Machine Learning with Apache Spark 3.0 using Scala
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Machine Learning with Apache Spark 3.0 using Scala with Examples and Project
“Big data” analysis is a hot and highly valuable skill – and this course will teach you the hottest technology in big data: Apache Spark. Employers including Amazon, eBay, NASA, Yahoo, and many more. All are using Spark to quickly extract meaning from massive data sets across a fault-tolerant Hadoop cluster. You’ll learn those same techniques, using your own Operating system right at home.
So, What are we going to cover in this course then?
Learn and master the art of Machine Learning through hands-on projects, and then execute them up to run on Databricks cloud computing services (Free Service) in this course. Well, the course is covering topics:
1) Overview
2) What is Spark ML
3) Types of Machine Learning
4) Steps Involved in the Machine learning program
5) Basic Statics
6) Data Sources
7) Pipelines
8) Extracting, transforming and selecting features
9) Classification and Regression
10) Clustering
1) Will it Rain Tomorrow in Australia
2) Railway train arrival delay prediction
3) Predict the class of the Iris flower based on available attributes
4) Mall Customer Segmentation (K-means) Cluster
In order to get started with the course And to do that you’re going to have to set up your environment.
So, the first thing you’re going to need is a web browser that can be (Google Chrome or Firefox, or Safari, or Microsoft Edge (Latest version)) on Windows, Linux, and macOS desktop
This is completely Hands-on Learning with the Databricks environment.
6Introduction to SparkVideo lesson
7(Old) Free Account creation in DatabricksVideo lesson
8(New) Free Account creation in DatabricksVideo lesson
9Provisioning a Spark ClusterVideo lesson
10Basics about notebooksVideo lesson
11Why we should learn Apache Spark?Video lesson
12Spark RDD (Create and Display Practical)Video lesson
13Spark Dataframe (Create and Display Practical)Video lesson
14Anonymus Functions in ScalaVideo lesson
15Extra (Optional on Spark DataFrame)Video lesson
16Extra (Optional on Spark DataFrame) in DetailsVideo lesson
17Spark Datasets (Create and Display Practical)Video lesson
18Types of Machine LearningVideo lesson
19Steps Involved in Machine Learning ProgramVideo lesson
20Spark MLlibVideo lesson
21Importing Notebook and Data UploadVideo lesson
22Basic statistics CorrelationVideo lesson
23Data SourcesVideo lesson
24Data Source CSV FileVideo lesson
25Data Source JSON FileVideo lesson
26Data Source LIBSVM FileVideo lesson
27Data Source Image FileVideo lesson
28Data Source Arvo FileVideo lesson
29Data Source Parquet FileVideo lesson
30Machine Learning Data Pipeline OverviewVideo lesson
31Machine Learning Project as an Example (Just for Basic Idea)Video lesson
32Machine Learning Pipeline Example Project (Will it Rain Tomorrow in Australia) 1Video lesson
33Machine Learning Pipeline Example Project (Will it Rain Tomorrow in Australia) 2Video lesson
34Machine Learning Pipeline Example Project (Will it Rain Tomorrow in Australia) 3Video lesson
35Components of a Machine Learning PipelineVideo lesson
36Extracting, transforming and selecting featuresVideo lesson
37TF-IDF (Feature Extractor)Video lesson
38Word2Vec (Feature Extractor)Video lesson
39CountVectorizer (Feature Extractor)Video lesson
40FeatureHasher (Feature Extractor)Video lesson
41Tokenizer (Feature Transformers)Video lesson
42StopWordsRemover (Feature Transformers)Video lesson
43n-gram (Feature Transformers)Video lesson
44Binarizer (Feature Transformers)Video lesson
45PCA (Feature Transformers)Video lesson
46Polynomial Expansion (Feature Transformers)Video lesson
47Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) (Feature Transformers)Video lesson
48StringIndexer (Feature Transformers)Video lesson
49IndexToString (Feature Transformers)Video lesson
50OneHotEncoder (Feature Transformers)Video lesson
51SQLTransformer (Feature Transformers)Video lesson
52VectorAssembler (Feature Transformers)Video lesson
53RFormula (Feature Selector)Video lesson
54ChiSqSelector (Feature Selector)Video lesson
55Classification ModelVideo lesson
56Decision tree classifier ProjectVideo lesson
57Logistic regression Model (Classification Model It has regression in the name)Video lesson
58Naive Bayes Project (Iris flower class prediction)Video lesson
59Random Forest Classifier ProjectVideo lesson
60Gradient-boosted tree classifier ProjectVideo lesson
61Linear Support Vector Machine ProjectVideo lesson
62One-vs-Rest classifier (a.k.a. One-vs-All) ProjectVideo lesson
63Regression ModelVideo lesson
64Linear Regression Model ProjectVideo lesson
65Decision tree regression Model ProjectVideo lesson
66Random forest regression Model ProjectVideo lesson
67Gradient-boosted tree regression Model ProjectVideo lesson
68Clustering KMeans Project (Mall Customer Segmentation)Video lesson
69Explanation of few terms used in ModelVideo lesson
70Linear Regression Model Project - Predict Ads ClickVideo lesson
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