Python for Data Science with Assignments
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Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of Python programming? This comprehensive course is designed to take you from a Python novice to a proficient programmer, equipping you with the skills to tackle real-world projects, automate tasks, perform data analysis, and excel in coding interviews.
In this course, you’ll explore the following key topics through practical hands-on exercises and real-world examples:
– Discover real-world use cases of Python and understand its versatility in various domains.
– Learn how to install Python on both Mac and Windows operating systems to kickstart your programming journey.
– Grasp the fundamentals of Python programming, starting with variables and their scope.
– Dive into data types and type casting to effectively manage different kinds of data.
– Gain insight into essential Python operators to perform various operations with ease.
– Explore essential data structures like lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries for efficient data manipulation.
– Learn about stacks and queues and their applications in solving real-world problems.
– Understand the space and time complexity of algorithms and their impact on code performance.
– Study sorting and searching algorithms to efficiently organize and retrieve data.
– Master the concept of parameters and arguments to write flexible and reusable functions.
– Uncover the power of Python modules and their significance in building modular applications.
– Utilize filter, map, and zip functions for streamlined data processing.
– Harness the flexibility of lambda functions to write concise and efficient code.
– Master list, set, and dictionary comprehensions for elegant data manipulation.
– Perform data analysis using analytical and aggregate functions to gain valuable insights.
– Handle strings and discover important string functions for text manipulation.
– Learn string formatting and user input techniques for interactive programming.
– Gain proficiency in working with meta characters and implementing regular expressions.
– Unlock the potential of built-in functions for regular expressions, and handle special characters and sets.
– Implement conditional statements for decision-making in your code.
– Iterate over elements using for loops and while loops to process data efficiently.
– Control loop flow with break and continue statements for better program control.
– Combine conditional statements and loops effectively to tackle complex problems.
– Grasp the fundamentals of object-oriented programming (OOPs) and its role in building robust applications.
– Understand inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism, and leverage them to write efficient code.
– Explore the Date and Time class for working with dates and times effectively.
– Utilize the TimeDelta class for precise time manipulation in your Python programs.
– Delve into the world of data-driven insights and discover how statistics plays a pivotal role in shaping our understanding of information.
– Equip yourself with the essential Python skills required for effective data manipulation and visualization.
– Learn to categorize data, setting the stage for meaningful analysis.
– Discover how to summarize data with measures like mean, median, and mode.
– Explore the variability in data using concepts like range, variance, and standard deviation.
– Understand relationships between variables with correlation and covariance.
– Grasp the shape and distribution of data using techniques like quartiles and percentiles.
– Learn to standardize data and calculate z-scores.
– Dive into probability theory and its practical applications.
– Lay the foundation for probability calculations with set theory.
– Explore the probability of events under certain conditions.
– Uncover the power of Bayesian probability in real-world scenarios.
– Solve complex counting problems with ease.
– Understand the concept of random variables and their role in probability.
– Explore various probability distributions and their applications.
Join us on this enriching journey, and let’s unlock the power of Python together! Whether you’re an absolute beginner or looking to expand your programming skills, this course provides you with a solid foundation and practical expertise to succeed in your Python endeavors. Enroll now and start your Python programming adventure!
1Real world use cases of PythonVideo lesson
2Installation of Anaconda for Windows and macOSVideo lesson
3Introduction to VariablesVideo lesson
4Introduction to Data Types and Type CastingVideo lesson
5Scope of VariablesVideo lesson
6Introduction to OperatorsVideo lesson
7Quiz on Basics of PythonQuiz
8Introduction to Lists and TuplesVideo lesson
9Introduction to Sets and DictionariesVideo lesson
10Introduction to Stacks and QueuesVideo lesson
11Introduction to Space and Time ComplexityVideo lesson
12Introduction to Sorting AlgorithmsVideo lesson
13Introduction to Searching AlgorithmsVideo lesson
14Quiz on Data StructuresQuiz
15Introduction to Parameters and ArgumentsVideo lesson
16Introduction to Python ModulesVideo lesson
17Introduction to Filter, Map, and Zip FunctionsVideo lesson
18Introduction to List, Set and Dictionary ComprehensionsVideo lesson
19Introduction to Lambda FunctionsVideo lesson
20Introduction to Analytical and Aggregate FunctionsVideo lesson
21Quiz on Functions in PythonQuiz
22Introduction to StringsVideo lesson
23Introduction to Important String FunctionsVideo lesson
24Introduction to String Formatting and User InputVideo lesson
25Introduction to Meta CharactersVideo lesson
26Introduction to Built-in Functions for Regular ExpressionsVideo lesson
27Special Characters and Sets for Regular ExpressionsVideo lesson
28Quiz on Strings and Regular ExpressionsQuiz
29Introduction to Conditional StatementsVideo lesson
30Introduction to For LoopsVideo lesson
31Introduction to While LoopsVideo lesson
32Introduction to Break and ContinueVideo lesson
33Using Conditional Statements in LoopsVideo lesson
34Nested Loops and Conditional StatementsVideo lesson
35Quiz on Loops and ConditionalsQuiz
36Introduction to OOPs ConceptVideo lesson
37Introduction to InheritanceVideo lesson
38Introduction to EncapsulationVideo lesson
39Introduction to PolymorphismVideo lesson
40Introduction to Date and Time ClassVideo lesson
41Introduction to TimeDelta ClassVideo lesson
42Quiz on OOPs and Date-TimeQuiz
54Introduction to Basic ProbabilityVideo lesson
55Introduction to Set TheoryVideo lesson
56Introduction to Conditional ProbabilityVideo lesson
57Introduction to Bayes TheoremVideo lesson
58Introduction to Permutations and CombinationsVideo lesson
59Introduction to Random VariablesVideo lesson
60Introduction to Probability Distribution FunctionsVideo lesson
61Quiz on Basic and Conditional ProbabilityQuiz
62Introduction to Normal DistributionVideo lesson
63Introduction to Skewness and KurtosisVideo lesson
64Introduction to Statistical TransformationsVideo lesson
65Introduction to Sample and Population MeanVideo lesson
66Introduction to Central Limit TheoremVideo lesson
67Introduction to Bias and VarianceVideo lesson
68Introduction to Maximum Likelihood EstimationVideo lesson
69Introduction to Confidence IntervalsVideo lesson
70Introduction to CorrelationsVideo lesson
71Introduction to Sampling MethodsVideo lesson
72Quiz on Inferential StatisticsQuiz
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