Learn to create a 2D Racing car game for FREE PART 4.
- Description
- Curriculum
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In my course we will start at the bottom and work our way up to advanced game design like AI path finding, we will be creating a car controller and many features with in our game.
This course is designed for beginner level and up as i will explain everything in best detail as i can, at the end of the course we will have made a racing car game like micro machines which in the 1980’s was an amazing car game.
In this course you will learn
Sprite Cutting
AI path finding
Track Design
Track Select
Car Select
Menu Screen
Loading Screen
Splash Screen
Level Mechanics
1Making our own sound effects.Video lesson
In this tutorial i will be showing you how to download and use a free program called audacity to make our own sound effects with our voices.
2Making our 321Go animation with sound.Video lesson
In this tutorial we will be making an animation 321Go this will be used at the beginning of the race and also it will have sound that we made from audacity.
3Fixing 321Go animation and adding lap counter.Video lesson
In this tutorial we will fix the animation 321Go and then after that i will show you how to add a lap counter using the UI.
4Adding engine sound FX to our car.Video lesson
In this tutorial we will be adding engine sound to the car and using the pitch with script to make the sound rev up when you drive forward.
5Adding chalk path to the track.Video lesson
In this tutorial we will be adding a sprite which is the chalk path, this is so that the player knows the boundry of the track.
6Adding skid sound to car.Video lesson
In this tutorial we will be adding a skid sound effect to the car, so that as we corner the car we hear a skid sound.
7Fixing our skid sound.Video lesson
In this tutorial we will be fixing our skid sound from the previous tutorial.
8Adding a skid trail effect to the car.Video lesson
In this tutorial we will be adding a skid trail effect using a built in component called trail renderer.
9Coding our trail to work when we skid around cornersVideo lesson
In this tutorial we will be using code to get the trail to appear when we go around corners, this will give the effect that we are skidding.

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