Build fast modern Webapp with Vite js bundler ( 2023 )
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Build Modern WebApps using Vite JS Bundler, from scratch to production.
As the web applications get more complex over time, we also need to review and optimize the tools we use for bundling and deploying these applications. Vite, developed by the developers of VueJS is a bundler for modern applications.
In this course, we not only cover the theoretical concepts but also get very hands-on experience on how to integrate Vite into our software development pipeline. We will start right from the basics such as ES Modules and CommonJS modules and slowly progress to more advanced concepts such as Treeshaking to truly optimize our application for production use.
We will also see how to take a React application that was created using the traditional approach of Create React App and migrate it to a modern approach using Vite. This will save time for all the developers are it exponentially increases the build time and reduces the complexity.
I have tried my best to structure this course in the easiest way to follow and will have all the resources available to download on GitHub and attached to this course.
You can always ask me questions in the Q&A sections in case you face problems, I shall be happy to answer.
This course does not require any knowledge of Bundlers and will be beneficial to all developers making any type of website whether it’s using core HTML CSS or using frameworks and libraries such as React and Vue.
Good luck and happy learning!
1IntroductionVideo lesson
2How to follow the courseVideo lesson
3Installing software and download source code IMPORTANTVideo lesson
4Building our first Vite applicationVideo lesson
5ESM and CommonJS modulesVideo lesson
6ESM modules in BrowserVideo lesson
7Explore the Vite buildVideo lesson
8How is Vite fast and different from others ?Video lesson
92 Quick Refresher Questions ?Quiz
Let check our understanding
10Section Introduction ( Building with Vite )Video lesson
11Netflix base projectVideo lesson
12Adding Vite to Netflix projectVideo lesson
13Fixing our dashboard pageVideo lesson
14Fixing image loading issueVideo lesson
15Importing scripts and CSSVideo lesson
16CSS modulesVideo lesson
17SASS with ViteVideo lesson
18Adding public assetsVideo lesson
192 Rapid fire questions !!Quiz
Let quickly refresh our learnings of this section
20Section introduction ( SPA and UI Library )Video lesson
21Starting React app with Vite templateVideo lesson
22Setting up React app from scratchVideo lesson
23Adding Vite builderVideo lesson
24Using SVG as React componentVideo lesson
25UI library introduction setupVideo lesson
26Importing UI library into React appVideo lesson
27Inject CSS into JS buildVideo lesson
28Images inside JS buildVideo lesson
29Vite bundle visualizer , TreeshakingVideo lesson
30Creating Treeshakable libraryVideo lesson
31Tailwind CSS config for ViteVideo lesson
32Eslint with Vite and ReactVideo lesson
33Vite alias pathVideo lesson

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