Leveling up as NodeJS developer - Advanced NodeJS 2024
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Are you ready to take your Node.js expertise to new heights? Leveling up as a Nodejs developer is now released. The first release contains nine well-curated sections to give you the most valuable skills to stand out in the job market and build your confidence. The course will give you a 100% new perspective on Node.JS, a collection of tips and hacks to build the cleanest, structured, robust, secure, high-performing, and optimized application that you will ever encounter. I have worked very hard on the course for about a year now, to give you the most fun and memorable learning experience.
Course outline:-
1. Mastering the basics — setting the right mindset
We start the course by covering some of the fundamentals that play a crucial role in shaping how you should view node.js and some must-know basic concepts that you should know before moving to the next sections.
2. Making the most out of node.js
This is one is the most interesting sections which deeply dives into what is behind the cool node.js we have been using and covers concepts and tools that move node.js to go beyond its capacity. It also gives a practical overview of what node.js is good and bad at and what we should do in scenarios where node.js doesn’t do quite well.
3. Structuring and architecting your code
I remember when I first got into node.js I didn’t know how to organize my code and was looking for resources that could teach me how to do so. I couldn’t find one at the time and I just went with what I had so I had to learn through time and experience and of course with the help of other senior developers. It has been 7 years now and I still can’t find a course specifically made for structuring your code in node.js so I used the chance to create this section containing 16 videos dedicated to creating a boilerplate code that you can refer to any time you start a project.
4. Authentication best practices
In this section, I covered important topics that you need to know to integrate a successful authentication system. This section is not only about authentication but also explains how your authentication system can fit into the architecture you created.
5. Securing your node.js application
Security is the most dismissed aspect of software development by a lot of developers. I understand the urge to just jump into building the next cool project but with great power comes great responsibility and it is one of those things that can elevate your confidence in whatever system you launch. So in this section, I covered the most common and also the least known vulnerabilities and how you can protect your node.js code against them. Again everything that comes after the section “structuring and architecting your code” considers how it can fit within the boilerplate code structure.
6. Clean coding and advanced architectural principles
This section is a bit different from the above section “Structuring and architecting your code” as it covers clean coding tools, consistency, formatting, and different architectural principles that you can pull out and use in different scenarios.
7. Improving the performance of your node.js application
I think the title explains itself. But this is one of my favorite sections with 13+ videos navigating through tools and techniques that are useful to make your application faster so that your beloved users enjoy the experience of high throughput.
8. Database query optimization
This one is the shortest section but is as important as the other sections. It covers ways to optimize and speed up your MongoDB query.
The course won’t end here I aim to add more interesting sections I wish I could add them all at once but Mother Time has its beautiful way of limiting us so I will release them one by one. I have these titles in mind but you can also suggest or vote on which one you like the most.
Unit Testing
API Integration
Node.JS Interview Questions
The New Version Features
Using Cloud Services To Optimize Your Node.JS App
Alright, that is all, see you!
6IntroductionVideo lesson
7What really is node.js?Video lesson
8What really is node.js (article version)Text lesson
9Global variablesVideo lesson
10Global variables(article version)Text lesson
11Require in depthVideo lesson
12Require in depth (article version)Text lesson
14Node.js core modulesVideo lesson
15Node.js core modules (article version)Text lesson
16HTTP, URL and QueryStringVideo lesson
17HTTP, URL and Query String (article version)Text lesson
19Express and mongooseVideo lesson
20Express and mongoose(article version)Text lesson
22IntroductionVideo lesson
23Understanding Asynchronous Programming in Node.jsText lesson
24The back bone of node.jsVideo lesson
25The backbone of node.js (article version)Text lesson
26How does node.js work behind the scene?Video lesson
27Understanding the Node.js ArchitectureText lesson
28System kernel, thread pool, event loop (article version)Text lesson
29Improving thread pool performanceVideo lesson
30Improving thread pool performance (article version)Text lesson
32Libuv in depthVideo lesson
33What is libuv (article version)Text lesson
34Quiz 2Quiz
35Writing a high performing codeVideo lesson
36Writing a high performing code (article version)Text lesson
37Non blocking code with set immediateVideo lesson
38Non-blocking code with setImmediate (article version)Text lesson
39Worker threads best practiceVideo lesson
40Worker threads (article version)Text lesson
41Parsing JSON best practiceVideo lesson
42Parsing JSON best practice (article version)Text lesson
43IntroductionVideo lesson
44Software architecture history and benefitsVideo lesson
45Software architecture history and benefits (article version)Text lesson
46MVC architectureVideo lesson
47MVC architecture (article version)Text lesson
48Developing an a MVC boilerplateVideo lesson
49Developing an a MVC boilerplate (article version)Text lesson
51Configuration and validationVideo lesson
52Configuration and validation (article version)Text lesson
53ValidationVideo lesson
54Validation (article version)Text lesson
55MiddlewareVideo lesson
56Middleware(article version)Text lesson
57Error handlingVideo lesson
58Error handling (article version)Text lesson
59Improving try-catch with catchAsyncVideo lesson
60Improving try-catch with catchAsync (article version)Text lesson
62Error converter middlewareVideo lesson
63Error Converter Middleware (article)Text lesson
64404, unhandled exceptions and promise rejectionsVideo lesson
65404, unhandled exceptions and promise rejections (article version)Text lesson
66Nodemon, server clean-upVideo lesson
67Nodemon, server clean-up (article version)Text lesson
68Logging with winstonVideo lesson
69Logging with winston (article version)Text lesson
70Adding configuration to the loggerVideo lesson
71Logging request information using morganVideo lesson
72Separating successful and error responses logVideo lesson
73Logging request informations using morgan (article version)Text lesson
74Services and improving exporting modulesVideo lesson
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