Learn Complete Software Engineering with Python 3
- Description
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This is a complete software engineering course with Python 3. In this course, you will learn programming from A-Z. You will learn all the concepts. We will build many real-world and useful applications in this course. You will learn object-oriented programming (OOP), data visualization, file handling, APIs, RESTful APIs, graphical user interfaces GUI, crud operation, software development, and much more.
1Course OverviewVideo lesson
In this video you will know that, what you will learn in this course.
2Course requirementsVideo lesson
In this video you will know about the course requirements.
3[Important] Understand the courseVideo lesson
In this video you will know about the important points about the course.
6How to download and install PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to download and install Python.
7How to download and install PyCharm IDEVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to download and install PyCharm IDE.
8How to create Python project in PyCharmVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to create Python project in PyCharm IDE.
9What are variablesVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the variables.
10Rules of declaring variablesVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the rules of declaring variables in Python.
11Quiz no 1Quiz
This quiz covers 2, 3 and 5 sections lectures.
12Assignment no 1Text lesson
17What are data structures in Python?Text lesson
In this article you will learn about the data structures.
18Set in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the set in Python.
19List in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the list in Python.
20List functions in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the list functions in Python.
212D list in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the 2d list in Python.
22Dictionaries in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the dictionaries in Python.
23Tuples in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the tuples in Python.
24Test no 1Quiz
This test covers Data types and Data Structures sections lectures.
25Assignment no 2Text lesson
32Built-in functions in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the built-in function in Python.
33User defined functions in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the user defined function in Python.
34Quiz no 2Quiz
This quiz covers section 9, 10 ,11 lectures.
35Assignment no 3Text lesson
36User and external modules and how to import it?Video lesson
In this video you will learn about the user and external modules in Python. You will also learn how to import it.
37PIP in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the pip in Python.
38Top 10 most useful modules in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the top 10 most useful modules of Python.
39Working with time and date in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to work with time and date in Python.
40Try and Except blocksVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the try and except blocks in Python.
41How to generate random number and random string in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to generate random number and random string in Python.
42Arithmetic operators in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the arithmetic operators in Python.
43Relational operators in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the relational operators in Python.
44Logical operators in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the logical operators in Python.
45Working with files in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to work with files in Python.
46Creating html file using Python ScriptVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to create html file using Python script.
47How to rename external file and how to removeVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to rename external file and how to remove external file using Python script.
48Test 2Quiz
This practice test covers section 12, 13 and 14 lectures.
49Exercise 2Quiz
51What are APIs and RESTful APIsVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the APIs and RESTful APIs.
52System shutdown restartVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to shut down and restart the system using Python script.
53Finding domain information in Python using whois moduleVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to find domain information in Python using whois module.
54Weather APP in Python using OpenWeatherMap APIVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to find weather information in Python using open weather map API.
55Calculator in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to build calculator in Python.
56Guessing Game in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to build a guessing game in Python.
57How to find Run rate and predicted score of a cricket matchVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to build run rate and score predicted application in Python.
58How to send OTP using Twilio SMS gateway in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to send OTP in Python using Twilio SMS gateway.
59Validating name in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to validate name in Python.
60What is OOP in PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the OOP.
61How to create own functions in classes and how to perform different operationsVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to create own functions in classes and how to perform different operations on class attributes.
62Inheritance in OOPVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the inheritance in OOP.
63What is data visualization and how to create line graphVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about data visualization and you will also learn how to create line graph.
64Pie ChartVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to create pie chart in Python.
65Bar chartVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to create bar chart in Python.
66Do you want to learn more about data visualization?Video lesson
Do you want to learn more about data visualization? Let’ me know.
67What is GUI and TkinterVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the GUI and Tkinter in Python.
68What are widgets in Tkinter PythonVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the widgets in Tkinter Python.
69Downloading and installation instructions of Qt DesignerText lesson
In this article you will learn how to download and install Qt designer.
70Designing sign up window in Qt designVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to design sign up window in QT designer.
71How to convert ui file into py fileVideo lesson
In this video you will learn how to convert Qt designer (.ui) file into Python file (.py).
72Project [Strong Random Password Generator Software]Video lesson
In this video you will learn how to build random password generator software.
73Explaining the Project codeVideo lesson
In this video you will learn about the project code.

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