BIM- Revit Structure Full Course- from Beginner to Advanced
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Note: The main difference in this course compared to others is that we have not confined ourselves to explaining simple techniques. Instead, we have conveyed the subject through challenging projects and specific tricks, which are the result of numerous experiences.
Curious about Building Information Modeling (BIM) for structural design?
Ever wondered how professionals create impressive steel and concrete structures using Revit?
Looking to enhance your expertise in structural Bim modeling?
This comprehensive course is designed to take you from a beginner to an advanced level in utilizing Revit Structure for Steel and Concrete structures. Whether you’re new to Building Information Modeling (BIM) or looking to enhance your skills, this course covers everything you need to know.
You’ll gain hands-on experience with various examples of projects, witnessing the entire project delivery process to the client. From mastering walls, columns, beams, and floors to understanding intricate design details, this course equips you with the knowledge and skills to excel in creating robust structural designs using Revit.
Master Structural Design and BIM Modeling Techniques
Steel and Concrete Structure
Structural Walls, Columns and Beams
Apply Industry Standards for Steel Connection Design
Reinforcement Modeling and Rebar Detailing
Truss and Brace Families
Dynamo for Revit Structure
Structural Analysis
Shop Drawings and Sheets
U-Boot & Metal Deck and Waffle Structure Modeling
If you are currently a BIM modeler or planning to become one, it is essential not to limit yourself to any form. You should be able to manage any architectural design in the BIM process And in the end, you will be the hero of this training. Please watch this course and feel free to ask me any questions you have while watching it. Additionally, during the learning Autodesk Revit, ask me questions so that I can guide you.
9Introducing GridVideo lesson
10Drawing GridsVideo lesson
11Grid ToolsVideo lesson
12Appearance Setting (Part 1)Video lesson
13Appearance Setting (Part 2)Video lesson
14Grid SymbolVideo lesson
15Grids Line PatternVideo lesson
16Curve GridVideo lesson
17Modeling Grid Symbol (Part 1)Video lesson
18Modeling Grid Symbol (Part 2)Video lesson
24Structural ColumnVideo lesson
25Column Placement OptionsVideo lesson
26Slanted ColumnVideo lesson
27Revit structure analytical automationVideo lesson
28Column Properties (Part 1)Video lesson
29Column Properties (Part 2)Video lesson
30Column ConnectionVideo lesson
31Symbol Family (Part 1)Video lesson
32Symbol Family (Part 2)Video lesson
33Column PropertiesVideo lesson
34Rebar CoverVideo lesson
35Attach & DetachVideo lesson
36Column StyleVideo lesson
37Attachment DetailVideo lesson
38Analytical ItemsVideo lesson
39Analytical PropertiesVideo lesson
40Analytical TagVideo lesson
45Modeling FamilyVideo lesson
46Setting Family GraphicsVideo lesson
47Section ShapeVideo lesson
48Exporting Detail & Beam ConnectionVideo lesson
49Column AppearanceVideo lesson
50Family PropertiesVideo lesson
51Set View RangeVideo lesson
52Steel Column FamilyVideo lesson
53Set Section ParameterVideo lesson
54Column VisibilityVideo lesson
55Export Family ParameterVideo lesson
56Import CatalogVideo lesson
57Lookup Table FamilyVideo lesson
58Manage Excel FileVideo lesson
59Manage Family ParametersVideo lesson
60Family SubcategoryVideo lesson
61Detail ItemVideo lesson
62IntroduceVideo lesson
63Drawing RulesVideo lesson
64Drawing OptionsVideo lesson
65Drawing BeamsVideo lesson
66Drawing Curve BeamsVideo lesson
67Beam PropertiesVideo lesson
68Extension ParametersVideo lesson
69Edit ParameterVideo lesson
70Explaining ConstraintsVideo lesson
71Beam PropertiesVideo lesson
72Cut BackVideo lesson
73JustificationVideo lesson
74ConnectionVideo lesson
75Beam SymbolVideo lesson
76Connection FamilyVideo lesson
77Attachment TypeVideo lesson
78Family PropertiesVideo lesson
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