Build a Polished Space Shooter Game in GameMaker Studio 2
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
This course takes you through a whirlwind of code and concepts while creating a bullet hell game. If you are a beginner, we start at zero, explaining every idea in detail. As the course progresses we quickly build up speed, covering advanced topics seldom touched upon in other tutorials. But don’t let that stop you, each section has the source code uploaded at the end if you get stuck.
So join this course, learn to create beautiful visual effects, multiple enemy types, scalable design, and more. At the end of this series, you will have a complete game you can be proud of, and show off to your friends.
Finishing a game is a huge achievement, and few make it that far. This course can help you pass that milestone if its your first time, or teach you new tricks if you’re a veteran.
While making this game you will learn many programming concepts ranging from beginner to advanced.
Beginner Concepts Covered:
- GameMaker’s layout
- The step, create, and draw events
- How to import resources
- Variables and commenting
- Getting player input
- Basic Movement
- Restricting objects to a certain area
- Cameras
- Dynamic Backgrounds
- Particles
- Arrays and loops
- Knockback
- Sinusoidal movement
- Screen shake
- Slow motion
- Loading data from a file
- Playing Music and sound effects
Advanced Concepts Covered:
- Physics based movement
- How to scale your game to any aspect ratio
- Raycasting for bullets
- Inheritance
- Boids
- Performance Optimization
- A computer
Who Should Take the Course:
- Beginner and intermediate game developers
1IntroductionVideo lesson
Here we go over the game you will build, and some of what you will learn
2Instructor Introduction and Course StructureVideo lesson
Here I go over the course structure and introduce myself
3If You're Stuck...Video lesson
What to do if your stuck, both in this project and moving forward
4Downloading GameMakerVideo lesson
In this lecture we go over how to install GameMaker, the program we will be using to create our game. We also look at other games that have been created on the platform, and the subscription options.
5Understanding GameMaker's LayoutVideo lesson
Here we go over GameMaker's layout, and get familiar with some of the the assets we will be using to create our game.
6Game FilesText lesson
Download these files for the game's images and sounds
7Importing ResourcesVideo lesson
In this lecture we import the image and sound assets, go over some naming conventions, and get more familiar with navigating GameMaker's layout.
8Creating a Player ObjectVideo lesson
Here we create a player object, learn how to run the game, and learn a little about the room
9Understanding EventsVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn about creating events, variables, and commenting code
10Movement 1Video lesson
In this lecture we learn how to get player input and make a very basic movement system
11Movement 2Video lesson
In this lecture we create an improved movement system, explaining the faults of the last one
12Movement 3Video lesson
In this lecture we create a physics based movement system
13Room BoundriesVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn to restrict objects to the screen
14Project ReferenceText lesson
Here I have attached a reference project. If your code is not working after completing this section, you can download this project file and import it into GameMaker as a new project. Then you can compare your code to mine, and see where the issue lies.
15Room Background, Camera basicsVideo lesson
Here I describe how cameras work, how they interact with the room, and how to add a background to your game
16Fullscreen BasicVideo lesson
In this lecture we go over how to make your game fullscreen in the most basic way possible
17Fullscreen Advanced TheoryVideo lesson
Here I describe the problems with the simple fullscreen method, and the theory behind scaling to any screen aspect ratio
18Fullscreen AdvancedVideo lesson
Here we put that theory to practice and create a system that will allow your game to fullscreen without bars or stretching on any resolution
19Project ReferenceText lesson
20Star ParticlesVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn about particles and apply them to make stars
21Cloud ParticlesVideo lesson
Here I add clouds to the background with more particles
22Exhaust TrailVideo lesson
In this lecture I cover loops and arrays while we create a trail effect behind the player
23Project ReferenceText lesson
24Additional Juice ResourcesText lesson
25Shooting BasicsVideo lesson
Here we create a basic shooting system, a firerate limiting system, and a way to destroy the bullets if they leave the room
26Shooting 2Video lesson
Here we learn about the issues with the last bullet system, fixing them with raycasting, and create something to shoot at
27Shooting 3Video lesson
In this lecture we destroy the bullets if they collide with anything, add some particles, differentiate between bullets by changing their color, and add knockback
28Shooting 4Video lesson
Here I show you ways to manipulate our shooting system to make other types of games, like shooting at an angle or bouncing bullets off the walls
29Project ReferenceText lesson
30Inheritance TheoryVideo lesson
Here I describe the theory of inheritance, and how the game will use it
31oDeath ObjectVideo lesson
32oChaser MovementVideo lesson
Here I describe boids, and we use some boid principles for the movement in our game
33Player DamageVideo lesson
In this lecture we connect the player to the inheritance tree, letting them be damaged
34Shooting EnemiesVideo lesson
In this lecture we build our first shooting enemy, and create a framework to make other shooting enemies
35Boss MovementVideo lesson
In this lecture we start to build our boss, and cover its movement system
36Boss ShootingVideo lesson
Now we create some shooting patterns for our boss, and a spawn event
37Project ReferenceText lesson
38Improved ExplosionsVideo lesson
In this lecture we improve our explosions by incorporating particles of different speeds
39Enemy Exhaust TrailsVideo lesson
Here we create exhaust trails and apply them to all of our enemies at once
40Screenshake and Slow MotionVideo lesson
In this lecture we use the camera to achieve a screenshake effect and slow the framerate to simulate slow motion
41Project ReferenceText lesson
42Additional Juice ResourcesText lesson
45Spawning EnemiesVideo lesson
Here we create a system to spawn enemies in waves
46Building MenuVideo lesson
In this lecture we create a menu screen and deal with camera changes
47Adding a Menu ButtonVideo lesson
Now we add an event to allow the player to keep playing if they die or win, or quit the game
48Highscore SystemVideo lesson
Here we build a scorekeeping system, find the highscore and store it in a file for future reference, and display both scores to the screen
49Music and SoundVideo lesson
In this lecture we build a music playing system, and activate our sound effects
50Exporting the GameVideo lesson
Here I show you how to export the game, assuming that you are not using the trial version
51Project ReferenceText lesson
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