Python Basics: Start from Zero and Master the Essentials
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Are you looking for a simple and effective Python course, created by someone who has been mastering Python for years? You’ve found it.
I designed this course after teaching programming to hundreds of people, leveraging the experience from my teaching and consulting work to develop a learning path that is simple, clear, and covers all the essential concepts for beginners in programming. For those who want to learn programming in the quickest and most focused way, a clear approach and practical, targeted content are crucial—and that’s exactly what I’ve included in this course.
Don’t worry, this isn’t just another course filled with hours of theory packaged and sold as “indispensable.” The theory in this course is minimal, just enough to introduce the most important aspect of programming: practice.
To become an excellent programmer, the formula is straightforward: practice, practice, and more practice!
That’s why I’ve enriched this course with numerous exercises to test what you’ve learned after each section. And don’t worry—you’ll also get my proposed solutions for each exercise, presented clearly and in detail in dedicated videos.
Programming in Python can be simple for you, and it will be with this course! We’ll start by exploring one of the most effective and widely used tools for Python programming: Google Colab. You won’t need to install anything, and all your projects will be accessible from any device—you could even code from your smartphone!
Next, we’ll dive into the main data types used in Python. We’ll create numerical variables with int and float, define textual variables with strings, use heterogeneous containers with lists and discover the incredible simplicity and clarity of dictionaries.
I’ll show you the most important concepts for data structures, such as indexing to access specific elements, slicing to select multiple elements, and even concatenation to create new variables by combining two or more others.
Then, we’ll move on to execution control, covering operators and expressions. You’ll learn how to build arithmetic expressions and, most importantly, essential logical expressions using comparison operators. We’ll create complex conditions with the and, or, and not operators and see how all of this is used to create any type of logic, bringing intelligence to our code with the if statement by building our own thermostat!
Next, we’ll explore how to repeat instructions using the indispensable for and while loops, and even how to create complex loops and modify their behavior with control statements like break and continue.
We’ll conclude this valuable journey by diving into functions—a concept every programmer must know and use in every program they create. You’ll write your first function to execute, like uttering a magic word, any instructions you want. I’ll also show you how to use functions effectively.
Everything you need to start programming in Python is here. Start now and become a programmer!
3Data Types and creating an int variableVideo lesson
Let's talk about numeric data types, starting with the int type for integer variables!
4Printing the value of a variable and a cool way to combine text and variableVideo lesson
I'll show you how to print to the screen effectively and intuitively!
5Float data typeVideo lesson
Let's continue with numeric data types by discussing float to represent decimal numbers.
6Bool data typeVideo lesson
7Data Structures - stringsVideo lesson
Let's start exploring data structures by talking about strings to represent text!
8String indexingVideo lesson
Again about strings with the indexing to access a single element!
9String slicing and again on string indexingVideo lesson
Let's continue talking about strings and explore what slicing is and how it helps us select multiple elements within them!
10String concatenationVideo lesson
We’ll wrap up the string section by discussing concatenation, which lets you create a new string from two or more existing strings.
11Data Structures - listsVideo lesson
Let's get to know lists to store any type of data!
12List indexingVideo lesson
Let's see how indexing can also be used with lists!
13List slicing and how to slice with a stepVideo lesson
Let's see how even slicing can be used with lists!
14List concatenationVideo lesson
And finally about concatenation with lists!
15Data Structures - dictionariesVideo lesson
The last data structure, but definitely not the least important! Let’s get to know dictionaries and how they help make our code clear and readable!
16Selecting, adding and removing elements from dictionariesVideo lesson
Learn how to add or remove elements from dictionary!
17Adding and removing elements from listsVideo lesson
Let's see how to add or remove element from lists too!
18Downloading and uploading notebooks on ColabVideo lesson
Here's how you can download and upload the notebooks (both theory and exercises) that I share with you into Google Colab.
19The Data types and Data Stucture notebookVideo lesson
Here it is my notebook about Data types and Data stuctures!
2018.c - Exercises - Data types and data structures - instructions onlyVideo lesson
Challenge yourself with these exercises about Data types and Data structures!
2118.d - Exercises - Data types and data structures - solutionsVideo lesson
And here are my solutions to the previous exercises!
2219 - Arithmetic operators - part 1 (and the best way to print something)Video lesson
Let's start discussing operators with arithmetic operators! Create your arithmetic expressions between numeric variables using each of these operators!
2320 - Arithmetic operators - part 2Video lesson
Again about arithmetic operators!
2421 - Comparison operatorsVideo lesson
Learn how to use comparison operators to build logical expressions!
2522 - The logical 'and', 'or' and 'not' operatorsVideo lesson
Let's build complex logical expressions by combining them with the and, or, and not operators!
2623 - The if control statementVideo lesson
Now things get really serious: the if statement allows us to give intelligence to our code!
2724 - Adding conditions to the if control statementVideo lesson
Learn how to add one or more conditions to an if statement!
2825 - Specifying a default condition for the if control statementVideo lesson
What about a default case? Meet the else keyword!
2926 - The while loopVideo lesson
Let’s introduce loops by discussing the while loop, but be careful not to fall into an infinite loop!
3027 - The for loopVideo lesson
Let’s continue with loops by exploring the for loop, using it to iterate over any iterable in a simple and intuitive way!
3128 - The 'break' and 'continue' control statementsVideo lesson
Discover how to alter the normal execution of a while or for loop using the control statements break and continue!
3229 - Replicating a while loop with a for loop and how to choose between themVideo lesson
Sometimes a for loop is better than a while loop—find out when!
3329.b - The Execution Control notebookVideo lesson
Here is my notebook about Execution control!
3429.c - Exercises - Execution Control - instructions onlyVideo lesson
Test yourself with exercises on Execution Control!
3529.d - Exercises - Execution Control - solutionsVideo lesson
And here are my solutions to the previous exercises!

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