DocumentVideo lesson
We have attached a document containing all the string handling functions in python.
33Escape Sequences - DocumentVideo lesson
We have attached the document containing all the escape sequence in python.
34Section GoalsVideo lesson
In this lecture, we will have a look at all the collection data types that are available in python.
35RangeVideo lesson
We will implement range and see how we can use them using for loop .
36ListVideo lesson
In this lecture we will see how we can create a list and access elements from the list.
37List IndexingVideo lesson
In this lecture we will see about list indexing and accessing elements using index values.
38Copy, Remove, Clear and Delete A ListVideo lesson
In this part we will see how we can perform copy, remove, clear and delete operations on a list.
39ArraysVideo lesson
In this lecture we will see how we can use lists as arrays in python.
40TuplesVideo lesson
In this part we will see about creating tuples and accessing it.
41Difference Between Tuple and a ListVideo lesson
In this lecture we will see about the key difference between tuple and list.
42Tuple OperationsVideo lesson
In this video we will see about important Tuple operations that can be performed on a tuple.
43SetsVideo lesson
In this lecture we will see about an introduction to sets and how to use it in python program.
44Add And Remove Elements From A SetVideo lesson
In this lecture we will add some elements into the list and remove the elements from the list.
45Joining Two Sets With One AnotherVideo lesson
In this lecture we will see how we can join two sets together.
46DictionaryVideo lesson
In this lecture, We will see how we can create a dictionary and use them in python programming.
47Accessing Items From A DictionaryVideo lesson
In this lecture, We will see how we can access items from a dictionary and use them in python program.
48Add And Delete On DictionaryVideo lesson
In this lecture we will see how we can add two dictionary and also we will see how we can delete a dictionary in python program.
49Nested DictionaryVideo lesson
In this lecture, we will learn what is a nested dictionary,
what is the advantage of it and how we can use them in python program.
50PdfVideo lesson
51Section GoalsVideo lesson
In this module we will learn about operators available in python and how we can use them and get a deep understanding of it.
52Arithmetic OperatorsVideo lesson
In this lecture we will implement arithmetic operators in python and get a wonderful deep knowledge on it.
53Relational OperatorsVideo lesson
In this lecture we will learn about relational operators that are available in python and implement them in python program and in conditional statements as well.
54Logical OperatorsVideo lesson
In this lecture we will learn how to use logical operators and how we can use them properly in python.
55Assignment Operators - 1Video lesson
In this lecture we will see about simple assignment operators and how we can use them in python program
56Assignment Operators - 2Video lesson
In this lecture we will see about some additional assignment operators and also would implement in python program.
57Bitwise OperatorsVideo lesson
In this lecture , we will see about some operators to perform bitwise operations in python.
We will implement them in python and get a deep knowledge out of it.
58Bitwise Assignment OperatorsVideo lesson
In this lecture, we will see about Bitwise assignment operators and implement them in python program.
59Special OperatorsVideo lesson
In this lecture we are going to learn about Special Operators.
Python has two special operators.
Identity Operators
Membership Operators
60Any and AllVideo lesson
In this lecture, we will learn about two operators that are used to perform repetitive operations on a give value. They are:
61Precedence And AssociativityVideo lesson
In this lecture we will see abut precedence and associative property of operators in python. We will implement them in python program and learn how to use them.
62Difference Between Is Operator and Equal to OperatorVideo lesson
A lot of people confuse about is and equal to operators. It is simple, we will look at them in this lecture.
63PdfVideo lesson
An explanation on the document attached.
64Section GoalsVideo lesson
In this module we will learn about one of the fundamentals of programming called as conditional and looping statements used for performing intelligent tasks in python.
65If and If Else StatementVideo lesson
In this part we will see about simple If statements in python namely
If statement
If else statement
66Elif and Nested If StatementsVideo lesson
We will learn about complex conditional statement called elif and nested if statements.
67Logical Operators In If StatementVideo lesson
In this part we will see how we can use logical operators with if statement in python.
68Short Hand If StatementsVideo lesson
In this lecture we will see how we can use short hand if statements in python.
69Looping StatementsVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn about looping statements namely.
70While LoopVideo lesson
In this part we will see how we can use while loop in python and perform operations in it.
71For LoopVideo lesson
In this part we will see how we can use for loop in python and also what is for loop and the advantages of using it.
We will also learn how we can use pass and continue statement in for loop.
72For Loop Using RangeVideo lesson
In this lecture we will learn how we can use python program using range.
Range is a collection data type that we saw earlier.
We will implement For loop on range to print every element in the range.
73Nested For LoopVideo lesson
In this lecture we will see how we can implement nested for loop in python.
We will implement it programaticaly and also see how we can use them.
74Section GoalsVideo lesson
In this lecture we will learn about functions and how to use functions in program and perform operations using it.
75FunctionsVideo lesson
In this part we will see how we can use functions in python program.
We will learn about them and implement it programatically.
There are two types of functions:
Parameterized functions
non-parameterized functions
76Functions That Return ValueVideo lesson
In this lecture we will see about functions that return value. We will use return keyword and create functions that return value.
77Arbitrary, Keyword, Arbitrary Keyword ArgumentsVideo lesson
In this lecture we will learn about different types of arguments that can be used in python. namely
Arbitrary Arguments
Keyword Arguments
Arbitrary Keyword Arguments
78Default Parameter Value and Pass KeywordVideo lesson
In this lecture we will see how we can use default parameter value and pass keyword in a function.
79Lambda FunctionsVideo lesson
In this lecture, we will see how we can use lambda functions in python. We will learn it and see how we can implement it programmatically and how to use them with normal functions.

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