Data Structures Algorithm DSA | Python+Javascript LEETCODE
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Student Testimonials:
“The teacher excels in explaining complex concepts clearly.” – Liam Bailes
“I have just started but the quality of explanation is superb . I had seen many videos on time complexity but he explained very well.”-Deepak Reddy
“So far, I am finding this course really helpful, and the trainer is really sorted about what he needs to teach and is completely prepared with his plan and material. I feel this is one of the best courses available in Udemy and outside to learn DSA because it is well structured and is delivering what we are looking for.”-Ankur Saxena
“Great course. Lecturer is full of in depth knowledge and able to pass it on. Its not easy to find this out there. Thank you.”-Mark Corrigan
“Because of this course I understand how to find complexity of the program. Teacher has explained concept in very easy manners, so that any body can understand it properly.”-Amritesh Kumar Singh
“I really love the way you have explained it, and thanks for such a great course.”- Soeng Kanel
“The course is a rare find for in-depth knowledge.” – Mark Corrigan
“Well-structured and thorough preparation for DSA.” – Ankur Saxena
“Easy to grasp concepts in a single go.” – Shaik Asrar
“Effortless concept assimilation.” – Elisha Benjamin
“A great foundation in DSA.” – Prince Roy Sharma
“Simplifies understanding DSA.” – Rahul
“Clarifies program complexity.” – Amritesh Kumar Singh
“Clarified Big O notation for me.” – Aaron Engelmann
“Excellent for problem-solving and reasoning.” – Parth
“Comprehensive overview of Data Structures.” – Newton
“Highly recommended for Tier 1 company preparation.” – Dennis Paul
About the Course:
Welcome to the Coding Interview Bootcamp with a focus on Python and JavaScript!
The primary goal of this course is to prepare you for coding interviews at top tech companies. By tackling one problem at a time and understanding its solution, you’ll accumulate a variety of tools and techniques for conquering any coding interview.
Daily Coding Challenges:
The course is structured around daily coding challenges. Consistent practice will equip you with the skills required for coding interviews and allow you to practice on Leetcode.
Topics Covered:
We start from the basics with Big O analysis, cover common data structures, and discuss real-life problems asked in interviews at tech giants like Google, Meta, Amazon, Netflix, Apple, and Microsoft.
For each question, we will:
Discuss the optimal approach
Explain time and space complexity
Code the solution in JavaScript (you can follow along in your preferred language)
Additional Resources:
The course includes downloadable resources, motivational trackers, and cheat sheets.
Course Outline:
Day 1: Arrays, Big O, Sorted Squared Array, Monotonic Array
Day 2: Arrays, Rotate Array, Container with Most Water
Day 3: Hash Tables, Two Sum, Isomorphic Strings
Day 4: Recursion, Fibonacci, Power Sum
Day 5: Recursion, Permutations, Power Set
Day 6: Strings, Non-Repeating Character, Palindrome
Day 7: Strings, Longest Unique Substring, Group Anagrams
Day 8: Searching, Binary Search, Search in Rotated Sorted Array
Day 9: Searching, Find First and Last Position, Search in 2D Array
Day 10: Sorting, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort
Day 11: Sorting, Selection Sort, Merge Sort
Day 12: Sorting, Quick Sort, Radix Sort
Day 13: Singly Linked Lists, Construct SLL, Delete Duplicates
Day 14: Singly Linked Lists, Reverse SLL, Cycle Detection
Day 15: Singly Linked Lists, Find Duplicate, Add 2 Numbers
Day 16: Doubly Linked Lists, DLL Remove Insert, DLL Remove All
Day 17: Stacks, Construct Stack, Reverse Polish Notation
Day 18: Queues, Construct Queue, Implement Queue with Stack
Day 19: Binary Trees, Construct BST, Traversal Techniques
Day 20: Binary Trees, Level Order Traversal, Left/Right View
Day 21: Binary Trees, Invert Tree, Diameter of Tree
Day 22: Binary Trees, Convert Sorted Array to BST, Validate BST
Day 23: Heaps, Max Heap, Min Priority Queue
Day 24: Graphs, BFS, DFS
Day 25: Graphs, Number of Connected Components, Topological Sort
We offer a full money-back guarantee for 30 days. Enroll today!
1Welcome! How to make best use of this courseVideo lesson
2Best Study Technique to prepare for Coding InterviewsText lesson
3Day 1 GoalsText lesson
4Introduction to Data StructuresVideo lesson
5Introduction to Big O, Time ComplexityVideo lesson
62 Asymptotic Analysis and Big OVideo lesson
7Big O Space ComplexityVideo lesson
8Big O LogarithmVideo lesson
9Arrays: Data Structures Crash CourseVideo lesson
10Set up, Using DebuggerVideo lesson
11Coding Interview Q1: Sorted Squared ArrayVideo lesson
12Coding Exercise - Python : Sorted Squared ArrayQuiz
13Coding Exercise - JS: Sorted Squared ArrayQuiz
14Method 1, Big O AnalysisVideo lesson
15JS- Code our solutionVideo lesson
16JS - Code walkthrough and Big O analysisVideo lesson
17Python Code and Big O analysisVideo lesson
18Method 2Video lesson
19Javascript - Code our solutionVideo lesson
20Javascript - Code walkthrough and Big O analysisVideo lesson
21PYTHON Code and Big O analysisVideo lesson
22Coding Interview Q2: Monotonic ArrayVideo lesson
23Coding Exercise - Python: Monotonic ArrayQuiz
24Coding Exercise - JS: Monotonic ArrayQuiz
25Method and Big O analysisVideo lesson
26Javascript - Code the solution, Big O analysisVideo lesson
27PYTHON - Code and Big O analysisVideo lesson
28Day 2 GoalsText lesson
29Coding Interview Q1: Rotate ArrayVideo lesson
30Coding Exercise - Python: Rotate ArrayQuiz
31Coding Exercise - JS: Rotate ArrayQuiz
32Method and Big O analysisVideo lesson
33Code the solutionVideo lesson
34PYTHON Code SolutionVideo lesson
35Python Code Method 2Video lesson
36Coding Interview Q2: Container with most waterVideo lesson
37Coding Exercise - Python: Container with most waterQuiz
38Coding Exercise - JS: Container with most waterQuiz
39Method 1 and Big O analysisVideo lesson
40Code the solutionVideo lesson
41Code walkthrough and Big O analysisVideo lesson
42PYTHON Code Method 1Video lesson
43Method 2 and Big O analysisVideo lesson
44Code the solutionVideo lesson
45Code walkthroughVideo lesson
46PYTHON Code Method 2Video lesson
47Day 3 GoalsText lesson
48Hash Table: Data Structures Crash CourseVideo lesson
49Coding Interview Q1: Two SumVideo lesson
Interview Question 1
Clarifying Questions
Test Cases
50Coding Exercise - Python: Two SumQuiz
51Coding Exercise - JS: Two SumQuiz
52Method 1, Big O analysisVideo lesson
53Coding the solutionsVideo lesson
54Code WalkthroughVideo lesson
55PYTHON CodeVideo lesson
56Method 2, Big O analysisVideo lesson
57Coding the solutionVideo lesson
58Code WalkthroughVideo lesson
59PYTHON CodeVideo lesson
60Coding Interview Q2: Isomorphic StringsVideo lesson
61Coding Exercise - Python: Isomorphic StringsQuiz
62Coding Exercise - JS: Isomorphic StringsQuiz
63Method and Big O analysisVideo lesson
64Code the solutionVideo lesson
65PYTHON CodeVideo lesson
66Day 4 GoalsText lesson
67Coding Interview Q1: FibonacciVideo lesson
68Coding Exercise - Python: FibonacciQuiz
69Coding Exercise - JS: FibonacciQuiz
70Method 1 and Big O analysisVideo lesson
71Code 1Video lesson
72Code walkthrough 1Video lesson
73PYTHON CodeVideo lesson
74Method 2 and Big O analysisVideo lesson
75Code 2Video lesson
76PYTHON CodeVideo lesson
77Method 3 and Big O analysisVideo lesson
78Code 3Video lesson
79Code walkthrough 3Video lesson
80PYTHON CodeVideo lesson
81Coding Interview Q2: Power SumVideo lesson
82Coding Exercise - Python: Power SumQuiz
83Coding Exercise - JS: Power SumQuiz
84Method and Big O analysisVideo lesson
85CodeVideo lesson
86Code walkthroughVideo lesson
87PYTHON CodeVideo lesson

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