Flutter - Animations from Zero to Hero
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This course is prepared to teach you how to create engaging and dynamic UI using animations in Flutter.
You will learn the fundamentals of creating animations in Flutter using the Animation and Tween classes, and explore more.
The course will cover best practices for creating animations in Flutter, such as optimizing performance and minimizing visual clutter. Real-world examples and case studies will be used to demonstrate how animations can enhance the user experience and add personality to an app.
By the end of the course, you will have the skills and knowledge they need to create beautiful and engaging UI in Flutter applications using animations.
You will learn how to use implicit animations to create basic animations such as changing the color or size of a widget. You will also explore advanced techniques for implicit animations, such as using the AnimatedBuilder widget and working with animations in a widget tree. Best practices for implicit animations will be covered, such as optimizing performance and minimizing visual clutter.
In addition, you will learn how to use explicit animations to create custom animations that reflect their app’s unique personality. You will learn how to use the Animation and Tween classes to create complex animations, such as animating widgets along a path. The course will also cover best practices for explicit animations, such as optimizing performance and using animations to enhance the user experience.
6Lecture 6: Animation Controller OverViewVideo lesson
7Lecture 7: Animation Controller in DeepVideo lesson
8Lecture 8: Animation and TweensVideo lesson
9Lecture 9: Animation CurvesVideo lesson
10Lecture 10: Vertical Synchronization and TickerProviderVideo lesson
11Lecture 11: Animation BuildersVideo lesson
12How To Get Source code?Video lesson
13Lecture 13: Prepare the projectVideo lesson
14Lecture 14: Animated Align DemoVideo lesson
15Lecture 15: Animated AlignVideo lesson
16Lecture 16: Animated Container DemoVideo lesson
17Lecture 17: Animated ContainerVideo lesson
18Lecture 18: Animated Default Text Style DemoVideo lesson
19Lecture 19: Animated Default Text StyleVideo lesson
20Lecture 20: Animated Opacity DemoVideo lesson
21Lecture 21: Animated OpacityVideo lesson
22Lecture 22: Animated Padding DemoVideo lesson
23Lecture 23: Animated PaddingVideo lesson
24Lecture 24: Animated Physical Model DemoVideo lesson
25Lecture 25: Animated Physical ModelVideo lesson
26Lecture 26: Animated Positioned DemoVideo lesson
27Lecture 27: Animated PositionedVideo lesson
28Lecture 28: Animated Positioned Directional DemoVideo lesson
29Lecture 29: Animated Positioned DirectionalVideo lesson
30Lecture 30: Animated CrossFade DemoVideo lesson
31Lecture 31: Animated CrossFadeVideo lesson
32Lecture 32: Animated Switcher DemoVideo lesson
33Lecture 33: Animated SwitcherVideo lesson
34Lecture 34: Animated List State DemoVideo lesson
35Lecture 35: Animated List StateVideo lesson
36Lecture 36: Poistioned Transition DemoVideo lesson
37Lecture 37: Poistioned TransitionVideo lesson
38Lecture 38: Size Transition DemoVideo lesson
39Lecture 39: Size TransitionVideo lesson
40Lecture 40: Rotation Transition DemoVideo lesson
41Lecture 41: Rotation TransitionVideo lesson
42Lecture 42: Animated Builder DemoVideo lesson
43Lecture 43: Animated BuilderVideo lesson
44Lecture 44: Fade Transition DemoVideo lesson
45Lecture 45: Fade TransitionVideo lesson
46Lecture 46: Positioned Directional Transition DemoVideo lesson
47Lecture 47: Positioned Directional TransitionVideo lesson
48Lecture 48: Tween Animation Builder DemoVideo lesson
49Lecture 49: Tween Animation BuilderVideo lesson
50Lecture 50: Default Text Style Transition DemoVideo lesson
51Lecture 51: Default Text Style TransitionVideo lesson
52Lecture 52: Inexed Stack Transition DemoVideo lesson
53Lecture 53: Inexed Stack TransitionVideo lesson
54Lecture 54: Page Fade Transition DemoVideo lesson
55Lecture 55: Page Fade TransitionVideo lesson
56Lecture 56: Page Scale Transition DemoVideo lesson
57Lecture 57: Page Scale TransitionVideo lesson
58Lecture 58: Page Rotation Transition DemoVideo lesson
59Lecture 59: Page Rotation TransitionVideo lesson
60Lecture 60: Page Slide Transition DemoVideo lesson
61Lecture 61: Page Slide TransitionVideo lesson
62Lecture 62: Page Size Transition DemoVideo lesson
63Lecture 63: Page Size TransitionVideo lesson
64Lecture 64: Page Mix Fade Size Transition DemoVideo lesson
65Lecture 65: Page Mix Fade Size TransitionVideo lesson
66Lecture 66: Page Mix Scale Rotate Transition DemoVideo lesson
67Lecture 67: Page Mix Scale Rotate TransitionVideo lesson
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