Flexible Budgets, Standard Costs, & Variance Analysis
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This comprehensive Udemy course combines insights from college topics generally covered by managerial accounting textbooks with practical applications to provide a deep understanding of essential tools in managerial accounting.
To set the right foundation, we begin by introducing managerial accounting topics and contrasting them with financial accounting. This establishes the correct mindset for the course, ensuring a clear understanding of the distinctive features and objectives of managerial accounting.
We then delve into flexible budgets, exploring their advantages over static or fixed budgets. Through interactive example problems and step-by-step instructional videos, you will grasp the benefits of flexible budgets and learn how to utilize them effectively.
Next, we define and analyze standard costs and cost variance analysis. While providing an overview of cost variance analysis concepts, we will progressively dive deeper into each topic, equipping you with practical skills to identify and interpret cost variances.
Sales variance analysis will be thoroughly covered, including its purpose, calculation methods, and real-world applications. By working through example problems and following detailed instructional videos, you will gain hands-on experience in calculating sales variances.
Direct materials variance analysis will be explored comprehensively, demonstrating its practical use and calculation methods. Through instructional videos and example problems, you will master the application of direct materials variance analysis concepts.
Direct labor variance analysis will also receive extensive attention, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of its purpose and applications. Through instructional videos and practical examples, you will acquire the skills to calculate and interpret direct labor variances.
Overhead variance analysis will be discussed in detail, highlighting its significance in cost management. You will understand why overhead variance analysis is used and learn how to calculate and analyze overhead variances. Through demonstration presentations, example problems, and step-by-step instructional videos, you will navigate the intricacies of overhead variance analysis.
As a capstone, we will provide comprehensive problems on overhead variance and variance analysis. With preformatted Excel worksheets and accompanying instructional videos, you will have the opportunity to apply your knowledge and skills in solving complex variance analysis scenarios. The Excel worksheets will guide you through the step-by-step problem-solving process, enabling a hands-on experience to reinforce your understanding.
Join us on this transformative journey of mastering managerial and cost accounting tools. Enroll now and unlock the power of variance analysis and budgeting for effective decision-making and financial management.
82 Managerial Accounting OverviewVideo lesson
9PDF - 10 Managerial Accounting IntroductionVideo lesson
1010 Managerial Accounting IntroductionVideo lesson
11PDF - 20 Cost ClassificationsVideo lesson
1220 Cost ClassificationsVideo lesson
13PDF - 30 Product Costs & Period Costs.ENCODINGVideo lesson
1430 Product Costs & Period Costs.ENCODINGVideo lesson
15PDF - 40 Prime Costs & Conversion CostsVideo lesson
1640 Prime Costs & Conversion CostsVideo lesson
17PDF - 50 Manufacturer's Balance SheetVideo lesson
1850 Manufacturer's Balance SheetVideo lesson
19PDF - 60 Manufacturer's Income StatementVideo lesson
2060 Manufacturer's Income StatementVideo lesson
21PDF - 70 Manufacturing Activities FlowVideo lesson
2270 Manufacturing Activities FlowVideo lesson
23PDF - 80 Just In Time (JIT) ManufacturingVideo lesson
2480 Just In Time (JIT) ManufacturingVideo lesson
25Multiple Choice Questions 2Video lesson
26Discussion Question 1Text lesson
27Accounting ComicVideo lesson
283 Flexible BudgetVideo lesson
29PDF - 170 Flexible Budget BenefitsVideo lesson
30170 Flexible Budget BenefitsVideo lesson
31PDF - 175 Flexible BudgetVideo lesson
32175 Flexible BudgetVideo lesson
33Download Backup FilesVideo lesson
34Worksheet - 175 Flexible BudgetVideo lesson
35177 Flexible Budget Compared To ActualVideo lesson
36Excel Worksheet DownloadVideo lesson
37Worksheet - 177 Flexible budget compared to actual part 1Video lesson
38Worksheet - 178 Flexible budget compared to actual part 2Video lesson
39Multiple Choice Questions 3Video lesson
40Discussion Question 2Text lesson
41Accounting ComicVideo lesson
424 Standard Costs & Cost Variance Analysis OverviewVideo lesson
43PDF - 180 Standard CostsVideo lesson
44180 Standard CostsVideo lesson
45PDF - 190 Cost Variance AnalysisVideo lesson
46190 Cost Variance AnalysisVideo lesson
47Multiple Choice Questions 4Video lesson
48Discussion Question 3Text lesson
49Accounting ComicVideo lesson
505 Sales Variance AnalysisVideo lesson
51PDF - 195 Sales Price & Volume VarianceVideo lesson
52195 Sales Price & Volume VarianceVideo lesson
53Excel DownloadVideo lesson
54Worksheet - 195 Sales Price & Volume VarianceVideo lesson
55Multiple Choice Questions 5Video lesson
56Discussion Question 4Text lesson
57Accounting ComicVideo lesson
586 Direct Materials Variance AnalysisVideo lesson
59PDF - 196 Variance Analysis Direct Material Price Variance & Quantity VarianceVideo lesson
60196 Variance Analysis Direct Material Price Variance & Quantity VarianceVideo lesson
61Excel Worksheet DownloadVideo lesson
62Worksheet - 196 Variance analysis part 1 direct materials price and quantity varVideo lesson
63Multiple Choice Questions 6Video lesson
64Discussion Question 5Text lesson
65Accounting ComicVideo lesson
667 Direct Labor Variance AnalysisVideo lesson
67PDF - 200 Variance Analysis Direct Labor Rate Variance & Efficiency Variance 230Video lesson
68200 Variance Analysis Direct Labor Rate Variance & Efficiency Variance 2300Video lesson
69Excel Worksheet DownloadVideo lesson
70Worksheet - 200 Variance analysis Part 2 direct labor rate and efficiencyVideo lesson
71Multiple Choice Questions 7Video lesson
72Discussion Question 6Text lesson
73Accounting ComicVideo lesson
748 Overhead Variance AnalysisVideo lesson
75PDF - 310 Overhead Cost VariancesVideo lesson
76310 Overhead Cost VariancesVideo lesson
77Excel Worksheet DownloadVideo lesson
78Worksheet - 310 Overhead Controllable Variance & Volume VarianceVideo lesson
79Excel Worksheet DownloadVideo lesson
80Worksheet - 312 Overhead Spending & Efficiency VarianceVideo lesson
81Multiple Choice Questions 8Video lesson
82Multiple Choice Questions 9Video lesson
83Short Calculation QuestionsVideo lesson
84Discussion Question 7Text lesson
85Accounting ComicVideo lesson
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