1044 reviews
MERN Stack Master Course - Building your own Instagram
Build Your own Instagram with React, Express, Node.js & MongoDB
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MERN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and Node.js – and combined, these four technologies allow you to build amazing web applications
In this course we will be building FULL FLEDGED INSTAGRAM website and it will be a lots of fun as we building this together.
This course covers –
Building an backend API with Node.js & Express
Testing API using Postman
JWT based authentication
Image upload
Context API for state management
React Hooks
React Router hooks
Protecting routes or endpoints
Sending Emails
Forgot & Reset Password
This course is NOT an introduction course to React & Node js. It is fully hands on course for building full stacks websites using MERN
Creating Node js API for Authentication
Node js API for posts
3Hello world in node jsVideo lesson
4what are middleware in node jsVideo lesson
5setting up mongodb on atlasVideo lesson
6Creating User SchemaVideo lesson
7getting data is request bodyVideo lesson
8posting data to databaseVideo lesson
9hashing passwordsVideo lesson
10Creating Signin routeVideo lesson
11using jwtVideo lesson
12creating middleware to verify tokenVideo lesson
Implementing Authentication, Posts, Profile page on client side using React js
Like and Unlike Post
16Creating React project and adding RoutingVideo lesson
17Creating SignIn & Signup page UIVideo lesson
18Profile page UIVideo lesson
19Home Page UIVideo lesson
20Create post page UIVideo lesson
21User Signup by posting dataVideo lesson
22User SigninVideo lesson
23Uploding Images to cloudinaryVideo lesson
24Saving token in localstorage & solving errorsVideo lesson
25Adding Context APIVideo lesson
26Changing Navigation links after Signin and SignoutVideo lesson
27Fetching posts and showing that on Home pageVideo lesson
28Implementing LogoutVideo lesson
29Showing details of logged in user in profile pageVideo lesson
Comments on post
Implementing profile page for other users
Adding follow & unfollow user feature
Adding profile pic & Deploy
37Node API for follow and unfollow userVideo lesson
38Implementing follow user in ReactVideo lesson
39Solving issues and unfollow userVideo lesson
40Updating follow unfollow of logged in userVideo lesson
41Node js API to list the posts created by my followingVideo lesson
42See posts of my followings on client sideVideo lesson
Adding Forgot & Reset password
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