Learn Docker and DevOps and Containerize ASP.NET Core Blazor
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Hi there, my name is Kaushik Roy Chowdhury. I am a Microsoft Certified Professional and hold a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from Auckland University of Technology (AUT).
Are you struggling to containerize your ASP.NET Core 3.1 applications in general and ASP.NET Core 3.1 Blazor applications in particular? This course will allow you to use Docker professionally for creating highly portable containers across all types of hosts including on cloud like Microsoft Azure. You would be able to add Docker and DevOps skills to your resume and be ahead of the pack for a great leap in your software development career.
In this course, I will teach you everything you need to know about getting started with Docker for containerizing Blazor and in general any ASP.NET Core web applications. You’ll learn how to use Docker Desktop for use in Blazor applications and host it on the Microsoft Azure cloud. It will show you the steps to create an automated pipeline for continuous deployment on Azure.
One of the many highlights of this course is the use of Visual Studio 2019 as well as the Visual Studio Code (at the end) as IDE for development.
There is a section at the end on working with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) which is the latest cutting edge contribution from Microsoft that lets the developers use Linux tools and distributions right from within Windows 10 OS without having to install any virtual machine and/or using Apple Mac OS or a dedicated Linux Operating System. This technology has endeared development on Windows more than ever before. This section makes sure that the learners are able to create docker containers in Linux on Windows 10 OS.
The course is for beginners. You do not need any previous knowledge of docker, images, Blazor, or Azure. We shall start from the very beginning and work our way through step by step.
Here are some of my earlier reviews from other courses on Udemy:
“Great material. Learned a lot.” – John Taylor (Master Collection Classes in C# Using Visual Studio)
“Kaushik’s courses are my main reference for anything C# – I find his explanations full of detail which helps to solidify a full understanding of even the most complex aspects of C# programming.” – Martin Catherall (Microsoft MVP) – Master Collection Classes in C# Using Visual Studio
“to whom all want to know what is MongoDB and use it with MVC Core i would strongly recommend you to attend in this course . i find the way how he is presenting the course it’s like at college when the Professor start with explaining the concept of the subject then get in practices. the last section 7 you will do more code with him with the good explanation” – Abdalla Ben Omran (ASP.NET Core 3 with MVC and MongoDB)
“An elaborate and detailed description for a beginner. The author has put a lot of effort into structuring the content. Certainly proved useful to me as a starter.” – Sudeep Ghatak (ASP.NET Core 3 with MVC and MongoDB)
Well explained in detail. – Fred Handal (Build and Learn ASP.NET Core 3.1 Blazor Hands-On
It’s a nice introduction into Blazor server side where you got a good understanding of Blazor fundamentals – Seb Lowe (Build and Learn ASP.NET Core 3.1 Blazor Hands-On)
N.B. I have renamed my course “DevOps and Docker Support for .NET Core Blazor” to “Learn Docker and DevOps and Containerize ASP.NET Core Blazor” to reflect the essence and flavor of this course better. The course content remains the same with only the name changed.
#Docker #Containers #Azure #DevOps
3Fundamentals of Containers and DockerVideo lesson
This lecture covers the basics of containers and docker as a host. It explains the features and the importance of containerization of applications.
4How Containers Work?Video lesson
This lecture explains the process of working of containers within its host. After the end of this lecture, the learners will have a fair understanding of how the containers work and the base images on which they are built. They'll know the important fact that the base image provides them with the operating system services.
5Comparing Docker Containers with Virtual MachinesVideo lesson
This lecture makes a short comparison between the two: docker containers and virtual machines. It focusses on the relative merits and demerits of both and gives the learners an opportunity to know why the containers are so important for deploying apps in the IT industry?
6Some TerminologyVideo lesson
This lecture discusses some often-used definitions and terminology in the docker world. The students will benefit to know them while building images and containers in the rest of this course.
7Docker ConceptsText lesson
8Some Oft Used Docker CommandsVideo lesson
This is a docker commands usage lecture that will prepare the students to perform various operations with the docker commands for creating images, containers and managing them with some housekeeping ones.
9Fundamentals of a DockerfileVideo lesson
This lecture covers the fundamentals of creating a Dockerfile. It covers all the keywords and builds, explains a simple dockerfile.
10Create a Blazor Server Application (with Docker Support)Video lesson
This lecture walks through creating a Blazor Server application with docker support enabled on Windows platform.
11Analysing the DockerfileVideo lesson
This lecture is a discussion and explanation of the dockerfile created earlier with the Blazor Server template project.
12Containerising the Blazor Server AppVideo lesson
This lecture discusses the steps for creating a container for the Blazor Server Application. The students will be able to write the commands to containerize their Blazor application.
13Containerising the Blazor Web Assembly (WASM) -ConceptsVideo lesson
This lecture introduces the different kinds of challenges faced for Blazor WASM containerisation. It introduces nginx open-source server as a host for serving static contents when the Web Assembly (WASM) app is published.
14Create a Blazor Web Assembly (WASM) AppVideo lesson
This lecture shows how to create a Blazor Web Assembly app. This project will henceforth become our base for docker containerisation.
15Add a Dockerfile to the Blazor WASM AppVideo lesson
In this lecture, students are shown how to add a Dockerfile to the Web Assembly project and then we go on to complete the Dockerfile and discuss it.
16Create the Blazor Web Assembly ContainerVideo lesson
This lecture demonstrates the building of a docker image from the dockerfile. It then goes on to show the process of creating and running a docker container from the image. In the process, the terminal commands for achieving the above are also discussed in detail.
17Pushing Images to Docker HubVideo lesson
This lecture deals in creating a public repository on the docker hub. It then teaches how to push a local docker image to the remote docker hub repository.
18Practice Test Docker ContainersQuiz
This is a practice test of what the students have learned so far until this section. It's intended to be just a fun and at the same time a means of self-testing while learning.
19Interpret a DockerfileText lesson
21What is DevOps?Video lesson
In this lecture, DevOps as a process or culture is explained with slide shows.
22About Continuous Integration (CI)Video lesson
This lecture explains the Continuous Integration aspect of DevOps.
23About Continuous Delivery (CD)Video lesson
This lecture explains the Continuous Delivery aspect of DevOps.
24About Continuous Deployment (CD)Video lesson
This lecture explains the Continuous Deployment aspect of DevOps.
25DevOps is Fun!Quiz
It is a fun learning quiz on DevOps.
26Microsoft Azure SubscriptionText lesson
Describes the Microsoft Azure subscription.
27Publishing Blazor App to Microsoft Azure PlatformVideo lesson
This lecture discusses and walks through the steps to publish the Blazor Server app to the Microsoft Azure portal.
28Update the App and RedeployVideo lesson
The students are taught the process of updating and redeploying the Blazor Server app to Azure.
29Manage the Azure AppVideo lesson
In this lecture, how we can manage the Azure Web App is discussed in details.
30Clean up Resources on AzureVideo lesson
This lecture teaches how to clean up (delete) resources that we don’t expect to need in the future.
31Enable Continuous DeploymentVideo lesson
This lecture describes the process of the continuous delivery pipeline building on Azure to automate the changes to the code repository to reflect on the browser directly.
32Publishing container to Azure Container Registry from Visual Studio EnvironmentVideo lesson
In this lecture, publishing a docker image to Azure Container Registry is discussed and shown with a walkthrough.
33Continuous delivery to Azure from Visual StudioVideo lesson
In this lecture, the students learn how to configure the azure pipeline for continuous delivery from Azure Container Registry. This automates the process whenever any changes are pushed to GitHub (source repository) the web app is updated from the docker image without any manual intervention.
34Docker Orchestration (with docker-compose)Video lesson
35Create a Blazor Server ApplicationVideo lesson
A Blazor Server app with individual user accounts is created in this lecture.
36Edit the Startup ClassVideo lesson
This lecture walks through the steps to update the Startup class to complete any pending EF migration.
37Pull a SQL Docker Image and Run a ContainerVideo lesson
In this lecture, the necessary docker commands are shown and used to pull an SQL docker image and run a docker container
38Browse the Blazor App through the ContainerVideo lesson
Here the learners are shown how to access the container created to browse through the Blazor App.
39Register and Login to the AppVideo lesson
The lecture shows the registering of a user in the containerised app which is used to log in the user.
40Access the Container and Query the DatabaseVideo lesson
The SQL container so created in the earlier lectures is accessed in this lecture. The database is queried from the container by the Windows Command terminal.
41Publish the Release Version of the Blazor Server AppVideo lesson
In this lecture, the release version of the Blazor Server (template) App is published to an output dist directory. The files in this directory are made ready to be deployed to the container later.
42Inspect the Release Directory and Run Main.DLL fileVideo lesson
This lecture inspects the release directory for it's published contents and shows the Main DLL by running it which fails as expected (due to SQL database container not running). This lecture emphasizes the need for running multi containers for a data-driven app.
43Modify Startup Class to Pass Environment VariablesVideo lesson
This lecture shows the modification of the connection string to accept environment variables that make the database scalable for any host, port, or database name.
44Add a Dockerfile to the Blazor Server AppVideo lesson
After attending this lecture, the students will know how to add a dockerfile to the web project and add commands to it along with understanding these commands.
45Create a PowerShell Script to Make Webapp WaitVideo lesson
This lecture shows the creation of a PowerShell script which is included in the project to make the web app container wait for SQL database container on port 1433 to be ready and loaded first before the web app UI container.
46Modify the Project File to Include the PS ScriptVideo lesson
The project file is modified in this lecture to include the PS script in all its builds.
47Delete the Output Directory and Re-publish itVideo lesson
In this lecture the output dist directory is deleted and re-published with a suitable command to now include the shell script in the release version.
48Create a Docker Compose FileVideo lesson
This lecture brings up the docker-compose (.yml) file that is the key component in multi-container docker orchestration.
49Run the ContainerVideo lesson
In this lecture, both (blazor app and SQL database) containers are orchestrated through docker-compose tool and run in the containerised state.
50Multi-Container and Docker Orchestration AssignmentText lesson
51Docker-Compose toolText lesson
52What is Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)Video lesson
This is an introductory lecture on Windows Subsystem for Linux, popularly known as WSL created by Microsoft Inc. In this lecture, the students will understand the reasons for using WSL. After completing this lecture, students will have an understanding of WSL and will be able to create and run a few basic Linux commands on Windows through WSL.
53Difference in Architecture between WSL 1 and WSL 2Video lesson
This lecture highlights the differences of architecture between WSL 1 and its improved version of WSL 2. WSL 2 is the newest architecture for the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
After going through this lecture, students will know both the architectures and appreciate the differences between them
54Why Choose WSL 2 over WSL 1 for Dockerisation?Video lesson
This lecture provides a comparative study between WSL 1 and WSL 2 and provides justification to choose WSL 2 for building docker images and containers.
55Installation of WSL for Windows 10Video lesson
This lecture provides a complete walkthrough of the installation of both WSL 1 and WSL 2 on Windows 10. Learners can prepare themselves with the WSL environment for further working on to create docker images and containers using WSL.
56Configuration of Docker Desktop for WSLVideo lesson
This is a preparatory lecture for configuring the docker desktop application to work in sync with WSL. After this lecture, the students will be able to progress further towards using WSL to create containers and images from ASP.NET Core 3.1 Blazor applications.
57Create a Blazor WASM Docker Container in WSLVideo lesson
This lecture is a complete walk-through of creating a Blazor Web Assembly docker container using WSL 2 and Visual Studio Code. Students will be proficient in creating docker containers using the Linux Ubuntu bash shell inside the Windows 10 O.S.
58Edit Code and Regenerate ContainerVideo lesson
In this lecture, the existing Blazor project code is edited and the container regenerated to prove that containerization indeed is an authentic way to deploy an app.

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