Learning SOLIDWORKS : For Students, Engineers, and Designers
- Description
- Curriculum
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SOLIDWORKS is a very productive 3D CAD software tool. It helps to design various products and services, testing them in very cost effective way like Model and prototype testing as you learned earlier in engineering degree class.
The Solidworks have wide range of applications in industries such as
Heavy Equipment
Consumer products
Mold & Tools design
Sheet metal work
Process Plant
Energy conservation
Medical tools
Product design and other engineering services.
This course will help you in understanding and learning the basic and advanced tools of the software. You will get a thorough knowledge and hands on experience on Sketch, Part, Assembly and Surface Environments of SOLIDWORKS.
1Introduction to SOLIDWORKSVideo lesson
After going through this video you will get familiar with the real world applications of SOLIDWORKS and its use in the industry.
2User Interface of SOLIDWORKSVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will become familiar with the interface of SOLIDWORKS.
3Customizing Command Managers and Toolbars in SOLIDWORKSVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to customize the interface of SOLIDWORKS.
4Starting a New File and Opening an Existing one in SOLIDWORKSVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to start a new file and open an already created file.
5Entering the Sketching EnvironmentVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will learn how to get into the sketching environment of SOLIDWORKS.
6Creating Line, Centerline, and Midpoint LineVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to create lines, center and midpoint lines.
7Creating CirclesVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to create different types of circles.
8Creating ArcsVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to create different types of arcs.
9Creating RectanglesVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to create different types of rectangles.
10Creating PolygonsVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to create different types of polygons.
11Creating SplinesVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to create different types of splines.
12Creating SlotsVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to create different types of slots.
13Placing PointsVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to place points in the drawing.
14Creating Ellipses and Elliptical ArcsVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to create ellipses and elliptical arcs using various methods.
15Creating Parabolic and Conic CurvesVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to create different types of curves used in drawings.
16Creating Equation Driven CurvesVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to create curves by writing their equations.
17Drawing Display ToolsVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will learn how to use the drawing display tools.
18Deleting Sketching EntitiesVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will learn how to delete sketched entities.
19Practice Example 1Video lesson
This practice example will give you hands on experience in creating sketches.
20Practice Example 2Video lesson
This practice example will give you hands on experience in creating sketches.
21Practice Example 3Video lesson
This practice example will give you hands on experience in creating sketches.
22Trimming EntitiesVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will learn how to trim unwanted parts from a sketch.
23Extending EntitiesVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will learn how to extend sketched entities up to the required points.
24Convert Entities ToolVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will learn how to convert edges of a solid model into sketches.
25Creating Intersection CurvesVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will learn how to create intersection curves.
26Filleting EntitiesVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to apply fillets at the corners of the sketches.
27Creating ChamfersVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to add chamfers at the corners of the sketches.
28Offsetting EntitiesVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to offset the sketched entities at the required distance values.
29Offset on Surface ToolVideo lesson
After watching this video, you will be able to offset edges and faces of 3D Model.
30Mirroring EntitiesVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to create to create a mirror image of the selected entities.
31Dynamically Mirror EntitiesVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to mirror entities dynamically about a symmetry line while sketching.
32Moving EntitiesVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to move sketched entities from one location to another.
33Rotating EntitiesVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to rotate the sketched entities at specified angle values.
34Scaling EntitiesVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to scale the sketched entities to a specified scale factor.
35Stretching EntitiesVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to change the shape and size of the entities by stretching them along different directions.
36Copying and Pasting EntitiesVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to copy and paste sketched entities within the same drawing file or some other drawing file.
37Creating Linear PatternsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to create copies of objects using the linear pattern tool.
38Creating Circular PatternsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to create copies of objects using the circular pattern tool.
39Modifying Sketch PatternsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to modify the created patterns.
40Splitting EntitiesVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to split the entities into required number of parts.
41Writing TextVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to add text in your drawing file.
42Practice Example 1Video lesson
This practice example will give you hands on experience in editing and modifying sketches.
43Practice Example 2Video lesson
This practice example will give you hands on experience in editing and modifying sketches.
44Practice Example 3Video lesson
This practice example will give you hands on experience in editing and modifying sketches.
45Adding RelationsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to add geometric relations between the entities in a sketch.
46Adding Automatic RelationsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to learn about the automatic relations that are applied in a sketch.
47Dimensioning a Sketch and Smart Dimension ToolVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to use the Smart dimension tool to add various types of dimensions in a sketch.
48Adding Horizontal and Vertical DimensionsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to add horizontal and vertical dimension values in a sketch.
49Aligned DimensionsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to add aligned dimensions to a sketch.
50Angular DimensionsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to add angular dimensions to a sketch.
51Adding Diametric DimensionsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to add diametric dimensions to a sketch.
52Adding Radial DimensionsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to add radial dimensions to entities in a sketch.
53Adding Linear Diametric DimensionsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to add diametric dimensions in a linear fashion.
54Adding Ordinate DimensionsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to add dimensions in the form of coordinate values at a particular point of the sketched entity.
55Practice Example 1Video lesson
This practice example will give you a hands on experience in adding relations and dimensions to a sketch.
56Practice Example 2Video lesson
This practice example will give you a hands on experience in adding relations and dimensions to a sketch.
57Fully Defining the SketchesVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to make the sketches fully defined by adding required dimensions and relations to them.
58Dimensioning the True Length of an ArcVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to add the true length dimension value to an arc.
59Measuring DistancesVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to measure distances between any two points in a drawing.
60Determining the Section Properties of Closed SketchesVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to calculate the section properties of closed sketches.
61Modifying the View OrientationVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to the view the models in different orientations.
62Changing the View Orientation using the Reference TriadVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to change the view orientation using the reference triad.
63Displaying the model in different Viewport configurationsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to view the model in different viewport configurations.
64Display Modes of a ModelVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to change the display modes of a model.
65Assigning Materials to the ModelVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to assign materials to a model.
66Need for creating PlanesVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will come to know about the need of creating planes.
67Creating Offset Planes and Parallel Planes passing through a PointVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to create offset planes and parallel planes passing through a Point.
68Creating planes at angle to an existing plane and passing through Lines, PointsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to create planes at angle to an existing plane and passing through Lines, Points.
69Creating a plane normal to a curve and in the middle of two facesVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to create a plane normal to a curve and a plane in the middle of two faces.
70Creating a plane on non-planar surfaceVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to create a plane on non-planar surface.
71Creating Reference AxesVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to create reference axes of your own.
72Creating Reference PointsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to create reference points of your own.
73Creating Reference Coordinate SystemsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to create reference Coordinate systems of your own.
74Creating Center of MassVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to calculate center of mass for a solid body..
75Practice Example 1Video lesson
This practice example will give you hands on experience in creating bodies using reference planes.
76Creating Extruded FeaturesVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to add thickness to sketches using the Extruded Boss/Base tool.
77Creating Revolved FeaturesVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to create revolved features using Revolved Boss/Base tool.
78Creating Extruded CutsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to create cuts in the extruded feature.
79Creating Revolved CutsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to create revolved cuts in the created features.
80Determining the Mass Properties of Solid ModelsVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will be able to calculate the mass properties of a solid body.
81Dynamically Rotating the View of a ModelVideo lesson
After going through this video, you will know how to dynamically rotate the view of a model.
82Practice Example 1Video lesson
This practice example will give you hands on experience in creating part models.
83Practice Example 2Video lesson
This practice example will give you hands on experience in creating part models.
84Practice Example 3Video lesson
This practice example will give you hands on experience in creating part models.
85Practice Example 4Video lesson
This practice example will give you hands on experience in creating part models.
86Practice Example 5Video lesson
This practice example will give you hands on experience in creating part models.

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