AZ-140 Azure Virtual Desktop Course Certification - AVD 2025
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Here’s what you will learn in this AZ-140 Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Course
Introduction and Quick Start
What is Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop (Introduction)
Highlight business needs and use case scenarios
Explore Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop formerly (Windows Virtual Desktop) benefits
Understand Azure Virtual Desktop Pricing and Estimate the Cost using Azure Pricing Calculator
Understanding Azure Virtual Desktop Licenses requirement and covered by Microsoft 365 License
Infrastructure Preparation and AVD Prerequisites.
Deploy and Configure Azure Infra (Subscription, vNETs, sNETs, and NSGs)
Implement Virtual Network Peering and routing between vNETS
Implement and Configure Azure Storage for AVD
Deploy new Azure VM for Active Directory in Azure
Configure a Custom Domain for Azure AD
Azure Virtual Desktop Creation with different Authentication Methods
Option 1: Create a host pool with Active Directory Domain Services
Option 2: Create a host pool with Azure AD Joined-VM
Azure Virtual Desktop Golden image Customization
Create a Virtual Machine for Master Image
Install Microsoft Teams on AVD
Customize windows Configurations and settings
Configure Windows Defender extension exclusions
Install Line-of-business Applications – Sample
Azure Virtual Desktop Provisioning and Deployment
Provision File Share for Profile Storage
Create an Azure Compute Galleries
Applying FSLogix Best Practice as a profile delivery solution
Perform a Windows Virtual Desktop Deployment
Provision Azure Virtual Desktop Host pool
Provision Azure Virtual Desktop Application Group
Provision Virtual desktops for Windows 10 and 11
Customize Desktop and remote Apps properties
Configure redirection from Custom DNS Name
Assign relevant permissions to users.
Azure Virtual Desktop – Pricing and Cost Estimation
AVD Cost Estimation – Customer Use Case Overview
Deep dive into AVD Cost Estimation – Multi-session vs. Single-session
How to Use Azure Calculator to Estimate Cost for Azure Virtual Desktop
Soon – Azure Virtual Desktop Optimization
Optimize your images with the Virtual Desktop Optimization tool
Create and Configure AVD Auto-scaling using Azure Automation
Soon – Azure Infrastructure tuning and additional services configuration.
Enable and Configure Azure Network security and Azure Security
Enable and Configuration log Analytic and Reporting
Enable and Configure Azure Backup
Set up service alerts
Extra and More Cool Stuff…
WARNING: You may have to go back and watch several of the videos 2, 3, 4, or 5 even times over again. Why? because some of the concepts are quite advanced.
4This section is (optional) to understand how AVD solve some business challengesText lesson
5Remote support and System maintenance - ChallengeVideo lesson
6Security and Regulation - Business RequirementsVideo lesson
7Remote Heavy Workers: like CAD designers and high-powered systemsVideo lesson
8Legacy Application: that can’t be re-architected to run natively in the CloudVideo lesson
9Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity - RequirementsVideo lesson
10Mergers and Acquisitions - Use CaseVideo lesson
11Flexible and temporary Workforce - Business needsVideo lesson
12IT Cost-saving - Business RequirementsVideo lesson
17Overview: Implement Azure Virtual Desktop - Infrastructure - OverviewVideo lesson
18Prepare your environment and Create the required Resource GroupsVideo lesson
19Implement and Configure Azure Networking for AVDVideo lesson
20Implement and Configure Azure Networking for AVD - DemoVideo lesson
21Implement and Configure Azure Storage for AVDVideo lesson
22Implement and Configure Azure Storage Account for AVD - DemoVideo lesson
23AD Option 1: Configuring VNet Peering for Deploying Active Directory - OptionalVideo lesson
24AD Option 1: Deploy new Azure VM for Active Directory in AzureVideo lesson
25AD Option 1: Create OUs, Groups, UsersVideo lesson
26AD Option 1: Deploy AD Connect and Sync Active Directory ObjectsVideo lesson
27Provision Azure File Share for UserProfile Storage - DemoVideo lesson
28Optional - Configure a Custom Domain Using Azure ADVideo lesson
29Option 1: Create a host pool with Active Directory Domain ServicesVideo lesson
30Option 1: Create a host pool with Active Directory Domain Services - DemoVideo lesson
31Option 2: Create a host pool with Azure AD Joined-VMVideo lesson
32Option 2: Create a host pool with Azure AD Joined-VM - Additional StepsVideo lesson
33Option 2: Create a host pool with Azure AD Joined-VM - DemoVideo lesson
34Azure Virtual Desktop Golden image Customization - OverviewVideo lesson
35Create a Virtual Machine for Master ImageVideo lesson
36Install Microsoft Teams on AVD - OverviewVideo lesson
37Install Microsoft Teams on AVD - DemoVideo lesson
38Setup FSLogix components and apply profiles settings - OverviewVideo lesson
39Setup FSLogix components and apply profiles settings - DemoVideo lesson
40Registry Settings: FSLogix Ready Configuration FileText lesson
41Customize windows Configurations and settings - OverviewVideo lesson
42Registry Settings: Set up time zone redirection - DemoVideo lesson
43Registry Settings: Disable Automatic Windows Updates - DemoVideo lesson
44Registry Settings: Disable Storage SenseVideo lesson
45GPOs Settings: Configure Drive Access and RD Session settings - DemoVideo lesson
46Configure Windows Defender extension exclusions - DemoVideo lesson
47Configure Windows Defender extension exclusions by using PowerShell ScriptText lesson
48Install Line-of-business Applications - Sample - DemoVideo lesson
49SysPrep and Make a disk Snapshot - DemoVideo lesson
50Create Azure Compute Gallery and Create an image version - DemoVideo lesson
51Azure Virtual Desktop – Host pool readinessVideo lesson
52Azure Virtual Desktop - Application Groups - OverviewVideo lesson
53Expand an existing host pool with new session hostsVideo lesson
54Create AVD App group (RemoteApp) and Assign users or groups to this App GroupVideo lesson
55Customize Desktop and remote Apps propertiesVideo lesson
56Testing AVD Solution using different clients - End user experienceVideo lesson
57Connect to AVD Remote Apps and Desktop using BrowserVideo lesson
58Connect to AVD Remote Apps and Desktop using Desktop ClientVideo lesson
59App Group - Module review questionsQuiz
60Customize (RDP) properties for AVD host poolVideo lesson
RDP properties are the various controls and settings you can manipulate to enhance the security and user experience of Azure Virtual Desktop.
Here, we'll discuss how to configure RDP properties to influence session behavior in AVD. From device redirection to display settings, we'll show you how to customize these settings for your specific needs.
61AVD RDP Properties - Review questionsQuiz
62Plan and implement Security for AVD - OverviewVideo lesson
63Plan Conditional Access policies for AVD - OverviewVideo lesson
64Plan Conditional Access policies for AVD - DemoVideo lesson
65Enable Screen Capture Protection for AVDVideo lesson
Screen capture protection, alongside watermarking, helps prevent sensitive information from being captured on client endpoints. When you enable screen capture protection, remote content will be automatically blocked or hidden in screenshots and screen sharing. Also, the Remote Desktop client will hide content from malicious software that may be capturing the screen.
66Enable Watermarking for Azure Virtual DesktopVideo lesson
Deep dive into what the Azure Virtual Desktop Watermarking feature is, its benefits, how to set it up, and how it can revolutionize the way you work.

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