Practical hacking and pentesting course for beginners
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*The ultimate Practical Hacking and Pentesting Guide for Beginners. Learn Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing! Learn to use real techniques and tools that are used by black hat hackers*
Welcome to this comprehensive course on practical hacking and pentesting. In this course, you’ll learn techniques and tools to crack Windows passwords, recover Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel Passwords), hack wireless networks, hack Android devices, bug bounty and practical pentesting techniques to hack your targets over the network. This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in hacking and cracking, and by the end of it, you’ll be at a comfortable level, being able to start with your pentesting journey skilled with the basic toolset
The course is a practical guide and only focuses on the practical stuff leaving out Python or other theoretical stuff that you find in other courses to fill up the content. More than 6 hours of practical hacking and pentesting stuff with real-world guides. You’ll learn everything by example and practical guides, so we’ll never have any dry boring theoretical lectures.
Each practical lecture is accompanied by a free pdf presentation explaining the attack which can be downloaded and used as a quick reference.
The Quick Breakdown of the content is as follows:-
How to Install Kali Linux in a virtual environment in a quick and easy way.
How to break into Windows passwords.
How to crack WIFI passwords.
How to crack office files passwords.
How to hack machines(both windows and Linux) over the network.
Web Hacking and Bug Bounty for Beginners.
How to hack Android devices
How to sharpen your skill with practice on Hack the box and Try hack me free machines.
The Major Modules include.
1. Windows Password cracking and bypassing passwords to gain access
After finishing the module, you will also be acquainted with the best free password-cracking tools and techniques that you can implement in your future learning path. We also discuss some services and tools that can help you to speed up the office password-cracking process.
The Quick Breakdown of the content is as follows:-
How to break Windows Passwords.
How to Hack into Windows without cracking passwords.
How to use Hashcat for faster GPU-based Attacks.
How to use Hashcat from Windows to crack the Passwords.
How to extract passwords from RAM with MimiKatz.
2. Wifi Hacking
Wifi is everywhere and learning the tools to crack and hack into the wifi is one of the most important skillset in any hackers arsenal.
The quick breakdown of the content is as follows:
How to hack WPA2 wifi networks with old aircrack utility.
How to capture handshakes with Hcxdump tools.
How to crack wifi password with fast GPU based cracked- Hashcat.
How to crack wifi passwords with single command in an automated manner.
How to crack wifi networks from Windows.
What are the best GUI based tools to crack passwords.
3. Office Files (Word, powerpoint, excel) and RAR/ ZIP files password cracking
What about learning to break into the most important and used file types. The module is perfect for it. The Quick Breakdown of the module content is as follows:-
How to password protect word, excel and PowerPoint Files.
How to use John to crack office passwords on Kali Linux.
How to use Hashcat for faster GPU-based Attacks.
How to install John the ripper and Hashcat on Windows.
How to crack office passwords from Windows without Kali Linux.
How to Unlock read-only Excel Files.
How to remove sheet and workbook protection from Excel sheets.
How to remove read-only restriction from Word and PowerPoint files.
How to remove passwords from office documents with free online password recovery service.
How to use Paid tools to crack office passwords.
How to remove passwords from very old word documents with Guaword utility.
4. Practical pentesting and network attacks
In this module, we learn about how to go with practical pentesting and hacking machines over the network The Quick Breakdown of the module content is as follows:-
What is Metasploit and how to hack Windows with it.
How to scan the targets to extract maximum information.
How to perform a vulnerability assessment of a target with automated tools.
How to extract information from a target, start a keylogger and take screenshots of a target after gaining a foothold.
How to practice pentesting for free.
5. Practical Android Hacking and Pentesting
In this module, we learn about how to hack into Android devices. The module content contains the following
How to setup Android VM inside VMware.
How to hack Android devices with payload created through msfvenom.
How to hack Android devices with USB debugging enabled over adb.
6. Web Hacking and Bug Bounty for Beginners
In this comprehensive module, you’ll embark on a thrilling journey to master web hacking techniques and dive into the world of bug bounty hunting. ??
Here’s what you’ll learn:
Dirbusting Tutorial: Uncover hidden directories and files using the powerful dirb tool, gaining access to potential vulnerabilities.
DVWA Challenge Walkthroughs: Step-by-step guidance through various challenges in Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA), enhancing your practical skills.
Exploiting Common Web Vulnerabilities: Discover and exploit common web vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and more.
Web Application Reconnaissance: Master the art of gathering intelligence and recon techniques specific to web applications.
Bug Bounty Essentials: Learn the fundamentals of bug bounty hunting, including how to identify, report, and validate vulnerabilities.
Defensive Techniques: Understand countermeasures and defensive strategies to safeguard web applications against attacks.
Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a thrilling journey into the world of web hacking and bug bounty hunting. Enroll now and unlock your potential in web security! ??
We guarantee you this is one of the most comprehensive online courses on hacking and pentesting for beginners which is focused on only practical stuff
This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against systems that I have permission to test. The instructor is not linked to any tool or service mentioned in the course in any capacity.
3Installing Kali Linux on VmwareVideo lesson
Quicky Setup Kali Linux as a virtual environment on your PC. The tutorial is performed on Windows. However, the steps are same on Mac as well.
4Make a bootable Kali Linux USB DriveVideo lesson
Having a Live Kali USB is of utmost importance for any security professional. Learn to make a bootable Kali USB in easy steps
5Kali Linux in the Cloud with AWSVideo lesson
Get a free Kali in the cloud to use as a penetration testing machine.
6Use Prebuilt Kali Linux on VmwareVideo lesson
The fastest way to get kali running is to download and use prebuilt kali image for VMWARE
7Introduction to the Windows Password Hacking ModuleVideo lesson
Learn to crack windows 10/11 passwords. Learn the best password cracking tools
8How Passwords are stored on Windows?Video lesson
Knowing where and how Windows passwords are stored is the first step before we start cracking the passwords.
9Bypassing Windows Passwords with chntpwVideo lesson
Chntpw is the old horse that can be used with full reliability, in any scenario, to reset and bypass your target.
10Reset Windows Passwords with Kali and chntpwVideo lesson
Kali comes pre-installed with chntpw and the tool can be directly used from Kali live USB to bypass windows passwords.
11Bypass Windows online authentication by activating a local Administrator AccountVideo lesson
Newer Windows comes with live accounts login. Learn the technique to activate local administrator password to bypass online authentication.
12Bypassing Windows Passwords with KonBootVideo lesson
Konboot is the best and fastest utility to bypass Windows passwords and quickly gain access to your target.
13Bypassing Windows Passwords with Hiren Boot CDVideo lesson
Hirenboot CD is a free windows password cracking and resetting utility. It can be used as a free alternative to konboot for fast password bypass on Windows
14Hack Windows passwords with Windows Boot DiskVideo lesson
If you do not want to use some hacking or cracking tools to reset the machine,the genuine windows recovery disk can be used to reset the passwords.
15Reset Windows passwords with Lazesoft free utilityVideo lesson
Lazesoft is the free utility that can be used to reset the windows password.
16Cracking Windows Passwords with Ophcrack and KaliVideo lesson
Ophcrack boosts to be the fastest windows password cracker software. Learn to use the software directly from Kali.
17Crack Windows Passwords with Ophcrack on WindowsVideo lesson
Shy of Kali linux. Crack windows passwords directly in Windows with ophcrack windows version.
18Cracking Windows password with JohnVideo lesson
Use the old horse John the ripper to crack some windows passwords.
19Cracking Windows passwords with HashcatVideo lesson
How to use GPU for fast cracking windows passwords. Learn Hashcat fast password cracking.
20Mimikatz RAM password extractionVideo lesson
Why not directly extract users account passwords from RAM. Learn to use mimikatz to directly extract the passwords from RAM by passing many restrictions
21Review of Password cracking and recovery toolsVideo lesson
Compare the windows password cracking tools to help you choose the right tool for the right job.
22Cracking old Zip File Passwords with bkcrackVideo lesson
23Microsoft Word Password Cracking with JohnVideo lesson
The lesson covers the basic usage of office2john and john the ripper cracker on Kali Linux and how these tools can be used to crack word document passwords.
24(Recap) Install Hashcat on WindowsVideo lesson
Hashcat is a GPU cracker that is able to crack passwords much faster than John. The lesson covers the installation of this tool on Windows. So, that your GPU can be utilized to crack the passwords.
25Excel Password Cracking with John and HashcatVideo lesson
The lesson covers the methodology to crack excel passwords while utilizing GPU power. We first obtain the hash of the excel sheet with office2john utility and then use the Hashcat for powerful GPU based attack to crack the password.
26Install John on WindowsVideo lesson
John is the go to tool for cracking office passwords. The lecture covers the methodology to install the tool on Windows with all its dependencies
27Cracking Office Passwords on Window with JohnVideo lesson
Afraid of Kali Linux? The lesson provides an easier and alternative way to use the popular password cracking tools on Windows. We will be cracking PowerPoint passwords while remaining on Windows operating system.
28Unlock Read only Excel FilesVideo lesson
The lecture covers the technique to remove read-only protection passwords from excel sheets so that they can be edited again.
29Remove Sheet and Workbook Protection from Excel SheetsVideo lesson
Sheet protection and workbook protection are techniques to secure excel sheets. The lesson covers an easy methodology to remove these protections.
30Unlock Read only Word and PowerPoint FilesVideo lesson
The lecture covers the technique to remove read-only protection passwords from word and PowerPoint documents so that they can be edited again.
31Cracking PDF PasswordsVideo lesson
Learn to crack locked pdf files passwords with pdfrip free software
32Cracking Zip and Rar PasswordsVideo lesson
Password protected zip rar files are a real pain. Learn to crack the rar and zip files in an easy and fast manner.
33Rar Password cracking with cRARkVideo lesson
CRARk is another very efficient and free utility to crack rar files passwords.
34Free Online Password Recovery ServiceVideo lesson
In this Lecture, we are going to see an online service that offers free password cracking for word, excel and PowerPoint documents. If the document has a weak password, the service can be used to break the password within 3 minutes.
The Tutorial is only for educational purposes. The instructor is not linked to the service and is not earning any commissions.
35Excel password cracking with Passfab (Paid Tool)Video lesson
In this Lecture, we are going to see an automated tool to crack Excel passwords. Passfab provides premium tools to crack different types of passwords like word, excel or PowerPoint.
The Tutorial is only for educational purposes. The instructor is not linked to the service and is not earning any commissions.
36Remove Passwords from Old Word DocumentsVideo lesson
The lecture covers the methodology to remove passwords from very old word files (97-2000) with an old utility Guaword. We are going to see the tool, Guaword installation and its usage. The tool is very useful for forensic investigators who happen to find a variety of old documents.
37Introduction to Wifi HackingVideo lesson
Wireless networks are everywhere. Learn how wifi security works and how can we target it.
38Hacking Wireless Networks with Aircrack SuitsVideo lesson
The lecture covers the basics of WPA and WPA-2 wifi access points password cracking mechanisms and practical demonstration of how the Aircrack suite can be utilized to crack or recover passwords of wireless networks.
39Capturing WPA and WPS-2 Handshakes with HashcatVideo lesson
Hcxdumptool is a bulk wifi handshakes capture utility that can then be cracked with Hashcat
40Preparing captured Handshakes for HashcatVideo lesson
How to prepare the captured wifi handshakes through different utilities to be cracked with Hashcat
41Cracking Handshakes with HashcatVideo lesson
Hashcat is the fasted GPU based wifi password cracker in existence that can be used to crack the passwords fast.
42Wifi Cracking purely on WindowsVideo lesson
What about hacking wifi from windows. Learn wifi cracking from purely on Windows.
43Automatic Wifi Cracking with WifiteVideo lesson
Learn to crack wifi passwords with a single command.
44GUI Based Automated Wifi crackingVideo lesson
Afraid of command line tools. Crack wifi passwords with GUI based tools
45Introduction to the Pentesting ModuleVideo lesson
Introduction to pentesting and hacking.
46Important terms used in Pentesting and HackingVideo lesson
What are the most important terms to be kept in mind while hacking and pentesting
47Introduction to Metasploit and Windows 10 Hacking DemonstrationVideo lesson
Learn to hack windows with Metasploit
48Pentesting Methodology for systematic PentestingVideo lesson
How to follow a systematic approach to hack any system
49Setting Up Metasploitable 2 for harcking and Pentesting practiceVideo lesson
Setting up a vulnerable machine to practice hacking and pentesting
50Scanning Networks and target with NmapVideo lesson
The lecture covers Nmap basics. How can we use Nmap to scan the targets? We are going to discuss different types of scans that Nmap supports along with a scanning cheatsheet.
51Vulnerability assessment of a target before hackingVideo lesson
How to automatically know the exploits and vulnerabilities about a target
52Exploiting the Vulnerability to gain foot hold | Hacking the systemVideo lesson
How to hack into the target after the vulnerability assesment
53Post Exploitation to access data, record keystrokes and taking screenshotsVideo lesson
Extracting data, taking screenshots etc from the target machine after exploitation.
54Practice Hacking for free with Try Hack me | Exploiting BlueVideo lesson
Practice Pentesting and revise everything you have learned with Try Hack me for free
55FTP ExploitationVideo lesson
Learn to exploit FTP services. Basics of FTP Exploitation
56Telnet ExploitationVideo lesson
Learn to exploit Telnet services. Basics of Telnet Exploitation
57SMB ExploitationVideo lesson
Learn to exploit SMB services. Basics of SMB Exploitation
58Wrapping it all up. Hacking Metasploitable 2 with Kali Linux in different waysVideo lesson
Hacking Metasploitable 2 in different ways with Kali Linux. Go from scanning, enumeration to hacking different services.
59Setting up HTB and cracking Meow MachineVideo lesson
Free pentesting practice with HTB.
How to start with hack the box and crack your first machine from starting point.
Crack Meow and hack your first machine.
60Practical Pentesting -Hacking Fawn HTBVideo lesson
Crack the second machine FAWN from HTB starting point. step-by-step tutorial for cracking FAWN which is focused on exploiting FTP
61Practical Pentesting -Hacking Dancing HTBVideo lesson
Crack the third machine Dancing from HTB starting point Tier 0. step-by-step tutorial for cracking Dancing which is focused on exploiting Smb shares
62Practical Pentesting -Hacking Redeemer HTBVideo lesson
Crack the fourth machine Redeemer from HTB starting point Tier 0. Step-by-step tutorial for cracking Redeemer which is focused on exploiting unauthenticated access to Redis server
63Dir Busting and Vhost EnumerationVideo lesson
64Subdomain Enumeration Challenge - Takeover THMVideo lesson
65Installing DVWA on Kali VMVideo lesson
66Brute Forcing Web Applications Passwords with Burp and HydraVideo lesson
67Command Execution - LinuxVideo lesson
68CSRF Basics and ExploitationVideo lesson
69File Inclusion VulnerabilitiesVideo lesson
70SQL Injection Vulnerabilities -1Video lesson
71SQL Injection Vulnerabilities -2Video lesson
72File Upload VulnerabilitiesVideo lesson
73Chaining Multiple Vulnerabilities (Command Injection + File Upload)Video lesson
74Install Android on VmwareVideo lesson
How to install Android as a virtual machine on VMWARE
75Hacking Android Phones with Metasploit FrameworkVideo lesson
How to hack android devices with a backdoor creates through msfvenom
76Hacking Android Devices with Phonesploit over ADBVideo lesson
Exploit the adb connections to hack android devices
77Hack Android and IOS devices with just a clickVideo lesson
78Simple CTF for Beginners -Try Hack meVideo lesson
Learn to manually exploit simple CMS vulnerabilities to gain initial access. Privilege escalation with vim.
79Brute it - Learn Brute forcing -Try Hack meVideo lesson
80Pickle Rick - Command Injection - Try Hack meVideo lesson
Practice Exploiting command Injection vulnerabilities on a free machine from Try Hack Me

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