iOS, Swift & SwiftUI - Complete iOS App Development
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In this course you can learn about iOS 16, Swift 5, iOS App Development using UIKit & SwiftUI and latest frameworks from Apple, best engineering and industry practices on how to develop iOS apps that scale.
The course has 170+ downloadable Xcode project resources, 10+ live coding exercises, 4+ coding challenges, 5+ quizzes, 2 practice tests, 4+ iOS apps and 165+ course materials such as video course lectures, slides and external references to help solidify course materials.
The main focus of the course will be:
get familiar with iOS development environment: Xcode 14 and iOS 16
learn what’s new in iOS 16
learn fundamentals of Swift5
learn about Swift Charts
learn about CoreData & UserDefaults
learn how to build apps using Storyboards, SwiftUI and programmatically
master best engineering and industry practices related to iOS development
learn how to use popular iOS frameworks: Combine, MapKit, CoreLocation
get experience building apps with Networking using Alamofire and URLSession
learn how to build UI both using Autolayout and programmatically using PureLayout
get experience with design patterns such as MVC & MVVM
learn how to use Notifications & Delegates
learn how regular expressions in Swift 5.7 work
Swift is a powerful language that Apple recommends to use for iOS development. We will explore basics and fundamentals of Swift 5 language in addition to learning more advanced concepts in Swift 5.
We will learn through examples how to use important components of iOS (Table Views, Collection Views, Text Views, Buttons, Text Fields).
One of the important best practices of development is to use unit tests. Hence, we will also learn how to write unit tests in iOS.
We will learn how to use the latest SwiftUI to build iOS apps. SwiftUI is a next generation tool developed by Apple that can be helpful to build iOS app fast in using responsive and declarative statements. Combine is one of the latest additions from Apple.
1How to download Xcode from Developer Apple PortalVideo lesson
In this lecture, we will learn how to get Xcode downloaded from Apple's Developer portal and how to get started with iOS development.
2Create an initial Xcode iOS app projectVideo lesson
3Get familiar with Xcode 14 controls, components and project structureVideo lesson
4Constants, variables, operatorsVideo lesson
5Strings and CharactersVideo lesson
6Strings: indicesVideo lesson
7Strings: substringsVideo lesson
8Strings: comparisonVideo lesson
9Strings and charactersQuiz
10Collection Types: IntroductionVideo lesson
11Collection Types: ArraysVideo lesson
Let's do some practice test to solidify your learning about arrays.
13Arrays: Part 1Quiz
14Arrays: Part 2Quiz
15Arrays: Part 3Quiz
16Collection Types: SetsVideo lesson
This practice test will help you solidify your knowledge about Swift Sets and review materials learnt in the lectures.
18Sets Part1: Main OperationsQuiz
19Sets Part2: OperationsQuiz
20Sets Part 3: Membership and EqualityQuiz
21Collection Types: DictionariesVideo lesson
22Dictionaries: Part 1Quiz
23Dictionaries: Part 2Quiz
24Control flow: for loopVideo lesson
25Control flow: while loopVideo lesson
26Control flow: repeat whileVideo lesson
27Control flow: if else conditional statementsVideo lesson
28Control flow: switch statementsVideo lesson
29Control flow: Switch, Part 1Quiz
30Functions: parameters, return types, multiple return types, arguments, inoutVideo lesson
31Functions: nested functions, function typesVideo lesson
32OptionalsVideo lesson
33Closures: expressions, single expression, short-hand, operator methodVideo lesson
34Closures: autoclosure, trailing closures, escaping closuresVideo lesson
35EnumerationsVideo lesson
36Classes and StructsVideo lesson
37InheritanceVideo lesson
38Protocols: IntroductionVideo lesson
39Protocols: DelegatesVideo lesson
40Protocols: ExtensionsVideo lesson
41Protocols: Synthesized ImplementationVideo lesson
42Protocols: Types and InheritanceVideo lesson
43Protocols: CompositionVideo lesson
44Protocols: Conformance CheckVideo lesson
45Protocols: Optional protocol requirementsVideo lesson
46What is MVC?Video lesson
MVC is a design pattern that Apple recommends to use for iOS. In this lecture we will learn what is MVC and how it applies to iOS development.
The quiz tests the knowledge about Model View Controller (MVC) and helps review the concepts learnt in the lectures.
48What is UITableView?Video lesson
49Create a starting project (MagicTravel app)Video lesson
50Adding UITableView to Storyboard and linking it to View Controller via IBOutletVideo lesson
51UITableViewDataSourceVideo lesson
52UITableViewCellVideo lesson
53Configuring table view cell and table view to show dataVideo lesson
54Handle tapping on row / table view cell?Video lesson
55Displaying additional data inside UITableViewCellVideo lesson
66What is Cocoa Pods?Video lesson
67Installing Cocoa Pods in your system using GemVideo lesson
68Installing Cocoa Pods in your system using HomeBrewVideo lesson
69Debugging & resolving CocoaPods installation errorVideo lesson
70Create a new XCode projectVideo lesson
71Fixing a "rvm" or "pod" command not found issueVideo lesson
72How to set up Cocoa Pods for Xcode project?Video lesson
73PureLayout, SDWebImage, AlamoFireVideo lesson
76NYC Schools Open Data APIsVideo lesson
77Setup Networking/Data Layer serviceVideo lesson
78Setup Constants to hold your URL and other important informationVideo lesson
79Data Error enumVideo lesson
80Codable & Decodable to parse incoming JSON dataVideo lesson
81HTTPVideo lesson
82Networking using iOS standard services: URLComponent and URLSession (part 1)Video lesson
83Networking using Apple standard services (part 2)Video lesson
84Networking using Apple Standard service (part 3)Video lesson
85AlamoreFire: how to make a networking call using AF library (part1)Video lesson
86AlamoFire: using Decodable to parse data in the response (part2)Video lesson
87JSON format and detailsText lesson
88Completion callbacks / closuresVideo lesson
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