Getting Started in Web Automation Using JS Playwright
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Mastering Modern Web Automation: A Beginner’s Guide to Playwright
In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, efficient web automation is not just a luxury but an essential skill for many professionals. Dive deep into the intricate world of Playwright, a groundbreaking browser automation tool birthed by the experts at Microsoft. This course is not just about learning a tool; it’s about understanding the transformative potential of efficient automation in the modern web era.
In this course you will learn how to:
Use Playwright to automate complex flows, like buying an item from an online shop.
Use GitHub Actions to develop CI/CD pipelines and run your tests automatically.
Leverage AI with Playwright to develop tests by just describing them in plain English.
Make use of the automatic code generation tool with Playwright.
Perform visual tests using the GPT-4 language model.
Moreover, real-world scenarios are interwoven throughout the curriculum, ensuring you’re not just learning, but also understanding the broader implications and applications of your knowledge. Designed to cater to a diverse audience — be it developers, QA professionals, innovative product managers, or forward-thinking educators — this course is comprehensive in its approach.
Benefit from expert insights, tips, and tricks that draw from extensive industry experience and best practices. With many different frameworks and technologies described in detail, this course promises more than just learning; it’s a journey into the future of web automation. Join us, and together, let’s set the gold standard in mastering web automation with Playwright.
4Browsers and ContextsVideo lesson
5SelectorsVideo lesson
6AssertionsVideo lesson
In this clip, we are going to see how to validate the behavior of the subject under test with Playwright.
7HooksVideo lesson
Hooks are important functions that enable you to run scripts before or after your actual script.
8Navigating and Interacting with WebsitesVideo lesson
9The Ultimate Playwright QuizQuiz
Test your knowledge of Playwright with this awesome quiz!
10Defining the Authentication TestVideo lesson
11Refactoring using Playwright TestVideo lesson
12Creating a Test for Buying an ItemVideo lesson
13JavaScript Coding ExerciseQuiz
14Configuring Playwright in Non-Headless ModeVideo lesson
In this clip, we will see how to make Playwright to run in non-headless mode, to see the browser performing the actions.
15Adding Test Reports in PlaywrightVideo lesson
Learn how to add an HTML report showing the tests that were run with Playwright.
16Playwright's Codegen FeatureVideo lesson
Learn how to automatically generate code by recording your actions in the browser.
17Setting up SafeTestVideo lesson
In February 2024, a new testing framework based on Playwright has been released by Netflix. In this clip, we will see the main capabilities of this framework.
18Visual Regression TestingVideo lesson
19Performing Unit Tests with SafeTestVideo lesson
20Testing the Behavior of React ComponentsVideo lesson
21SafeTest vs CypressVideo lesson
22Leveraging CI Pipelines to Run Tests AutomaticallyVideo lesson
In this video, we push our code to GitHub and we create a GitHub action workflow to run the tests automatically.
Here is the URL for the GitHub repo: -
23Adding a new CI/CD pipelineText lesson
24Running the Tests Through DockerVideo lesson
In this clip, we learn how to dockerize our project and run our tests through Docker.
25Running Load and Performance Tests with Artillery and PlaywrightVideo lesson
Learn how to integrate Artillery to run non function tests against your web app.

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