Complete python boot camp: (Python and adv Python, Numpy)
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
The course is divided into mainly two parts: basics and advanced.
A person who is beginner or never have done programming can benefit from the course. Those folks who have done some amount of programming can take good benefit of advanced topics.
All these topics are taught as concept and hands-on practicals.
The course contents are:
Why python?
Installation of Development Environment
Variables, Strings, List
Condition, Loops,
File Handling
Comprehension (List, Dictionary, Tuple)
Advanced Topics
Regular Expression
Networking, Web Interaction
Database, SQL, SQLite
Database: Single table, multiple tables
Multi processing
Custom Modules
Objected Oriented Programming
Classes and Objects
Numpy array operations
Various hands-on practicals and exercises are also provided as part of recordings
1Intro & Course ContentsVideo lesson
2Development Environment and InstallationVideo lesson
Video talks about IDLE/Anaconda, PyCharm, Jupyter for development
3Variables and Numbers in Python (with Practical)Video lesson
The video talks about variables, numbers and its demo
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
4Strings in Python (with Practical)Video lesson
The video explains string support in python.
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
5Lists in Python (with Practical)Video lesson
The video explains List as one of the data structures
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
6Conditional Execution (with Practical)Video lesson
The video talks about writing conditional programs (if ..)
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
7Loops (with Practical)Video lesson
The video talks about writing code using for and while loop
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video.
8Functions (with Practical)Video lesson
The video talks about functions and writing our own functions in python.
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
9Dictionaries in Python (with Practical)Video lesson
The video explains and demonstrates use of dictionary datastructure
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
10Tuples in Python (with Practical)Video lesson
The video explains and demonstrates use of tuples datastructure
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
11Exceptions and it's HandlingVideo lesson
The video explains how to handle exceptions, approach to handle exception
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
12Exceptions and it's Handling (Practical)Video lesson
The video explains how to handle exceptions, approach to handle exception
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
13Iterators (with Strings, List, Dictionary, Tuple)Video lesson
The video explains Iterators (with Strings, List, Tuple)
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
14Iterators Practical (with Strings, List, Dictionary, Tuple)Video lesson
The video explains Iterators (with Strings, List, Tuple)
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
15Comprehension - List, Dictionary (with Practical)Video lesson
The video explains comprehension (with List, Dictionary)
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
16Comprehension - Sets (with Practical)Video lesson
The video explains Sets and comprehension (with Sets )
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
17File Support (with Practical) - part 1Video lesson
The video explains file operations
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
18File Support (with Practical) - part 2Video lesson
The video explains file operations
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
19JSON support (with Practical)Video lesson
The video explains JSON format and its uses
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
20Regular Expression with practical (part 1)Video lesson
The video explains regular expression support in python
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
21Regular Expression with practical (part 2)Video lesson
The video explains regular expression support in python
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
22Networking, Web Access with practical (part 1)Video lesson
The video explains networking/ web access support
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
23Networking, Web Access with practical (part 2)Video lesson
The video explains networking/ web access support
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
24Database, SQL, SQLite interaction (part 1)Video lesson
The video explains database concepts, SQL, usage of SQLite for Insert, Read, Update and Delete operations.
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
25Database, SQL, SQLite interaction (part 2)Video lesson
The video explains database concepts, SQL, usage of SQLite for Insert, Read, Update and Delete operations.
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
26Create Database, Table(s) with PracticalVideo lesson
The video explains database concepts, SQL, usage of SQLite for Insert, Read, Update and Delete operations.
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
27Insert data (records) to Table with PracticalVideo lesson
The video explains database concepts, SQL, usage of SQLite for Insert, Read, Update and Delete operations.
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
28Read data (records) from Table with PracticalVideo lesson
The video explains database concepts, SQL, usage of SQLite for Insert, Read, Update and Delete operations.
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
29Update data (records) in Table, Delete data (records) from Table with PracticalVideo lesson
The video explains database concepts, SQL, usage of SQLite for Insert, Read, Update and Delete operations.
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
30Multiple Tables, Join query with PracticalVideo lesson
The video explains using of multiple tables, concept of foreign key, join query
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
31Module- Custom ModuleVideo lesson
The video explains creation of custom modules.
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
32Multi Threading and Multi Processing (part 1)Video lesson
The video explains multi threading and without multi threading approach
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
33Multi Threading and Multi Processing (part 2)Video lesson
The video explains multiprocessing along with it's details
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
34OO- Classes Objects, InheritanceVideo lesson
The video is about:
multiple inheritance
method overriding
identifying instance
identifying subclass
35OO- Classes Objects, Inheritance with PracticalVideo lesson
The video is about:
multiple inheritance
method overriding
identifying instance
identifying subclass
36OO- Custom ExceptionsVideo lesson
The video explains how to create custom exception
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
37OO- Custom Iterator , Generator functionsVideo lesson
The video explains how to create custom Iterator. The video also explains about developing generator function
Lab: Perform the hands-on/coding as given in the video
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