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Mendeley Made Easy 2022 – Never Manually Reference Again!

One Click Referencing (Harvard, IEEE, APA, MLA). Learn How To Collect, Organise and Generate Your References & Save Time
Referencing Made Easy
22 students enrolled
English [Auto]
Create a Mendeley account
Download Mendeley desktop software
Use the Mendeley Web Importer
Add a reference from Google Scholar, databases, ebooks, journal articles, websites and YouTube video with one click into your library
Manually create a citation
Add existing references to your Mendeley library
Organise your reference library using folders
Read and annotate documents in your library
Share papers and collaborate with other researchers
Generate in-text citations in Microsoft Word in the referencing style of your choice
Generate your bibliography in Microsoft Word in the referencing style of your choice

Learn the secrets of never manually creating a reference or in-text citation again, with Mendeley Reference Manager and take your research paper writing to the next level!

  • Have you spent countless hours trying to cite in the right referencing style only to discover that you had done it all wrong and lost marks on your paper?
  • Have you been manually creating your references?
  • Do you write a lot of research papers and have to cite a range of sources often?
  • Do you want to save time when referencing your academic work?
  • Have you wondered if there is a tool that can help you? Then let’s make Referencing Easy with this course designed just for you!


What is reference management software and why should you use it?

Reference management software allows you to collect, store and organise your references, and insert them into your documents quickly and easily.

Once you have stored a reference, you can use it over and over again in your reference list or bibliography. This can save you a lot of time, as you don’t have to manually type a reference each time you cite a particular source.

Content and Overview

This brand-new course will take you from the very basics of how to download and install Mendeley, all the way to generating in-text citations and compiling your reference list or bibliography for your research in the referencing style of your choice.

We pretty much cover it all so that the next time you are researching and writing your assignment or paper, you have the knowledge and practical skills you need when it comes to the dreaded referencing.

We are going to teach you the skills that will allow you spend less time worrying about referencing and more time writing up your research.

I designed this course to be easily understood by everyone, there are no requirements to join the course, we only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn.

By the end of this course, you’ll know how to use Mendeley to help you become a productive and successful researcher.

See you inside the course!

Generating in-text citations and your reference list

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!

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